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Intellectual Capital History and Trends: A Bibliometric Analysis Using Scopus Database

This article aims to provide a bibliometric analysis of intellectual capital research published in the Scopus database from 1956 to 2020 to trace the development of scientific activities that can pave the way for future studies by shedding light on the gaps in the field. The analysis focuses on 638 intellectual capital-related papers published in the Scopus database over 60 years, drawing upon a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer. This paper highlights the mainstream of the current research in the intellectual capital field, based on the Scopus database, by presenting a detailed bibliometric analysis of the trend and development of intellectual capital research in the past six decades, including journals, authors, countries, institutes, co-occurrence, and author’s keywords. The findings imply that intellectual capital researchers do not use broad relevant theories and findings from studies beyond their clusters. Another result is that developing nations continue to be underexplored in terms of intellectual property research due to a lack of trust representation and a lack of appropriate investigators. Finally, the data analysis identifies a number of potential research issues to be investigated regarding intellectual capital development, which serve as raw material for future research. Once again, this study provides a framework for firms to build and implement intellectual capital development plans.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 04 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Beam under Flexural Stresses Using Meso-Scale Model

Two dimensional meso-scale concrete modeling was used in finite element analysis of plain concrete beam subjected to bending. The plane stress 4-noded quadrilateral elements were utilized to model coarse aggregate, cement mortar. The effect of aggregate fraction distribution, and pores percent of the total area – resulting from air voids entrapped in concrete during placement on the behavior of plain concrete beam in flexural was detected. Aggregate size fractions were randomly distributed across the profile area of the beam. Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) was employed to treat the discontinuities problems result from double phases of concrete and cracking that faced during the finite element analysis of concrete beam. Crac

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Predicting of heavy metals in some areas of Iraq using spectral analysis techniques
Abstract<p>Soil that has been contaminated by heavy metals is a serious environmental problem. A different approach for forecasting a variety of soil physical parameters is reflected spectroscopy is a low-cost, quick, and repeatable analytical method. The objectives of this paper are to predict heavy metal (Ti, Cr, Sr, Fe, Zn, Cu and Pb) soil contamination in central and southern Iraq using spectroscopy data. An XRF was used to quantify the levels of heavy metals in a total of 53 soil samples from Baghdad and ThiQar, and a spectrogram was used to examine how well spectral data might predict the presence of heavy metals metals. The partial least squares regression PLSR models performed well in pr</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Cluster Analysis by Using Nonparametric Cubic B-Spline Modeling for Longitudinal Data

Longitudinal data is becoming increasingly common, especially in the medical and economic fields, and various methods have been analyzed and developed to analyze this type of data.

In this research, the focus was on compiling and analyzing this data, as cluster analysis plays an important role in identifying and grouping co-expressed subfiles over time and employing them on the nonparametric smoothing cubic B-spline model, which is characterized by providing continuous first and second derivatives, resulting in a smoother curve with fewer abrupt changes in slope. It is also more flexible and can pick up on more complex patterns and fluctuations in the data.

The longitudinal balanced data profile was compiled into subgroup

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Exploring the Factors Affecting the Elemental Cost Estimation with Relationship Analysis Using AHP

Cost estimation is considered one of the important tasks in the construction projects management. The precise estimation of the construction cost affect on the success and quality of a construction project. Elemental estimation is considered a very important stage to the project team because it represents one of the key project elements. It helps in formulating the basis to strategies and execution plans for construction and engineering.  Elemental estimation, which in the early stage, estimates the construction costs depending on  . minimum details of the project so that it gives an indication for the initial design stage of a project. This paper studies the factors that affect the elemental cost estimation as well as the rela

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Analysis of the Petroleum System of Dima Oil Field by Using PetroMoD 1D

The study of petroleum systems by using the PetroMoD 1D software is one of the most prominent ways to reduce risks in the exploration of oil and gas by ensuring the existence of hydrocarbons before drilling.

     The petroleum system model was designed for Dima-1 well by inserting several parameters into the software, which included the stratigraphic succession of the formations penetrating the well, the depths of the upper parts of these formations, and the thickness of each formation. In addition, other related parameters were investigated, such as lithology, geological age, periods of sedimentation, periods of erosion or non-deposition, nature of units (source or reservoir rocks), total organic carbon (TOC)

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of surface water quality using statistical analysis methods: Orontes River (Case study)

The study investigates the water quality of the Orontes River, which is considered one of the important water recourses in Syria, as it is used for drinking, irrigation, swimming and industrial needs. A database of 660 measurements for 13 parameters concentrations used, were taken from 11 monitoring points distributed along the Orontes River for a period of five years from 2015-2019, and to study the correlation between parameters and their impact on water quality, statistical analysis was applied using (SPSS) program. Cluster analysis was applied in order to classify the pollution areas along the river, and two groups were given: (low pollution - high pollution), where the areas were classified according to the sources of pollution to w

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Urinary Tract Stones Fragmentation using (2100 nm) Holmium: YAG Laser: (In vitro Analysis)

Urinary stones are one of the most common painful disorders of the urinary system. Four new technologies have transformed the treatment of urinary stones: Electrohydraulic lithotripsy, ultrasonic lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, and laser lithotripsy.The purpose of this study is to determine whether pulsed holmium laser energy is an effective method for fragmenting urinary tract stones in vitro, and to determine whether stone composition affects the efficacy of holmium laser lithotripsy. Human urinary stones of known composition with different sizes, shapes and colors were used for this study. The weight and the size of each stone were measured. The surgical laser system which used in our study is Ho:YAG laser(2100nm)

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Defects Analysis of Tee-Section Welding Using Friction Stir Welding Process of Aluminum

Friction stir welding (FSW) of Tee-joints is obtained by inserting a specially designed rotating pin into the clamped blanks, through top plate (skin) to bottom plate (stringer), and then moving it along the joint, limiting the contact between the tool shoulder and the skin. The present work aims to investigate the defects occur for Tee-joint of an Aluminum alloy (Al 5456) with dimensions (180mm x 70mm) for the skin plate, (180mm x 30mm) for stringer plate and thickness of (4mm).
The effects of welding parameters such as rotational speed, linear speed, plunging depth, tool tilting, and die radii of welding fixture on the welding quality of Aluminum Alloy will be studied. Weld defects had been summarized and studied, and then the best

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Using Spatial Analysis Methods to Evaluate the Soil Contamination of Baghdad City, Iraq
Abstract<p>The current study aims to identify soil pollutants from heavy metals The study utilized 40 topsoil (5 cm) samples, which adapted and divided into seven regions lies in Baghdad governorate, included (Al-Husainya,(Hs) Al-Doura (Do), Sharie Al-Matar (SM), Al-Waziria (Wz), Nharawan (Nh), Abu Ghraib (Abu) and Al-Mahmoodyia (Mh)). Spatial distribution maps of Nickel (Ni), Manganese (Mn), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) were created for Baghdad city using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The concentrations of four heavy metals in the soil of different area of Baghdad were measured and observed using XRF instrument. The result found highest values of Pb and Zn at the middle of the Baghdad in (Wz</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Finite element analysis of seepage for Kongele earth dam Using Geo- Studio software
Abstract<p>Seepage occurs under or inside structures or in the place, where they come into contact with the sides under the influence of pressure caused by the difference in water level in the structure U / S and D / S. This paper is designed to model seepage analysis for Kongele (an earth dam) due to its importance in providing water for agricultural projects and supporting Tourism sector. For this purpose, analysis was carried out to study seepage through the dam under various conditions. Using the finite element method by computer program (Geo-Studio) the dam was analysed in its actual design using the SEEP / W 2018 program. Several analyses were performed to study the seepage across Kongele </p> ... Show More
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