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Using Spatial Analysis Methods to Evaluate the Soil Contamination of Baghdad City, Iraq
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Abstract<p>The current study aims to identify soil pollutants from heavy metals The study utilized 40 topsoil (5 cm) samples, which adapted and divided into seven regions lies in Baghdad governorate, included (Al-Husainya,(Hs) Al-Doura (Do), Sharie Al-Matar (SM), Al-Waziria (Wz), Nharawan (Nh), Abu Ghraib (Abu) and Al-Mahmoodyia (Mh)). Spatial distribution maps of Nickel (Ni), Manganese (Mn), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) were created for Baghdad city using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The concentrations of four heavy metals in the soil of different area of Baghdad were measured and observed using XRF instrument. The result found highest values of Pb and Zn at the middle of the Baghdad in (Wz) area and it reached to 35110 and 720 ppm respectively which exceeded allowed limits values. . While the measurements of the Mn and Ni recorded highest values in (Do) area and reached to 1020 and 170ppm respectively and was within the allowed limits of standard values of soil contamination. The prediction maps of Zn, Pb showed high accumulations in the center and western part of Baghdad city. While the maps of the elements of Mn, Ni showed low accumulations in the eastern and southern part of Baghdad. By using prediction models through which pollution levels can be determination in areas unsampled, which contributes in economic benefits, such as decrease of the required amount of samples in any project, decrease cost of analyzing and using friendly tools. The methodologies incorporated with GIS helps to give a clear picture for decision-makers to take the necessary treatments for polluted areas.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling the Contamination of Soil Adjacent to Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad
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The aim of this paper is to estimate the concentrations of some heavy metals in Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad city for different distances by using the polynomial interpolation method for functions passing from the data, which is proposed by using the MATLAB software. The sample soil in this paper was taken from the surface layer (0-25 cm depth) at the two sides of the road with four distances (1.5, 10, 25 and 60 m) in each  side of the road. Using this method, we can find the concentrations of heavy metals in the soil at any depth and time without using the laboratory, so this method reduces the time, effort and costs of conducting laboratory analyzes.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Estimation of Heavy Metals Contamination in the Soil of Zaafaraniya City Using the Neural Network
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spatial analysis of mortality older population in the city of Baghdad , for the period (1997 - 2013)
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The current study is concerned with the analysis of spatial and temporal to death the elderly population in the city of Baghdad and at the level of administrative units Minor (districts and the areas) depending on the general population census of the province of Baghdad, data for 1997 and data from the Ministry of Health Department of Health and Vital Statistics for 2013.
The study showed differing age and quality of mortality rates at the level of administrative units of the study area, and notes the high mortality rates of elderly people of all age groups in 2013 compared to 1997, and this is due to security conditions after the USA occupation, and the accompanying conditions have affected the increase in mortality rates.

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2016
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Engineering Science And Researches
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The aim of this paper is to design suitable neural network (ANN) as an alternative accurate tool to evaluate concentration of Copper in contaminated soils. First, sixteen (4x4) soil samples were harvested from a phytoremediated contaminated site located in Baghdad city in Iraq. Second, a series of measurements were performed on the soil samples. Third, design an ANN and its performance was evaluated using a test data set and then applied to estimate the concentration of Copper. The performance of the ANN technique was compared with the traditional laboratory inspecting using the training and test data sets. The results of this study show that the ANN technique trained on experimental measurements can be successfully applied to the rapid est

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The spatial analysis for Greenhouses in province Baghdad
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Greenhouses are provide that produce of vegetable in non times seasons production by controlling the various environmental factors that appropriate atmosphere in temperature and humidity for the growth of plants in the plastic houses and owner plastic.
The objective of this research is to study of the most important natural and human factors affecting the Greenhouses in the province of Baghdad and study geographic distribution for the Greenhouses in the province.
Some properties on curriculum geographical descriptive analytical that used in describe and analysis of data and information that could be available from Directorate of agriculture in Baghdad to 2014. As it turns out that district of Mahmudiya acquired (45.3%) of the total

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluate the Rate of Pollution in Soil using Simulink Environment
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       In this paper we design a Simulink model which can be evaluate the concentration of Copper, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Cobalt, Nickel, Crum and Iron. So, this model would be a method to determine the contamination levels of these metals with the potential for this contamination sources with their impact. The aim of using Simulink environment is to solve differential equations individually and as given data in parallel with analytical mathematics trends. In general, mathematical models of the spread heavy metals in soil are modeled and solve to predict the behavior of the system under different conditions.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying the Effects of Contamination on Soil Properties Using Remote Sensing
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The problem of soil contamination is increased recently due to increasing the industrial wastes such as petroleum hydrocarbon, organic solvents, and heavy metals as well as maximizing the use of agricultural fertilizers. During this period, wide development of data collection methods, using remote sensing techniques in the field of soil and environment applications appear and state the suitable technique for remediation. This study deals with the application of remote sensing techniques in geoenvironmental engineering through a field spectral reflectance measurements at nine spots of naturally hydrocarbons contaminated soil in Al-Daura Refinery Company site which is located to the south west of Baghdad using radiometer device to get stan

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Design an Efficient Neural Network to Determine the Rate of Contamination in the Tigris River in Baghdad City
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This article proposes a new technique for determining the rate of contamination. First, a generative adversarial neural network (ANN) parallel processing technique is constructed and trained using real and secret images. Then, after the model is stabilized, the real image is passed to the generator. Finally, the generator creates an image that is visually similar to the secret image, thus achieving the same effect as the secret image transmission. Experimental results show that this technique has a good effect on the security of secret information transmission and increases the capacity of information hiding. The metric signal of noise, a structural similarity index measure, was used to determine the success of colour image-hiding t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Microbial Contamination in Some Commercial Biscuits in Baghdad City
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This study has been conducted to know the level of microbial ( bacteria and fungi) contamination in 5 types of biscuits from local markets of Baghdad city. Fifty samples (ten sample for each kind of biscuit) were studed,Two are local,others are Iranian,Turkish,and Holandies. The following results have been achieved :1. The highest number of bacteria was 21.6×103 cell/g in Iranian biscuit while the lowest number was 14.3× 103 cell/g in local biscuit No.1 . The highest number of fungi was 16×103 colony/g and the lowest number was 5.3×103 colony/g in the Iranian and the local biscuit No.1,respectively.2. Staphylococcus aureus was the major bacteria appeared at highest level of 100% in Turkish biscuit. The lowest percentage was found in H

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The use of GIS in the analysis of existing condition of spatial distribution of wire communications network in the city of Baghdad
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The increasing efficiency of the telecommunications network in the city contributes to the increase in spatial interaction between activities (to influence and mutual influence) This study is based on the idea that the upgrading of telephone services provided to citizens are done exclusively through the growth and development of all levels of the service using advanced technologies to know the problems and appropriate solutions in short time and less cost. Thus, crystallized the objectives of the study which was built for the importance of GIS in the planning of services in general, and infrastructure services, in particular, including telephone services, which is represent a point of contact between individuals on the one hand a

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