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Chaotic behaviour of the Rossler model and its analysis by using bifurcations of limit cycles and chaotic attractors
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The behaviour of certain dynamical nonlinear systems are described in term as chaos, i.e., systems' variables change with the time, displaying very sensitivity to initial conditions of chaotic dynamics. In this paper, we study archetype systems of ordinary differential equations in two-dimensional phase spaces of the Rössler model. A system displays continuous time chaos and is explained by three coupled nonlinear differential equations. We study its characteristics and determine the control parameters that lead to different behavior of the system output, periodic, quasi-periodic and chaos. The time series, attractor, Fast Fourier Transformation and bifurcation diagram for different values have been described.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
A new pseudorandom bits generator based on a 2D-chaotic system and diffusion property
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A remarkable correlation between chaotic systems and cryptography has been established with sensitivity to initial states, unpredictability, and complex behaviors. In one development, stages of a chaotic stream cipher are applied to a discrete chaotic dynamic system for the generation of pseudorandom bits. Some of these generators are based on 1D chaotic map and others on 2D ones. In the current study, a pseudorandom bit generator (PRBG) based on a new 2D chaotic logistic map is proposed that runs side-by-side and commences from random independent initial states. The structure of the proposed model consists of the three components of a mouse input device, the proposed 2D chaotic system, and an initial permutation (IP) table. Statist

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Image encryption based on combined between linear feedback shift registers and 3D chaotic maps
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Protecting information sent through insecure internet channels is a significant challenge facing researchers. In this paper, we present a novel method for image data encryption that combines chaotic maps with linear feedback shift registers in two stages. In the first stage, the image is divided into two parts. Then, the locations of the pixels of each part are redistributed through the random numbers key, which is generated using linear feedback shift registers. The second stage includes segmenting the image into the three primary colors red, green, and blue (RGB); then, the data for each color is encrypted through one of three keys that are generated using three-dimensional chaotic maps. Many statistical tests (entropy, peak signa

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2013
Journal Name
Spie Proceedings
Enhancement of security for free space optics based on reconfigurable chaotic technique
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Free Space Optical (FSO) technology offers highly directional, high bandwidth communication channels. This technology can provide fiber-like data rate over short distances. In order to improve security associated with data transmission in FSO networks, a secure communication method based on chaotic technique is presented. In this paper, we have turned our focus on a specific class of piece wise linear one-dimensional chaotic maps. Simulation results indicate that this approach has the advantage of possessing excellent correlation property. In this paper we examine the security vulnerabilities of single FSO links and propose a solution to this problem by implementing the chaotic signal generator “reconfigurable tent map”. As synchronizat

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
BER Performance Improvement of Dual Chaotic Maps Based on STBC Communication System
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Sensitive information of any multimedia must be encrypted before transmission. The dual chaotic algorithm is a good option to encrypt sensitive information by using different parameters and different initial conditions for two chaotic maps. A dual chaotic framework creates a complex chaotic trajectory to prevent the illegal use of information from eavesdroppers. Limited precisions of a single chaotic map cause a degradation in the dynamical behavior of the communication system. To overcome this degradation issue in, a novel form of dual chaos map algorithm is analyzed. To maintain the stability of the dynamical system, the Lyapunov Exponent (LE) is determined for the single and dual maps. In this paper, the LE of the single and dual maps

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Radioelectronics And Communications Systems
Optical CDMA Coded STBC Based on Chaotic Technique in FSO Communication Systems
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Free-Space Optical (FSO) can provide high-speed communications when the effect of turbulence is not serious. However, Space-Time-Block-Code (STBC) is a good candidate to mitigate this seriousness. This paper proposes a hybrid of an Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) and STBC in FSO communication for last mile solutions, where access to remote areas is complicated. The main weakness effecting a FSO link is the atmospheric turbulence. The feasibility of employing STBC in OCDMA is to mitigate these effects. The current work evaluates the Bit-Error-Rate (BER) performance of OCDMA operating under the scintillation effect, where this effect can be described by the gamma-gamma model. The most obvious finding to emerge from the analysis

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Image Steganography Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Chaotic Map, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
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'Steganography is the science of hiding information in the cover media', a force in the context of information sec, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advancements In Computing Technology
Implementation of digital chaotic signal generator based on reconfigurable LFSRs for multiple access communications
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This paper describes the digital chaotic signal with ship map design. The robust digital implementation eliminates the variation tolerance and electronics noise problems common in analog chaotic circuits. Generation of good non-repeatable and nonpredictable random sequences is of increasing importance in security applications. The use of 1-D chaotic signal to mask useful information and to mask it unrecognizable by the receiver is a field of research in full expansion. The piece-wise 1-D map such as ship map is used for this paper. The main advantages of chaos are the increased security of the transmission and ease of generation of a great number of distinct sequences. As consequence, the number of users in the systems can be increased. Rec

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Limit the auditor's personal judgment and its reflection on the quality of the audit report
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The main objective of the audit is The asset is maintained and operated efficiently and is done through to detect fraud and errors in the financial statements and to verify the accuracy and accuracy of the information contained therein and to give a neutral technical opinion on the basis of that, thus the auditor has a professional responsibility in achieving this goal, and that the effects of issuing a wrong opinion works on The loading of the beneficiaries is significant damage, And therefore the presence of any error or bias of the auditor when taking personal judgments in relation to the determination of the relative importance and the selection of audit samples and determine the adequacy and validity of evidence and implemen

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2013
Journal Name
Spie Proceedings
BER performance enhancement for secure wireless communication systems based on chaotic-MIMO techniques
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The growing interest in the use of chaotic techniques for enabling secure communication in recent years has been motivated by the emergence of a number of wireless services which require the service provider to provide low bit error rates (BER) along with information security. This paper investigates the feasibility of using chaotic communications over Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels. While the use of Chaotic maps can enhance security, it is seen that the overall BER performance gets degraded when compared to conventional communication schemes. In order to overcome this limitation, we have proposed the use of a combination of Chaotic modulation and Alamouti Space Time Block Code. The performance of Chaos Shift Keying (CSK) wi

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Novel Technique for Secure Data Cryptosystem Based on Chaotic Key Image Generation
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The advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), within the previous decades, has significantly changed people’s transmit or store their information over the Internet or networks. So, one of the main challenges is to keep these information safe against attacks. Many researchers and institutions realized the importance and benefits of cryptography in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness of various aspects of secure communication.This work adopts a novel technique for secure data cryptosystem based on chaos theory. The proposed algorithm generate 2-Dimensional key matrix having the same dimensions of the original image that includes random numbers obtained from the 1-Dimensional logistic chaotic map for given con

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