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Rock facies classification and its effect on the estimation of original oil in place based on petrophysical properties data
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The most significant function in oil exploration is determining the reservoir facies, which are based mostly on the primary features of rocks. Porosity, water saturation, and shale volume as well as sonic log and Bulk density are the types of input data utilized in Interactive Petrophysics software to compute rock facies. These data are used to create 15 clusters and four groups of rock facies. Furthermore, the accurate matching between core and well-log data is established by the neural network technique. In the current study, to evaluate the applicability of the cluster analysis approach, the result of rock facies from 29 wells derived from cluster analysis were utilized to redistribute the petrophysical properties for six units of Mishrif Formation; MA, MB11, MB12, MB21, MC1, and MC2. The precise facies modelling is constructed by using Petrel software while applying different appropriate scale-up methods. Consequently, the petrophysical properties such as porosity, water saturation and permeability are distributed within each unit depending on facies modelling. The Net to a gross parameter which has a significant impact on determining original oil in place (OIIP) also calculated and distributed using facies modelling. The facies modelling is performed to obtain an accurate estimation of OIIP. Finally, the results of the facies investigation have a significant effect on petrophysical properties and therefore affect the estimation of OIIP by 2\% for the whole Mishrif Formation.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 02 2014
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Petrophysical evaluation study of Khasib Formation in Amara oil field, South Eastern Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Diseases in Oil Palm Leaves Using the GoogLeNet Model
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The general health of palm trees, encompassing the roots, stems, and leaves, significantly impacts palm oil production, therefore, meticulous attention is needed to achieve optimal yield. One of the challenges encountered in sustaining productive crops is the prevalence of pests and diseases afflicting oil palm plants. These diseases can detrimentally influence growth and development, leading to decreased productivity. Oil palm productivity is closely related to the conditions of its leaves, which play a vital role in photosynthesis. This research employed a comprehensive dataset of 1,230 images, consisting of 410 showing leaves, another 410 depicting bagworm infestations, and an additional 410 displaying caterpillar infestations. Furthe

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 12 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Correlations of Reservoir Rock Properties from Well Measurements
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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
A training program based on integrating futuristic thinking skills with classroom interaction patterns and its effect on the academic self- efficacy of mathematics teachers
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The research aims to identify the effect of the training program that is based on integrating futuristic thinking skills with classroom interaction patterns on mathematics teachers in order to provide their students with creative solution skills. The research sample consisted of 31teachers (15 teachers for the experimental group and 16 for the control groups). The researcher developed a measure for the academic self-efficacy consisting of (39) items. Its validity, reliability, coefficient of difficulty and discriminatory power were estimated. To analyze the findings, the researcher adopted the Mann-Whitney (U) test and the effect size, and the findings were as follows: There is a statistically significant difference at the significance leve

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Formation Evaluation for Nasiriyah Oil Field Based on The Non-Conventional Techniques
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The unconventional techniques called “the quick look techniques”, have been developed to present well log data calculations, so that they may be scanned easily to identify the zones that warrant a more detailed analysis, these techniques have been generated by service companies at the well site which are among the useful, they provide the elements of information needed for making decisions quickly when time is of essence. The techniques used in this paper are:

  • Apparent resistivity Rwa
  • Rxo /Rt

   The above two methods had been used to evaluate Nasiriyah oil field formations (well-NS-3) to discover the hydrocarbon bearing formations. A compu

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Component of Pattern Materials and Its Influence on Physical Properties
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 12 2017
Journal Name
Int'l Journal Of Computing, Communications & Instrumentation Engg.(ijccie)
Variant Parameters effect on OFDM Estimation Power Consumption
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of Asphaltene on the Stability of Iraqi Water in Crude Oil Emulsions
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In the present work, asphaltenes and resins separated from emulsion samples collected from two Iraqi oil wells, Nafut Kana (Nk) and Basrah were used to study the emulsion stability. The effect of oil resins to asphaltene (R/A) ratio, pH of the aqueous phase, addition of paraffinic solvent (n-heptane), aromatic solvent (toluene), and blend of both (heptol) in various proportions on the stability of emulsions had been investigated. The conditions of experiments were specified as an agitation speed of 1000 rpm for 30 minutes, heating at 50 °C, and water content of 30%.  The results showed that as the R/A ratio increases, the emulsion will be unstable and the amount of water separated from emulsion increases. It was noticed that the em

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Vertical variations of Atmospheric Methane (CH4) concentrations over selected cities in Iraq based on AIRS data
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The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on EOS/Aqua satellite provides diverse measurements of Methane (CH4) distribution at different pressure levels in the Earth's atmosphere. The focus of this research is to analyze the vertical variations of (CH4) volume mixing ratio (VMR) time-series data at four Standard pressure levels SPL (925, 850, 600, and 300 hPa) in the troposphere above six cities in Iraq from January 2003 to September 2016. The analysis results of monthly average CH4VMR time-series data show a significant increase between 2003 and 2016, especially from 2009 to 2016; the minimum values of CH4 were in 2003 while the maximum values were in 2016. The vertical distribution of CH4<

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation of superposed thin film (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS and Studying the Effect of Concentration on Some its Electrical Properties.
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Preparation of superposed thin film (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS) with concentration of (x= 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) at a temperature of substrate (Ts= 80 0C) by using Thermal Vacuum Evaporation System. The measurement of X-ray diffraction shows that the compounds CdTe, ZnS, (CdTe)1-xSex and (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS have a polycrystalline structure, the C-V characteristic shows that the capacitance degrease by increasing the concentration (x) in reverse bias, while the I-V characteristic shows the current dark (Id) increase in forward and reverse bias by increasing (x) and the photocurrent (Iph) increase in reverse bias by increasing the concentration (x), the values of photocurrent are greater than from the values of the dark current for all concentrations

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