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Impact of Years’ Experience upon Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice concerning Infection Control at Critical Care Units in Baghdad City
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Introduction: Infection control or hospital-acquired infections are the major concern of the health care system and agencies. Critical care nurses are on the first-line contact with the patients, so on, they are most vulnerable to acquired infections. It is really important to regularly check their knowledge and practices concerning infection control. Objectives: The study aims to identify the impact of years’ experience on nurses’ knowledge and practices concerning infection control in three hospitals and center (Baghdad teaching hospital, Ibn Al-Nafees hospital, and Ibn al-Bitar center) Methodology: Cross-sectional study was conducted, the study starting from 4th of July 2020 to 13th of November 2020. Non-probability (purposive) sample was used to select 110 nurses who work at critical care units in three hospitals and center (Baghdad teaching hospital, Ibn Al-Nafees hospital, and Ibn al-Bitar center). The years of experience should no less than one year. The instrument was composed of two parts. Firstly, covers the nurses’ demographic characteristics. Secondly, included self-report questions about nurses’ knowledge and an evaluation sheet concerning nurses’ practices of infection control with 24 questions for knowledge and 12 questions for practices checklist. Results: The study revealed that the nurses’ knowledge toward infection control record 38%, 41%, and 21% for low, moderate, and high knowledge respectively. In comparison, nurses practices record 47%, 42%, and 11% for low, moderate, and high practices respectively. Most of the study sample 62% was females while 38 % of the subject was males. The age group (20-29) takes the highest percentage (38%), In addition, about (27.3%) of the nurses who works in critical care units have 1-5 years of experience. Significant statistical associations were found between nurses knowledge and practice from one hand and years’ experience on the other hands p ? 0.05. Recommendation: Based on this finding, the researcher recommended further studies involve more nurses and other health professionals regarding infection control and highlight the importance of infection control to nurses with (1-5) years’ experience by symposium or teaching programs.

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Publication Date
Sun May 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Motion Control of Three Links Robot Manipulator (Open Chain) with Spherical Wrist
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Robot manipulator is a multi-input multi-output system with high complex nonlinear dynamics, requiring an advanced controller in order to track a specific trajectory. In this work, forward and inverse kinematics are presented based on Denavit Hartenberg notation to convert the end effector planned path from cartesian space to joint space and vice versa where a cubic spline interpolation is used for trajectory segments to ensure the continuity in velocity and acceleration.  Also, the derived mathematical dynamic model is based on Eular Lagrange energy method to contain the effect of friction and disturbance torques beside the inertia and Coriolis effect. Two types of controller are applied ; the nonlinear computed torque control (CTC

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fuzzy Control of the Robotic Hands Catching Force Using Muscle Wires Actuator
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The aim of this research is controlling the amount of the robotic hand catching force using the artificial muscle wire as an actuator to achieve the desired response of the robotic hand in order to catch different things without destroying or dropping them; where the process is to be similar to that of human hand catching way. The proper selection of the amount of the catching force is achieved through out simulation using the fuzzy control technique. The mechanism of the arrangement of the muscle wires is proposed to achieve good force selections. The results indicate the feasibility of using this proposed technique which mimics human reasoning where as the weight of the caught peace increases, the force increases also with approximatel

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Some Cellulose Derivatives As Hydrogel For Control Drug Release
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Neutral and semi-synthetic hydrophilic polymers are widely used

in pharmaceutical technology to fomlUlate as controlled release drugs

delivery systems ,cellulose derivatives is biocompatibilily, biodegradability , non-toxicity, its is a good candidate as drug carrier. In this study, polymers were used as cellulose derivatives like Methylcellulose (MC) & Soditun Carboxymetl1ylcellulose (NaCMC) as hydrogels for controlled delivery for two kinds of drugs, Cefotaxine

& Amoxycill ine trihydrate i n different media (Distilled water, Normal Saline & Buffer solution  PH=2). It has been shown that for sodium Carboxymethylcellulnse the drug release rate is more than the Mcthylcellulose and that the release

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Sn Applied Sciences
Regressor-free adaptive vibration control of constrained smart beams with axial stretching
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Kernel Density Estimator To Determine the Limits of Multivariate Control Charts.
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Quality control is an effective statistical tool in the field of controlling the productivity to monitor and confirm the manufactured products to the standard qualities and the certified criteria for some products and services and its main purpose is to cope with the production and industrial development in the business and competitive market. Quality control charts are used to monitor the qualitative properties of the production procedures in addition to detecting the abnormal deviations in the production procedure. The multivariate Kernel Density Estimator control charts method was used which is one of the nonparametric methods that doesn’t require any assumptions regarding the distribution o

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 29 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Fuzzy logic control of active suspension system equipped with a hydraulic actuator
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In this paper, the Active Suspension System (ASS) of road vehicles was investigated. In addition to the conventional stiffness and damper, the proposed ASS includes a fuzzy controller, a hydraulic actuator, and an LVDT position sensor. Furthermore, this paper presents a nonlinear model describing the operation of the hydraulic actuator as a part of the suspension system. Additionally, the detailed steps of the fuzzy controller design for such a system are introduced. A MATLAB/Simulink model was constructed to study the proposed ASS at different profiles of road irregularities. The results have shown that the proposed ASS has superior performance compared to the conventional Passive Suspension System (PSS), where the body displacemen

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics: Systems
Design of Robust Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Underactuated Flexible Joint Robot
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Flexible joint robot (FJR) manipulators can offer many attractive features over rigid manipulators, including light weight, safe operation, and high power efficiency. However, the tracking control of the FJR is challenging due to its inherent problems, such as underactuation, coupling, nonlinearities, uncertainties, and unknown external disturbances. In this article, a terminal sliding mode control (TSMC) is proposed for the FJR system to guarantee the finite-time convergence of the systems output, and to achieve the total robustness against the lumped disturbance and estimation error. By using two coordinate transformations, the FJR dynamics is turned into a canonical form. A cascaded finite-time sliding mode observer (CFTSMO) is construct

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 Tenth International Conference On Advanced Computational Intelligence (icaci)
On low-level control strategies of lower extremity exoskeletons with power augmentation
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Polygamy in light of societal changes in Iraq (A Field Study in Baghdad)
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The polygamy as a social was known before Islam, has kept Islam on this system after it organized and put his controls and conditions, as justice between wives and the ability to alimony, it was not the purpose of satisfying the instinct of man and enjoyment, but his goal nominal than that, because it addresses problems humanity has goals noble, so the pluralism overlap of the fabric of families belonging to governance and benefits for women and men and society, which leads to increased ties of love between people of the same society and thus increases the cohesion and importance of the topic and its association with financial conditions have emerged as needed so you viewed in the second scientific Conference of the Department social Ser

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Some types of the fungus Aspergillus were isolated from some hospitals in the city of Baghdad (Imam Ali Hospital and Sadr General Hospital). The samples were taken by Transport media at a rate of three replicates of each place isolated from samples from different places within the hospital (waste, baths, the sick beds, corridors and room floors) for the purpose of isolating and diagnosing the fungus on the Czapeck Dox Agar media. It was noticed that the spread rate of fungus Aspergillus was 70% compared to other species that have emerged during the isolation process of the Sabouraud's Dextrose Agar media. The species A.niger (56.25%) was considered the most common type of fungus visible during the isolation process of the Imam Ali Hospit

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