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Examining how PMMA and polyamide denture base materials' physical characteristics are affected by electrolyzed water used as a denture cleaner
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Denture cleansing is an essential step that can stop cross‑contamination and adds to the health of the patient, denture durability, and the general quality of life. A disinfection technique must be practical and devoid of damaging effects on the material's properties used to construct the denture base. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of three concentrations of electrolyzed water denture cleanser on heat cure acrylic and polyamide after immersion in electrolyzed water. The evaluation is based on their efficacy on surface hardness, wettability, and color stability compared with one submerged in distilled water as a control group. The method consists of eighty samples of heat-cured acrylic and polyamide material. The samples were immersed in electrolyzed water at a concentration of (100-200ppm) and in distilled water for 5 minutes, 30 times, and daily for 12 days to simulate a one-year interval. The tests showed that the surface hardness and color stability were maintained, with no significant difference between the control and experimental groups. In comparison, the result of wettability showed a statistically significant difference between the control and experimental groups. Thus, electrolyzed water does not affect the surface hardness and color stability of heat-cure acrylic and polyamide denture base materials. However, the wettability of these materials was significantly increased. Keywords: Electrolyzed water; Heat cure acrylic; Polyamide material

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Years of service and academic achievement of kindergarten teachers and their relationship to promoting child mental health
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      يعد البيت المكان الاجتماعي الأول الذي تبنى فيه الصحة النفسية لدى الفرد منذ بداية حياته كطفل  في ظل أسرته ، إلا أن الروضة تمتلك على الرغم من ذلك أثراً تكوينياً مهماٌ في حياة الطفل وعلى شخصيته ، والتي لا يمكن ان يقلُّ عن أثر الايجابي للبيت ؛ ذلك أن المفهوم الجديد لدور الروضة لا يقتصر بمجرد كونها مكانًا تقوم فيها المعلمة بتزويد الاطفال بالمعر

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Dar Amjad For Publishing And Distribution, The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan
Statistical methods for calculating the validity and reliability of tests and measures using IBM SPSS Statistics Version24
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لقد كان حرص المؤلف على إصدار هذا الكتاب نابعا ً من قناعة تامة بأن مجال التقويم والقياس بحاجة إلى كتاب علمي حديث يتناول عرض أدوات الاختبار والقياس والمتمثلة بالصدق والثبات ويتسم بالوضوح في التعبير عن المفاهيم والمصطلحات والأنواع لكل منها ليكون وسيلة مبسطة بأيدي الأساتذة والباحثين وطلبتي الدراسات العليا الماجستير والدكتوراه لإستخراج صدق وثبات الاختبارات والمقاييس بطرق إحصائية متقدمة من خلال إستخدام البرنا

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric Analysis of Vancomycin Hydrochloride in Pure and Pharmaceutical Injections via Batch and Cloud Point Extraction Techniques
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Development of a precise and delicate reaction has been acquired for the determination of vancomycin hydrochloride using batch and cloud point extraction (CPE) methods. The first method is based on the formation of azo dye as a result of diazotized dapsone coupled with vancomycin HCl (VAN) in a basic medium. The sensitivity of this reaction was enhanced by utilizing a nonionic surfactant (Triton X-114) and the cloud point extraction technique (second method). The azo dye formed was extracted into the surfactant-rich phase, dissolved in ethanol and detected at λmax 440 nm spectrophotometrically. The reaction was investigated using both batch and CPE methods (with and without extraction), and a simple comparison between the two

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Detection of JAK2V617F Mutation and Serum Levels of Alkaline Phosphatase and Lactate Dehydrogenase in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia.
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Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm arises from Bcr-Abl gene translocation (called Ph chromosome) in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). This genetic abnormality results in constitutive activation of tyrosine kinase and subsequent uncontrol growth and multiplication of granulocytes. The cornerstone in treatment of CML are tyrosine kinase inhibitors, of which imatinib is the most effectively used. JAK2V617F mutation is an acquired single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) occurs in JAK2 gene and is associated with many hematological malignancy other than CML. It was thought that the two genetic abnormalities (Bcr-Abl and JAK2V617F) occur mutually; however, growing body of evidences suggested the reverse. This study a

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater
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The present work aimed to study the efficiency of nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membrane for heavy metal removal from wastewater and study the factors affecting the performance of these two membranes: feed concentrations for heavy metal ions, pressure, and flow rate. The experimental results showed, heavy metals concentration in permeate increase with raise in feed concentrations, decline with increase in flow rate. The raise of pressure, heavy metals concentration decreases for RO membrane, but for NF membrane the concentration decrease and then at high pressure increase. The rejection percentage for chromium in NF and RO is 99.7% and 99.9%, for copper is 98.4% and 99.3%, for zinc is 97.9% and 99.5%, for nickel is 97.2% and

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Zubair Formation in Rumaila Oilfields, Southern Iraq: Microfacies and Geochemistry
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In the Rumaila oilfields in southern Iraq, the Zubair Formation was deposited in a shallow environment as three main facies, delta plain, backshore, and delta front depositional conditions indicating a transition from delta front and delta plain to a highstand level due to the finning upward mode. The facies of the Zubair clasts show well-sorted quartz arenite sandstone, poorly sorted quartz arenite sandstone, clayey sandstone that has not been properly sorted, sandy shale, and shale lithofacies. The minor lithofacies were identified using well-logging methods (gamma ray, spontaneous potential and sonic logs) and petrography. The Zubair clasts are of transition environment that appears to be transported from freshwater and deposited

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Motivation and Self – Confidence and their relation to Routine Performance on Parallel Bars in Men’s Artistic Performance
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The research aimed at identifying the relationship between motivation and self–confidence on the performing routines in the parallel bar. The researchers used the descriptive method on (480) thirds year college of physical education and sport sciences/ university of Baghdad students. The data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations to conclude that there is a high correlation relationship between motivation and self-confidence with routine performance on parallel bars. In addition to that, the researchers concluded that third-year students have high motivation and self – confidence and there is a positive relationship between motivation, self-confidence, and routine performance on parallel bars.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2013
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A biconical antenna has been developed for ultra-wideband sensing. A wide impedance bandwidth of around 115% at bandwidth 3.73-14 GHz is achieved which shows that the proposed antenna exhibits a fairly sensitive sensor for microwave medical imaging applications. The sensor and instrumentation is used together with an improved version of delay and sum image reconstruction algorithm on both fatty and glandular breast phantoms. The relatively new imaging set-up provides robust reconstruction of complex permittivity profiles especially in glandular phantoms, producing results that are well matched to the geometries and composition of the tissues. Respectively, the signal-to-clutter and the signal-to-mean ratios of the improved method are consis

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Calculation Of Volumeteric And Thermodynamic Properties For Pure Hydrocarbons And Their Mixtures Using Cubic Equations Of State
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Dynamics and Analysis of Stage-Structured Predator-Prey Model Involving Disease and Refuge in Prey Population
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Abstract<p>Start your abstract here the objective of this paper is to study the dynamical behaviour of an eco-epidemiological system. A prey-predator model involving infectious disease with refuge for prey population only, the (SI_) infectious disease is transmitted directly, within the prey species from external sources of the environment as well as, through direct contact between susceptible and infected individuals. Linear type of incidence rate is used to describe the transmission of infectious disease. While Holling type II of functional responses are adopted to describe the predation process of the susceptible and infected predator respectively. This model is represented mathematically by </p> ... Show More
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