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An analytical study of the percentage of performance contribution of some defensive skills by playing positions (1,5,6) for the free player (libero) in volleyball
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The game of volleyball, like all other sports, has been made by new amendments, the most important of which is the system of what is not the system of the free player in 1998, which gave added importance to the skills of receiving the transmission and defending the stadium being one of the important skills where the law allowed the free player to move and position in the back positions of the stadium Limited support mainly defensive skills. This is to make the state of stability and balance between defensive and offensive skills, which helps in the development of the game and make it exciting and enjoyable for players and fans. Therefore, the researchers decided to shed light by identifying the percentage of the contribution of the free player Albro by playing areas (1,5,6) and here lies the problem of research in identifying the role of the libero player and his contribution to the development of defensive skills (reception and defense of the field) during the match to create a state of balance and stability between attack and defense. Through the research procedures, which included conducting some personal interviews by the researchers with some coaches in the game of volleyball and academic specialists in the field of the game about the role and importance of The libero player in an attempt by the researchers to identify the most productive areas of the libero player and the best skills he has, as the research aims to identify the percentage of the contribution of some defensive skills to the libero player by play areas (1,5,6) As for the imposition of the research, there was a discrepancy between the percentage of the contribution of some defensive skills to the free player by play areas (1,5,6) and the researchers dealt with some similar studies related to the subject of the research The research methodology and field procedures were through the use of the researchers descriptive approach either The research community determined the teams participating in the Premier Volleyball League for the season (2022_2023) The second stage with the participation of 8 teams The research sample consisted of 8 players, namely the free player (libero) in the research sample Rafqa to the following (1,5,6) Ranking of playing centers according to the percentage of the contribution of the reception skill

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mixed Convection in a Square Cavity Filled with Porous Medium with Bottom Wall Periodic Boundary Condition
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Transient mixed convection heat transfer in a confined porous medium heated at periodic sinusoidal heat flux is investigated numerically in the present paper. The Poisson-type pressure equation, resulted from the substituting of the momentum Darcy equation in the continuity equation, was discretized by using finite volume technique. The energy equation was solved by a fully implicit control volume-based finite difference formulation for the diffusion terms with the use of the quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinetics scheme to discretize the convective terms and the temperature values at the control volume faces. The numerical study covers a range of the hydrostatic pressure head , , , , and ), sinusoidal amplitude range of

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 21 2012
Journal Name
J Bagh Coll Dent
Dental caries in relation to oral infections and feeding types among children aged 2-5 years
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 28 2012
Journal Name
Rafidain Journal Of Science
Photodynamic Effect on Photosensitized Candida albicans with Hematoporphyrin Derivative Using Low Power Diode Laser In Vitro
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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Globalization and its Transformations in Contemporary ceramics (European and American Porcelain a Model): أسعد مطر خليل
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Globalization has occupied a great deal of studies, research and literature, in addition to being a phenomenon that has imposed itself firmly on the ground. Globalization is considered the main feature of the current moment in today's world. The world is now transforming in an unprecedented way under noticeable titles of successive waves of knowledge and technology.The current research aims to identify the effects of globalization on the variables and their political, social, media and cultural dimensions, as well as culture of consumption and cultural identity.The theoretical framework included two sections: the first is the concept of globalization, its history and its dimensions, and the second is the modernity in contemporary Europea

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental caries and treatment needs in relation to nutritional status among children with congenital heart disease
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Background: Congenital heart disease is one of the most common developmental anomalies in children. These patients commonly have poor oral health that increase caries risk. Dental management of children with congenital heart disease requires special attention, because of their heightened susceptibility to infectious endocarditis. The aims of this study were to assess the severity of dental caries of primary and permanent teeth and treatment needs in relation to nutritional indicator (Body Mass Index) among children with congenital heart disease. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, case group consisted of 399 patients aged between 6-12 years old with congenital heart disease were examined for dental status in Ibn Al-Bitar spec

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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A serology conundrum – HIV infection in acute babesiosis infection could merely be a false positive result
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Babesiosis is a tick-borne disease caused by Babesia microti. We present a case of false positive HIV in the setting of confirmed babesiosis infection. An understanding that patients with babesiosis can have a false positive HIV test result is important in management decisions.


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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mixed Convection in a Square Cavity Filled with Porous Medium with Bottom Wall Periodic Boundary Condition
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Transient mixed convection heat transfer in a confined porous medium heated at periodic sinusoidal heat flux is investigated numerically in the present paper. The Poisson-type pressure equation, resulted from the substituting of the momentum Darcy equation in the continuity equation, was discretized by using finite volume technique. The energy equation was solved by a fully implicit control volume-based finite difference formulation for the diffusion terms with the use of the quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinetics scheme to discretize the convective terms and the temperature values at the control volume faces. The numerical study covers a range of the hydrostatic  pressure sinusoidal  amplitude  range and

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
P16 Protein and Human Papillomavirus (HPV16, 18) Expressions in Oral Lichen Planus and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
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Background: Oral carcinogenesis is a molecular and histological multistage process featuring genetic and phenotypic markers for each stage, which involves enhanced function of several oncogenes and/or the deactivation of tumor suppressor genes, resulting in the loss of cell cycle checkpoints. The progression towards malignancy includes sequential histopathological alterations ranging from hyperplasia through dysplasia to carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma. The p16 gene produces p16 protein, which in turn inhibits phosphorylation of retinoblastoma, p16 play a significant role in early carcinogenesis. Human papillomavirus is a well established heterogeneous virus and plays an important role in oral cancers. The aims of the study were to

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yazid                Bin Harun Abu Bakr Alkhalal             And his jurisprudence in transactions
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The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and intra-operative findings in disc herniation at lumbo-sacral region
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Background: Prolapsed intervertebral disc is an important and common cause of low backache. MRI has now become universally accepted investigation for prolapsed intervertebral disc. We, however, regularly come across situations, when MRI shows diffuse disc bulges, even at multiple levels, which cannot be correlated clinically and when such cases are operated, no significant disc prolapse is found resulting in negative exploration. Objective: To evaluate the role of M.R.I. finding not only for diagnosis of disc herniation at lumbar region but also for localization the level of herniation Methods: A prospective study on seventy five symptomatic low backache and MRI confirmed prolapsed intervertebral disc patients at lumbo-sacral region were op

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