يهتم هذا البحث بتحضير وتشخيص ليكاند ثنائي السن -: [4-(5,5-dimethyl-3-oxocyclohex-1-enylamino)-N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl)benzene sulfonamide] [H2L] وذلك من صهر السلفاميثوكسازول مع الدايميدون بدرجة ºC)140 (ُ ولمدة نصف ساعة , حظر معقد الكوبالت مѧن تفاعѧل هѧذا الليكاند مع ايون الكوبالѧت الثنѧائي وبطريقѧة التصѧعيد الا ُ رجѧاعي باسѧتعمال الايثѧانول وسѧطا للتفاعѧل . شѧخص الليكانѧد والمعقѧد المحضر باستعمال الطرائق الطيفية التي اثبتت ان المعقد ذات شكل هندسѧي ربѧاعي السѧطوح حѧول الايѧون المركѧزي . كمѧا تѧم ايجاد نسبة أتحاد الفلز بالليكاند المحضر (L:M (باستعمال طريقتي النسبة المولية والتغيرات المستمرة وكانѧت النسѧبة (1:1) . دُرست الظروف المثلى لازالة معقد الكوبالت من خلال الامتزاز على سѧطح البنتونايѧت وكѧذلك دراسѧة المتغيѧرات المѧؤثرة فѧي عملية الامتزاز وهي زمن الاتزان ودرجة الحرارة وقѧيم pH ووزن المѧادة المѧازة وحجѧم دقѧائق المѧادة المѧـازة . وقѧد أظهѧـرت النـتائـج ان الزمـن اللازم للوصـول الى اتـزان التـركيز هو min) 60 (. بينما النمط العام لايزوثيرمات الامتزاز هو مـن نѧوع (1L (وفق تصنيف جيلز . وقد حسبت قيم الدوال الثرموديناميكية (ΔG , ΔH ,ΔS (وفسرت النتائج في ضوئها .
The topological parameters of the metal-metal and metal-ligand bonding interactions in a trinuclear tetrahydrido cluster [(Cp*Co) (CpRu)2 (μ3-H) (μ-H)3]1 (Cp* = η5 -C5Me4Et), (Cp = η5 -C5Me5), was explored by using the Quantum Theory of Atoms-in-Molecules (QTAIM). The properties of bond critical points such as the bond delocalization indices δ (A, B), the electron density ρ(r), the local kinetic energy density G(r), the Laplacian of the electron density ∇2ρ(r), the local energy density H(r), the local potential energy density V(r) and ellipticity ε(r) are compared with data from earlier organometallic system studies. A comparison of the topological processes of different atom-atom interactions has become possible than
... Show MoreThis paper performance for preparation and identification of six new complexes of a number of transition metals Cr (lII), Mn (I1), Fe (l), Co (II), Ni (I1), Cu (Il) with: N - (3,4,5-Trimethoxy phenyl-N - benzoyl Thiourea (TMPBT) as a bidentet ligand. The prepared complexes have been characterized, identified on the basis of elemental analysis (C.H.N), atomic absorption, molar conductivity, molar-ratio ,pH effect study, I. Rand UV spectra studies. The complexes have the structural formula ML2X3 for Cr (III), Fe (III), and ML2X2 for Mn (II), Ni (II), and MLX2 for Co (Il) , Cu (Il).
The fabrication of Solid and Hollow silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) has been achieved and their characterization was performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), zeta potential, UV–VIS spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction (XRD). A TEM image revealed a quasispherical form for both Solid and Hollow Ag NPs. The measurement of surface charge revealed that although Hollow Ag NPs have a zeta potential of -43 mV, Solid Ag NPs have a zeta potential of -33 mV. According to UV-VIS spectroscopy measurement Solid and Hollow Ag NPs both showed absorption peaks at wavelengths of 436 nm and 412 nm, respectively. XRD pattern demonstrates that the samples' crystal structure is cubic, similar to that of the bulk materials, with
... Show Moreيتضمن البحث طرق تحضير والخواص الكيمائية لمشتقات حلقة 1,3,-4 اوكسادايازول المعوضة في الموقعين 2,5 . كما يتضمن كيفية تحضير بوليمرات بلورية سائلة من المركبات الحلقية غير المتجانسة لحلقة 1,3,-4 اوكسادايازول المعوضة والطرق الطيفية المستخدمة في تشخيص المركبات المحضرة.
Hydrogen sulfide removal catalyst was prepared chemically by precipitation of zinc bicarbonate at a controlled pH. The physical and chemical catalyst characterization properties were investigated. The catalyst was tested for its activity in adsorption of H2S using a plant that generates the H2S from naphtha hydrodesulphurization and a unit for the adsorption of H2S. The results comparison between the prepared and commercial catalysts revealed that the chemical method can be used to prepare the catalyst with a very good activity.
It has observed that the hydrogen sulfide removal over zinc oxide catalyst follows first order reaction kinetics with activation energy of 19.26 kJ/mole and enthalpy and e
... Show Moreتم تحضير ثلاث معقدات جديدة Ni (II)و Cu (II) و Zn (II) باستخدام الليكند المحضر الجديد من تفاعل حامض مالونيك ثنائي هيدرازايد مع 2-بيريدين كربوكسالديهايد. حيث شخصت المعقدات لمحضرة وكذلك الليكند باستخدام تقنيات مختلفة مثل FT-IR و UV-Vis و Mass و 1H-NMR و 13C-NMR وتحليل العناصر CHN و تقدير محتوى الكلور والموصلية المولارية والحساسية المغناطيسية والامتصاص الذري لتشخيص هذه المركبات. لكل معقد محضر جديد من النيكل والنحاس والزنك ، كشفت نتائج ا
... Show MoreA new class of biologically active nanocomposites and modified polymers based on poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) with some organic compounds [II, IV, V and VI] were synthesized using silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs). All compounds were synthesized using nucleophilic substitution interactions and characterized by FTIR, DSC and TGA. The biological activity of the modified polymers was evaluated against: gram (+) (staphylococcus aureus) and gram (-): (Es cherichia coli bacteria). Antimicrobial films are developed based on modified poly (vinyl alcohol) MPVA and Ag-NPs nanoparticles. The nanocomposites and modified polymers showed better antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli (Gram negative) than against Staphyloc
... Show MoreThe study of biopolymers and their derivative materials had received a considerable degree of attention from researchers in the preparation of novel material. Biopolymers and their derivatives have a wide range of applications as a result of their bio-compatibility, bio-degradability and non-toxicity. In this paper, chitosan reacted with different aldehydes(2,4 –dichloro- benzaldehyde or 2-methyl benzaldehyde), different ketones (4-bromoacetophenone or 3-aminoacetophenone) to produce chitosan schiff base (1-4) . Chitosan schiff base (1-4) reacted with glutaric acid or adipic acid in acidic media in distilled water according to the steps of Fischer and Speier to produce compounds (5-12)
... Show MoreSpray pyrolysis technique (SPT) is employed to synthesize cadmium oxide nanostructure with 3% and 5% Cobalt concentrations. Films are deposited on a glass substrate at 350 ᵒC with 150 nm thickness. The XRD analysis revealed a polycrystalline nature with cubic structure and (111) preferred orientation. Structural parameters represent lattice spacing, crystallite size, lattice parameter and dislocation density. Homogeneous surfaces and regular distribution of atoms were showed by atomic force microscope (AFM) with 1.03 nm average roughness and 1.22 nm root mean square roughness. Optical properties illustrated a high transmittance more than 85% in the range of visible spectrum and decreased with Co concentration increasing. The absorption
... Show MoreA simple, rapid, accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of thiaminehydrochloride has been developed. The method is based on the formation of the Schiff’s base between the primary amino group present in thiamine hydrochloride and aldehyde group present in the vanillin reagent to produce a yellow colored complex having maximum absorption at 390 nm. Beer’s law has obeaid over the concentration range of 2-28µg/mL, with molar absorptivity of 0.96x104L/mol.cm. The average recovery which is a measure of accuracy is 100±1.3% and the relative standard deviation (RSD) is less than1.5 .The present method is considered to be
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