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Numerical Investigation of Drag Reduction Techniques in a Car Model
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Abstract<p>Reducing the drag force has become one of the most important concerns in the automotive industry. This study concentrated on reducing drag through use of some external modifications of passive flow control, such as vortex generators, rear under body diffuser slices and a rear wing spoiler. The study was performed at inlet velocity (V=10,20,30,40 m/s) which correspond to an incompressible car model length Reynolds numbers (Re=2.62×10<sup>5</sup>, 5.23×10<sup>5</sup>, 7.85×10<sup>5</sup> and 10.46×10<sup>5</sup>), respectively and we studied their effect on the drag force. We also present a theoretical study finite volume method (FVM) of solving Reynolds-averaged Navier-tokes equations (RANS) using a realizable k–epsilon (k-ε) turbulence model, conducted on a car, model KIA Pride, which is popular in Iraq and Iran. All computational analysis and modifications were carried out using the ANSYS Fluent 19 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and SOLIDWORKS 2018 modeller. The drag coefficient of the analysed car was found to be 0.34 and the results show that the drag can be reduced up to1.73% using vortex generators, up to 3.05% using a rear wing spoiler and up to 2.47% using rear under-body diffuser slices modifications, whereas it may be reduced up to 3.8% using all previous modifications together.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of the dielectric properties of Sn – doped PMMA/PVA blends
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Blends of Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) doped with 2% weight percentage of Sn were prepared with different blend ratios using casting technique. The measurements of A.C conductivity σa.c within the frequency range (25kHz – 5MHz) of undoped and Sn doped PMMA/PVA blends obeyed the relationship σ= Aws were the value of s within the range 0 > s > 1. The results showed that σa.c increases with the increase of frequency. The exponent s showed preceding increase with the increase of PVA content for PMMA/PVA blends doped with Sn. The dielectric constant, dielectric loss, A.C electrical conductivity are varied with the concentration of PVA in the blend and frequency of applied electrical field.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 22 2004
Journal Name
International Conference On Research In Education And Science
Investigation the genome variation of ST-253 of pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates
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The genic variation analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa after filtering the spurious variation appeared that 222 variable loci out of 5572 loci were detected. The type of variation analysis revealed that single nucleotide polymorphism was highly significant compared with other types of variation due the fact that the genome variation was achieved on the level of microevolution. Moreover, the proportional effect of functional scheme showed that genes responsible for environmental information were the highest comparable to another scheme. The genes of environmental information processing locate on outer membrane and face the defense strategy of the host therefore change in proteins coded by these genes lead to escape the immune system defense

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Detection of early occlusal caries of the first permanent molar using different techniques (An in vivo study)
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Background: Molars and premolars are considered as the most vulnerable teeth of caries attack, which is related to the morphology of their occlusal surfaces along with the difficulty of plaque removal. different methods were used for early caries detection that provide sensitive, accurate preoperative diagnosis of caries depths to establish adequate preventive measures and avoid premature tooth treatment by restoration. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical sensitivity and specificity rates of DIAGNOdent and visual inspection as opposed to the ICDAS for the detection of initial occlusal caries in noncavitated first permanent molars. Materials and Methods: This study examined 139 occlusal surface of the first permanent

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Morphology Detection in Archaeological Ancient Sites by Using UAVs/Drones Data and GIS techniques
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    Today, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Drones are a valuable source of data on inspection, surveillance, mapping and 3D modelling matters. Drones can be considered as the new alternative of classic manned aerial photography due to their low cost and high spatial resolution. In this study, drones were used to study archaeological sites. The archaeological Nineveh site, which is a very famous site located in heart of the city of Mosul, in northern Iraq, was chosen. This site was the largest capital of the Assyrian Empire 3000 years ago. The site contains an external wall that includes many gates, most of which were destroyed when Daesh occupied the city in 2014. The local population of the city of Mosul has also large

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Sustainable Development
Improving Performance Classification in Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks Based on Machine Learning Techniques
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Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks (WBASNs) have garnered significant attention due to the implementation of self-automaton and modern technologies. Within the healthcare WBASN, certain sensed data hold greater significance than others in light of their critical aspect. Such vital data must be given within a specified time frame. Data loss and delay could not be tolerated in such types of systems. Intelligent algorithms are distinguished by their superior ability to interact with various data systems. Machine learning methods can analyze the gathered data and uncover previously unknown patterns and information. These approaches can also diagnose and notify critical conditions in patients under monitoring. This study implements two s

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Developmental Role of Social Work in Reducing Social Extremism:A Field Study in Baghdad University-College of Mass Communication as a Model: محمد حميد علوان
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This study deals with the role that social work profession plays in all its fields to reduce social extremismat home, or school or within society. The study aims to: examine the historical roots of social work in the Iraqi society, investigate the objectives of the developmental role of social work, review the theories of social extremism, its characteristics, and causes, and to analyze the developmental role of social work to limit social extremism. To meet the objectives of the study, a descriptive analytical approach has been adopted. It involves using the social sampling survey method, i.e., a questionnaire tool in the University of Baghdad community-College of Media. The sample was randomly selected to include (100) students from th

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
Day 2 Wed, March 21, 2018
Numerical Approach for the Prediction of Formation and Hydraulic Fracture Properties Considering Elliptical Flow Regime in Tight Gas Reservoirs
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Abstract<p>As tight gas reservoirs (TGRs) become more significant to the future of the gas industry, investigation into the best methods for the evaluation of field performance is critical. While hydraulic fractured well in TRGs are proven to be most viable options for economic recovery of gas, the interpretation of pressure transient or well test data from hydraulic fractured well in TGRs for the accurate estimation of important reservoirs and fracture properties (e.g. fracture length, fracture conductivity, skin and reservoir permeability) is rather very complex and difficult because of the existence of multiple flow profiles/regimes. The flow regimes are complex in TGRs due to the large hydraulic fractures n</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Numerical and experimental analysis of transient temperature and residual thermal stresses in friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 7020-T53
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Corporate Reputation Review
The Absorptive Capacity of Knowledge as an Approach for Building Strategic Reliability in the Sponge Organizations/Small Organizations in Kirkuk Governorate as a Model
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Positive images in the Holy Quran The story of Solomon - peace be upon him - in Surat An-Naml is a model An objective study
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God Almighty put in his great book secrets that do not end, and wonders that do not expire, for he is the one from which the scholars are not satisfied, and he does not create due to the multitude of response, and it is the comprehensive and inhibitory book that God conceals to the worlds, and he challenged the two heavyweights to come up with something like it.

At all times, issues arise in the Noble Qur’an that fit the needs of the people of that time and their culture, for it is an eternal book, characterized by the ability to give, extend and respond to addressing the problems of the age and its variables, when the Arabs had little luck at the time of the message’s descent from the scientific culture, and their proficienc

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