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Numerical Investigation of Drag Reduction Techniques in a Car Model
Abstract<p>Reducing the drag force has become one of the most important concerns in the automotive industry. This study concentrated on reducing drag through use of some external modifications of passive flow control, such as vortex generators, rear under body diffuser slices and a rear wing spoiler. The study was performed at inlet velocity (V=10,20,30,40 m/s) which correspond to an incompressible car model length Reynolds numbers (Re=2.62×10<sup>5</sup>, 5.23×10<sup>5</sup>, 7.85×10<sup>5</sup> and 10.46×10<sup>5</sup>), respectively and we studied their effect on the drag force. We also present a theoretical study finite volume method (FVM) of solving Reynolds-averaged Navier-tokes equations (RANS) using a realizable k–epsilon (k-ε) turbulence model, conducted on a car, model KIA Pride, which is popular in Iraq and Iran. All computational analysis and modifications were carried out using the ANSYS Fluent 19 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and SOLIDWORKS 2018 modeller. The drag coefficient of the analysed car was found to be 0.34 and the results show that the drag can be reduced up to1.73% using vortex generators, up to 3.05% using a rear wing spoiler and up to 2.47% using rear under-body diffuser slices modifications, whereas it may be reduced up to 3.8% using all previous modifications together.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Polygamy in light of societal changes in Iraq (A Field Study in Baghdad)

The polygamy as a social was known before Islam, has kept Islam on this system after it organized and put his controls and conditions, as justice between wives and the ability to alimony, it was not the purpose of satisfying the instinct of man and enjoyment, but his goal nominal than that, because it addresses problems humanity has goals noble, so the pluralism overlap of the fabric of families belonging to governance and benefits for women and men and society, which leads to increased ties of love between people of the same society and thus increases the cohesion and importance of the topic and its association with financial conditions have emerged as needed so you viewed in the second scientific Conference of the Department social Ser

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of Visual Language as a Reflection of Culture: Violence Against Women in Iraq

The present work is qualitative descriptive. It aims to examine the idiosyncratic schema when deciphering the selected violence-based panel from Nasser Ibrahim’s caricatures. The researchers accordingly adopted part of Sharifian’s (2011) Cultural Schema model, particularly that part that is concerned with the examining the micro/idiosyncratic level of understanding. The study has revealed that the participants have not only differed among themselves regarding the way a figure is being denotatively conceptualized, they also highlighted different exact conceptualizations for the same figure, such as: using various adjectives that reflect various levels of intensity, emphasizing the behavioral aspect or the appearance of the figure, ado

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Uric Acid as a Natural Scavenger of Peroxynitrite in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with decreased antioxidant state .This study aim to investigate the status of oxidant/antioxidant in a sample of  Iraqi patients with RA and the role of peroxynitrite and its natural scavenger uric acid in them .This case-controlled study was conducted at Baghdad teaching hospital /Baghdad from December 2010-May 2011 . Twenty-five patients with mean age 39 years and 25 apparently healthy subject as controls with mean age 29 years were included in the study .Investigations include estimation of serum levels of nitric oxide (NO)  ,peroxynitrite (PN) , malondialdehyde (MDA)  , and uric acid (UA) .Serum PN levels were significantly elevated in RA patients a

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
A Survey of Diabetes Mellitus in a Sample of Children below 15 Years Attending Child Welfare Hospital

Objectives: Determine the age and gender distribution of children who experience diabetes mellitus (DM) under
the age of 15 years and the presence of some associated factors that might be a predisposing factor for the
disease including obesity.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at diabetic clinic in Children Welfare Teaching Hospital
in Baghdad City during 2006. The study sample included diabetic children less than 15 years of age. Data were
taken from the patients' record and by direct interview with the patients' parents. Information included
demographic data, as well as past history of the patient and his/her family relative to diabetes and other immune
Results: Data analysis showed t

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between the prices of wheat and rice importer in Iraq and crude oil prices and the exchange rate using the ARDL model

Since the beginning of 21st century, the prices of Agricultural crops have increased. This Increases is accompanied with that increases of crude oil prices and fluctuation of a dollar exchange rate as a dominant currency used in the global trade. The paper aimed to analysis the short run and long run cointegration relationships between prices of some of Agricultural crops imported by Iraq such as wheat and rice crops and both the crude oil prices and the Iraq dinar exchange rate a gained America dollar using ARDL model. The results show the long run equilibrium between they three variable throng the error correction mechanizem. The results also show the significant and economically sound effects of cru

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Role of the Internet in Spreading Rumors Social networking sites "Facebook" model For the duration of 1-7-2017 until 30-11-2017: يوسف محمد حسين

This study is about the role of the Internet in spreading rumors, especially through social networking sites "Facebook" model as the effectiveness of social networks lies in the speed of transmission of events; these two characteristics are important to the public, making the Internet a strong contender for television and its relationship with the public. That's why we find that the Internet today has become a fertile environment for the growth and spread of rumors. The more limited the platforms and places of publication, the greater the responsibility in the search for the original source in   spreading this or that rumor, as the Internet is considered an easy means in the production, spreading  and re-spreading  of

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of the Principal components and Partial least squares methods to estimate the parameters of the logistic regression model in the case of linear multiplication problem


  The logistic regression model is one of the nonlinear models that aims at obtaining highly efficient capabilities, It also the researcher an idea of the effect of the explanatory variable on the binary response variable.                                                                                  &nb

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 18 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print Issn: 1681-6870 ,online Issn: 2790-2293 )
The Use of Logistic Regression Model in Estimating the Probability of Being Affected By Breast Cancer Based On the Levels of Interleukins and Cancer Marker CA15-3

Breast cancer has got much attention in the recent years as it is a one of the complex diseases that can threaten people lives. It can be determined from the levels of secreted proteins in the blood. In this project, we developed a method of finding a threshold to classify the probability of being affected by it in a population based on the levels of the related proteins in relatively small case-control samples. We applied our method to simulated and real data. The results showed that the method we used was accurate in estimating the probability of being diseased in both simulation and real data. Moreover, we were able to calculate the sensitivity and specificity under the null hypothesis of our research question of being diseased o

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the performance of Inspector General Office of the Ministry of health in accordance with normative people and people results for the European excellence model EFQM 2013


Current research has sought to apply the criteria of potential for altmizalaorbi model EFQM 2013 in assessing the performance of the Inspector General's Office/Ministry of health, so as to keep up with a modern and advanced management methods in the evaluation of performance, as well as to link performance to a citizen's life, and it takes him beyond the accepted service capabilities today, but of budget duties between dealers servicing responsibilities and future planning, financial control, competitiveness, human resources needs and maintaining quality and development, as well as the constant quest for continuous improvement, is the spirit of the principle underpinning the European Foundation Quality managemen

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