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Numerical Investigation of Drag Reduction Techniques in a Car Model
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Abstract<p>Reducing the drag force has become one of the most important concerns in the automotive industry. This study concentrated on reducing drag through use of some external modifications of passive flow control, such as vortex generators, rear under body diffuser slices and a rear wing spoiler. The study was performed at inlet velocity (V=10,20,30,40 m/s) which correspond to an incompressible car model length Reynolds numbers (Re=2.62×10<sup>5</sup>, 5.23×10<sup>5</sup>, 7.85×10<sup>5</sup> and 10.46×10<sup>5</sup>), respectively and we studied their effect on the drag force. We also present a theoretical study finite volume method (FVM) of solving Reynolds-averaged Navier-tokes equations (RANS) using a realizable k–epsilon (k-ε) turbulence model, conducted on a car, model KIA Pride, which is popular in Iraq and Iran. All computational analysis and modifications were carried out using the ANSYS Fluent 19 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and SOLIDWORKS 2018 modeller. The drag coefficient of the analysed car was found to be 0.34 and the results show that the drag can be reduced up to1.73% using vortex generators, up to 3.05% using a rear wing spoiler and up to 2.47% using rear under-body diffuser slices modifications, whereas it may be reduced up to 3.8% using all previous modifications together.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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Petroleum And Coal
Analyzing of Production Data Using Combination of empirical Methods and Advanced Analytical Techniques
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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Analysis the effect of economic conditions on the vegetative change in Baghdad using GIS and remote sensing techniques
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The study of vegetative change of cities is one of the most important studies related to human life because of its direct correlation with the temporal conditions that occur. These include the economic problems that force people to move and look for job opportunities in the city, which leads to an increase in the population density of cities, especially for cities with an important economic and administrative location as in the capital city of Baghdad. In this study, the effect of the increasing in population density was analyzed on the urban planning of Baghdad city. The decreasing in vegetation was due to the increasing of urban areas on the outskirts of the city, which led to an increase in its area. Moreover, urban cities increased t

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Translation Techniques In Reproducing The Semantics Of Russian Political Terms: Переводческие Приемы В Воспроизведении Семантики Русскоязычных Политических Терминов
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 Political terminology differs from any other type of terminology not only in the presence of political terminology, but also in content, structure, functions and the recipient who perceives it. Taking this into account, it is inappropriate to consider the semantic difficulties of translating Russian-language political terms solely at the semantic level. In our opinion, it is inextricably linked with the lexical, syntactic and grammatical levels. If we combine all 4 levels, then the following translation techniques can be distinguished: lexical borrowing (transcription / transliteration, tracing); modulation; generalization / concretization; omission / addition; descriptive translation; conversion [Komissarov 2013]. One of the most

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Marginal leakage of amalgam and modern composite materials related to restorative techniques in class II cavity (Comparative study)
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Background: Restoration of the gingival margin of Class II cavities with composite resin continues to be problematic, especially where no enamel exists for bonding to the gingival margin. The aim of study is to evaluate the marginal leakage at enamel and cementum margin of class II MOD cavities using amalgam restoration and modern composite restorations Filtek™ P90, Filtek™ Z250 XT (Nano Hybrid Universal Restorative) and SDR bulk fill with different restoratives techniques. Materials and method: Eighty sound maxillary first premolar teeth were collected and divided into two main groups, enamel group and cementum group (40 teeth) for each group. The enamel group was prepared with standardized Class II MOD cavity with gingival margin (1 m

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Cuneiform Tablets Image Preprocessing Proposed Algorithms Techniques for Pattern Recognition
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Cuneiform symbols recognition represents a complicated task in pattern recognition  and image analysis as a result of problems that related to cuneiform symbols like distortion and unwanted objects that associated with applying Binrizetion process like spots and writing lines. This paper aims to present new proposed algorithms to solve these problems for reaching uniform results about cuneiform symbols recognition that related to (select appropriate Binerized method, erased writing lines and spots) based on statistical Skewness measure, image morphology and distance transform concepts. The experiment results show that our proposed algorithms have excellent result and can be adopted

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fourier Transform Coding-based Techniques for Lossless Iris Image Compression
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     Today, the use of iris recognition is expanding globally as the most accurate and reliable biometric feature in terms of uniqueness and robustness. The motivation for the reduction or compression of the large databases of iris images becomes an urgent requirement. In general, image compression is the process to remove the insignificant or redundant information from the image details, that implicitly makes efficient use of redundancy embedded within the image itself. In addition, it may exploit human vision or perception limitations to reduce the imperceptible information.
     This paper deals with reducing the size of image, namely reducing the number of bits required in representing the

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Hiding Techniques for Dynamic Encryption Text based on Corner Point
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Hiding technique for dynamic encryption text using encoding table and symmetric encryption method (AES algorithm) is presented in this paper. The encoding table is generated dynamically from MSB of the cover image points that used as the first phase of encryption. The Harris corner point algorithm is applied on cover image to generate the corner points which are used to generate dynamic AES key to second phase of text encryption. The embedded process in the LSB for the image pixels except the Harris corner points for more robust. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed scheme have embedding quality, error-free text recovery, and high value in PSNR.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
Using Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse Techniques to Reduce Earning Management
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This study aims to demonstrate the role of artificial intelligence and metaverse techniques, mainly logistical Regression, in reducing earnings management in Iraqi private banks. Synthetic intelligence approaches have shown the capability to detect irregularities in financial statements and mitigate the practice of earnings management. In contrast, many privately owned banks in Iraq historically relied on manual processes involving pen and paper for recording and posting financial information in their accounting records. However, the banking sector in Iraq has undergone technological advancements, leading to the Automation of most banking operations. Conventional audit techniques have become outdated due to factors such as the accuracy of d

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Mixed Linearity Improvement Techniques for Ultra-wideband Low Noise Amplifier
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<span>We present the linearization of an ultra-wideband low noise amplifier (UWB-LNA) operating from 2GHz to 11GHz through combining two linearization methods. The used linearization techniques are the combination of post-distortion cancellation and derivative-superposition linearization methods. The linearized UWB-LNA shows an improved linearity (IIP3) of +12dBm, a minimum noise figure (NF<sub>min.</sub>) of 3.6dB, input and output insertion losses (S<sub>11</sub> and S<sub>22</sub>)  below -9dB over the entire working bandwidth, midband gain of 6dB at 5.8GHz, and overall circuit power consumption of 24mW supplied from a 1.5V voltage source. Both UWB-LNA and linearized UWB-LNA designs are

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures
Peak Ground Acceleration Models Predictions Utilizing Two Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques
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