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Abstract Infinitives and gerunds are non-finite verb forms which cannot be indicated by tense, number, or person. The construction of non-finite verbs is intricate because of their nature of meanings, forms, and functions. The major problem is that both infinitival and gerundial complements have identical functions and occupy identical positions in the sentences. Thus, there is a confusion in using an infinitival and gerundial forms after aspectual verbs. The selection of either one of these two forms as complements is controlled syntactically or semantically. Moreover, both forms can be used usually with similar predicate but with neat difference in meaning. In addition, there are problems with controlling the use of aspect, since aspectual verbs have specific syntactic and semantic restrictions. The study aims at investigating the use of infinitival and gerundial constructions and of aspectual verbs in selected British and American Novels, and identifying the syntactic and semantic behvior of aspectual verbs. The following procedures will be followed in the present study. Providing a theoretical background of the infinitival and gerundial complements and of aspectual verbs. Selecting the data from British and American novels, and analzing the novels according to the model of Smith (1997) about the classification of aspectual verbs. It has been concluded that the infinitive has been used more in the American novel, while the gerund has been used more in the British novel. The perfective viewpoint has been utilized more in the British novel, while the imperfective viewpoint has been utilized more in the American novel in the grammatical aspect. The high percentage of infinitive and imperfective viewpoint in the American novel clarifies the tendency to indicate an uncompleted action, while the high percentage of gerund and perfective viewpoint in the British novel clarifies the tendency to indicate a completed action. Stative and Activity verbs in the lexical aspect have been formed the highest percentage in both British and American novels in spite of the differences in the frequency of these verbs between novels. The following procedures will be followed in the present study. Providing a theoretical background of the infinitival and gerundial complements and of aspectual verbs. Selecting the data from British and American novels, and analzing the novels according to the model of Smith (1997) about the classification of aspectual verbs. It has been concluded that the infinitive has been used more in the American novel, while the gerund has been used more in the British novel. The perfective viewpoint has been utilized more in the British novel, while the imperfective viewpoint has been utilized more in the American novel in the grammatical aspect. The high percentage of infinitive and imperfective viewpoint in the American novel clarifies the tendency to indicate an uncompleted action, while the high percentage of gerund and perfective viewpoint in the British novel clarifies the tendency to indicate a completed action. Stative and Activity verbs in the lexical aspect have been formed the highest percentage in both British and American novels in spite of the differences in the frequency of these verbs between novels.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Pragmatic Study of Identity Representation in American Political Speeches
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Identity is an influential and flexible concept in social sciences and political studies. The basic sense of identity is looking for uniqueness. In one sense, it is a sign of identification with those we assume they are similar to us or at least in some significant ways they are so. Globalization, migration, modern technologies, media and political conflicts are argued to have a crucial effect on identity representation in terms of the political perspectives specifically in the United States of America. This paper endeavors to investigate how American politicians represent their identities in speeches delivered in different periods of time namely from 2015 to 2018 in terms of the pragmatic paradigm. Three randomly selected speeches by fa

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The treatment of the output of Marquez novels in the international cinema … Love in the time of cholera: منهل باسم سعيد الطاهر
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Nobel laureate of literature in 1982, is one of the most famous Latin American writers who have been distinguished by the magic of realism. We can say the months in the world and he is almost the most controversial for many reasons and for these reasons he did not accept that his novels turn into movies Marquez agreed to turn one of his most important and most beautiful novels, "Love in the Time of Cholera," which he wrote in 1985 and agreed to convert to a film in 2006 after the novel was bought by the author for $ 3 million. Mike Noel to bring out

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2021
Journal Name
Psychology And Education Journal
Property and Possession in Gayl Jones’s Novel Corregidora: A Study in African American Literature and Literary Theory
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the traumatic memory of their ancestors. The novel navigates sites of trauma, memory, and blues music while resisting the bourgeoisie-capitalist relationships that permeated not only white society but also African American communities. Jones’s novel presents the plight of an African American woman, Ursa, caught between the memory of her enslaved foremothers and her life in an emancipated world. The physical and spiritual exploitation of African American women who bear witness to the history of slavery in Corregidora materializes black women’s individuality. This article is framed by trauma studies as well as the Marxists’ concepts of commodification, accumulation, and production. Ursa, one of the Corregidora women, represents

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Concentrations of selected elements in saliva among a group of adolescent girls in relation to severity of caries and selected salivary parameters
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Background: Saliva is one of the most important etiological host factors in relation to dental caries. It affects the carious process by its organic and inorganic constituents; in addition to its physiological functions as (flow rate, pH and buffer capacity). The aims of this study were to determine the concentrations of major elements (calcium and phosphorus) and trace elements (ferrous iron, nickel, chromium and aluminum) in saliva among a group of adolescent girls, and to explore the relation of these elements, flow rate and pH with dental caries. Material & Methods: The study group consisted of 25 girls with an age of 13-15 years old. Dental caries was diagnosed by both clinical and radiographical examinations following the criteria of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Russian-American competition in the Middle East:Power and roles conflict: Syria as a model
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Because of its importance in the world, Middle East area is one of the competition areas between the major and great powers. Among those powers are Russia and United states of America. The competition between these two powers to control Syria is greatly clear since 2011. It is also one of the most important subject in the international politics. This importance comes from the importance of Russia and the United States of America besides importance of the Middle East. At the end of the cold war, United States of America maintained its role in the international system and became the only pole that dominated the international affairs while Russia tried to overcome the challenges inherited from the former Soviet Union, and it succeeded in th

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 07 2024
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Научный форум:
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Measures of the British Force in Iraq and their managements to limitate the pread of Malaria among its troops (Documentary Study)
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Historical scripts and Academic studies have bestrewed almost all the events of the movement of march 1941 . Yet the need was present to shine more light on important sides . These important sides were neglected due to some reasons among which came the absence of the historical material which can make a new historical detection. Then there were historical topics concerning our research which comes within context of sanitarily conditions , rarely seizes the attention of the researchers for many reasons some of them were not subjective.
The spread of Malaria among the British force was one of the sanitarily conditions that were related to the movement of march since their arrival to Basra city and its continuous spread after the second

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Globalization and its Transformations in Contemporary ceramics (European and American Porcelain a Model): أسعد مطر خليل
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Globalization has occupied a great deal of studies, research and literature, in addition to being a phenomenon that has imposed itself firmly on the ground. Globalization is considered the main feature of the current moment in today's world. The world is now transforming in an unprecedented way under noticeable titles of successive waves of knowledge and technology.The current research aims to identify the effects of globalization on the variables and their political, social, media and cultural dimensions, as well as culture of consumption and cultural identity.The theoretical framework included two sections: the first is the concept of globalization, its history and its dimensions, and the second is the modernity in contemporary Europea

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The concept of suspense and mystery with some references to dickens s Novels ; A tale of two cities and Great expectations
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
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1st Ijrtess – 2017 First International Conference On Recent Trends Of Engineering Sciences And Sustainability
Measuring Cohesion and Place Attachment of Selected Neighborhoods in Al-Adhamiya
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Historic centers are often subject to urban renewal without the prior knowledge of the extent of the cohesion and attachment to place of its inhabitants. Identifying the rates of cohesion and place attachment can help urban designers to avoid decisions that lead to clashes with the reality of the social groups inhabiting the neighborhoods of the historic center. So the research aimed to measure cohesion and place attachment in a methodological approach based on a psychological instrument conducted by previous studies .The measurements were applied through a questionnaire given to the residents of six elected neighborhoods forming the historic center of Al- Adhamiya.The research assumed the relative disparity rates of cohesion and place atta

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