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Phytoestrogens directly inhibit TNF-α-induced bone resorption in RAW264.7 cells by suppressing c-fos-induced NFATc1 expression
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TNF-α-induced osteoclastogenesis is central to post-menopausal and inflammatory bone loss, however, the effect of phytoestrogens on TNF-α-induced bone resorption has not been studied. The phytoestrogens genistein, daidzein, and coumestrol directly suppressed TNF-α-induced osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. TRAP positive osteoclast formation and resorption area were significantly reduced by genistein (10(-7) M), daidzein (10(-5) M), and coumestrol (10(-7) M), which was prevented by the estrogen antagonist ICI 182,780. TRAP expression in mature TNF-α-induced osteoclasts was also significantly reduced by these phytoestrogen concentrations. In addition, in the presence of ICI 182,780 genistein and coumestrol (10(-5) -10(-6) M) augmented TNF-α-induced osteoclast formation and resorption. However, this effect was not observed in the absence of estrogen antagonist indicating that genistein's and coumestrol's ER-dependent anti-osteoclastic action normally negates this pro-osteoclastic effect. To determine the mechanism mediating the anti-osteoclastic action we examined the effect of genistein, coumestrol, and daidzein on caspase 3/7 activity, cell viability and expression of key genes regulating osteoclast differentiation and fusion. While anti-osteoclastic phytoestrogen concentrations had no effect on caspase 3/7 activity or cell viability they did significantly reduce TNF-α-induced c-fos and NFATc1 expression in an ER dependent manner and also inhibited NFATc1 nuclear translocation. Significant decreases in NFκB and DC-STAMP levels were also noted. Interestingly, constitutive c-fos expression prevented the anti-osteoclastic action of phytoestrogens on differentiation, resorption and NFATc1. This suggests that phytoestrogens suppress TNF-α-induced osteoclastogenesis via inhibition of c-fos-dependent NFATc1 expression. Our data provides further evidence that phytoestrogens have a potential role in the treatment of post-menopausal and inflammatory bone loss directly inhibiting TNF-α-induced resorption.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Stress Distribution on the Zygapophyseal Joint of Lumbar Vertebra by ANSYS Program
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Zygapophyseal joints (or facet joints), are a plane synovial joint which located between the articular facet processes of the vertebral arch which is freely guided movable joints. Ten dried vertebrae were used for the lumbar region and taking (L4) as a sample to reveal stress pathways across the joints by using ANSYS program under different loading conditions which used Finite Elements Analysis model. Results obtained from the ANSYS program are important in understanding the boundary conditions for load analysis and the points of stress concentration which explained from the anatomical point of view and linked to muscle and ligament attachments. This model used as a computational tool to joint biomechanics and to prosthetic im

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Renewable Energy
Biodiesel production by esterification of oleic acid over zeolite Y prepared from kaolin
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
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Optical And Quantum Electronics
Photocatalytic activity of anatase titanium dioxide nanostructures prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering technique
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Advances In Condensed Matter Physics
Electrical and Optical Properties of :H Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Evaporation Method
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Thin a-:H films were grown successfully by fabrication of designated ingot followed by evaporation onto glass slides. A range of growth conditions, Ge contents, dopant concentration (Al and As), and substrate temperature, were employed. Stoichiometry of the thin films composition was confirmed using standard surface techniques. The structure of all films was amorphous. Film composition and deposition parameters were investigated for their bearing on film electrical and optical properties. More than one transport mechanism is indicated. It was observed that increasing substrate temperature, Ge contents, and dopant concentration lead to a decrease in the optical energy gap of those films. The role of the deposition conditions on value

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 24 2009
Journal Name
كتاب الوقائع /المؤتمر العلمي الثالث لكلية العلوم جامعة بغداد
Using antibiotics as mutagenic and curing agents for Prodigiosin Production By Serratia marcescens
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The effect of different antibiotics on growth pigment and plasmid curing of Serratia marcescens were studied, S. marcescens was cultured in media containing(16_500)µg/ml of antibiotics, curing mutants unable to produce prodigiosin and lost one plasmid band were obtained of of ampicillin, amoxillin, antibiotics concentrations (64 500) µg/ml metheprim, ultracloxam, azithromycin, cephalexin and erythromycin treated with (350 500) µg/ml of The mutant cells rose- light color and and refampicin revealed S.marcescens inhibited ciprodar and tetracyclin, lincomycin did not lost the plasmid band chlaforan

Publication Date
Wed Sep 18 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Development
Production of biodiesel by using CaO nano-catalyst synthesis from mango leaves extraction
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Development and population expansion have the lion's share of driving up the fuel cost. Biodiesel has considerable attention as a renewable, ecologically friendly and alternative fuel source. In this study, CaO nanocatalyst is produced from mango leaves as a catalysis for the transesterification of waste cooking oil (WCO) to biodiesel. The mango tree is a perennial plant, and its fruit holds significant economic worth due to its abundance of vitamins and minerals. This plant has a wide geographical range and its leaves can be utilized without any negative impact on its growth and yield. An analysis was conducted to determine the calcium content in the fallen leaves, revealing a significant quantity of calcium that holds potential fo

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 15 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removal of Lead and Chromium From Industrial Wastewater by Locally Citrobacter spp. Isolates
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Biosorption is an effective method to remove toxic metals from wastewaters. In this study biosorption of lead and chromium ions from solution was studied using Citrobacter freundii and Citrobacter kosari isolated from industrial wastewater. The experimental results showed that optimum grwoth temperature for both bacteria is 30oC and the optimum pH is 7 &6 for C. freundii and C. kosari respectively. While the optimum incubation period to remove Pb and Cr for C. freundii and C. kosari is 4 days and 3days respectively. Also the biosorption of Pb and Cr in mixed culture of bacteria and mixed culture of Pb and Cr was investigated. Result indicate that uptake of Cr and Pb for C.freundii, C. kosari and in mixes culture of both bacteria is 58%, 53%

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stellar Thermonuclear Reaction Rates of Proton Radiative Capture by Closed Light Shell Isotopes
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Light isotopes, especially closed shell nuclei, have significance in thermonuclear reactions of the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen (CNO) cycle in stars. In this research, 12C(p, γ) 13N and 14N(p, γ) 15O reactions have been calculated by means of Matlab codes to find the reaction rate across a temperature range of 0.006 to 10 GK using non-resonant parts, as well as the astrophysical S- factor S(E) at low energies. It was concluded that the high binding energy of 12C and 14N nuclei make the reaction less probable thus enabling other competitive processes to develop, which enhances the probability of other competitive proton reactions in the CNO cycle.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 06 2018
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
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In this work, Co-Y-oxide Nano Structure is successfully synthesized via hydrothermal method. The XRD analysis, SEM analysis, optical, electrical and photo sensing properties have been investigated for Co3O4 and Co-Y-oxide thin films. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis reveals that all films are polycrystalline in nature, having cubic structure. The SEM images of thin films clearly indicates that Co3O4 possesses nanosphere like structure and flower like for Co-Y-oxide. The optical properties show that the optical energy gap follows allowed direct electronic transition calculated using Tauc equation and it increases for Co-Y-oxide. The photo sensing properties of thin films are investigated as a function of time at different wavelengths to

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Mon Aug 03 2020
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
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In this work, chemical spray pyrolysis deposition (CSP) technique was used to prepare a mixed In2O3-CdO thin films with different CdO content (10, 30 and 50)%volume ratio on glass substrates at 150 ᵒC substrate temperature. The surface morphology and structural properties were measured to find the optimum conditions to improve thin films properties for using as photo detector. Current –Time, the sensitivity and response speed vary for each mixture. Samples with 10% vol. CdO content has square pulse response with average rise time nearly 1s and fall time 1s.