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Cloud computing sensitive data protection using multi layered approach
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 21 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Non-Smooth Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Extended Finite Element Method
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Flexure members such as reinforced concrete (RC) simply supported beams subjected to two-point loading were analyzed numerically. The Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) was employed for the treatment the non-smooth h behaviour such as discontinuities and singularities. This method is a powerful technique used for the analysis of the fracture process and crack propagation in concrete. Concrete is a heterogeneous material that consists of coarse aggregate, cement mortar and air voids distributed in the cement paste. Numerical modeling of concrete comprises a two-scale model, using mesoscale and macroscale numerical models. The effectiveness and validity of the Meso-Scale Approach (MSA) in modeling of the reinforced concrete beams w

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 19 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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Cladophora and Spirulina algae biomass have been used for the removal of Tetracycline (TC) antibiotic from aqueous solution. Different operation conditions were varied in batch process, such as initial antibiotic concentration, different biomass dosage and type, contact time, agitation speed, and initial pH. The result showed that the maximum removal efficiencies by using 1.25 g/100 ml Cladophora and 0.5 g/100 ml Spirulina algae biomass were 95% and 94% respectively. At the optimum experimental condition of temperature 25°C, initial TC concentration 50 mg/l, contact time 2.5hr, agitation speed 200 rpm and pH 6.5. The characterization of Cladophora and Spirulina biomass by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) indicates that the presenc

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical & Health Sciences
Protecting Oil Flowlines from Corrosion Using 5-ACETYL-2-ANILINO-4-DIMETHYLAMINOTHIAZOLE
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Oil flow lines are used to transport oil and its derivatives from a well over long distances, and because oil wells produce other potentially corrosive products, such as carbon dioxide and Hydrogen sulfide, it is necessary to take methods to protect the pipeline from corrosion. One of these methods is the use of corrosion inhibitors in this study. Prepare 5-acetyl-2-anilino-4-dimethylaminothiazole and test it as a corrosion inhibitor on a sample of the Rumaila flow line at a constant temperature 25°C in (3.5%) NaCl and (3.5%) KCl solution in the absence and presence of different concentrations of inhibitor (0 mM, 0.01 mM, 0.03 M, 0.05 mM). by using liner polarization (Tafel slope). The inhibiter exhibited the best performance at hi

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Measurement of Natural Radioactivity in different cigarettes samples by using (HPGe) detector
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Abstract<p>Twelve samples of cigarettes have been collected from local markets of different types and origins by using (HPGe) detector, and measurement of the specific activity for series U<sup>238</sup> and series Th<sup>232</sup> in addition to K<sup>40</sup> in order to estimate the health risk of cigarettes their by smokers, the results shown that highest specific activity value were be (12. 8±6. 3 Bq/kg, 8. 41±5. 8 Bq/kg, 125. 16±58. 3 Bq/kg), respectively, in the sample (MAC) MacBeth type cigarettes in Brazilian origin, this paper reports data such as (specific activity of K<sup>40</sup>, series U<sup>238</sup>, series Th<sup>232</sup></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat May 30 2020
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Desertification Monitoring in the South-West of Iraqi Using Fuzzy Inference System
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In this research, the region in the south-west of Iraq is classified using a fuzzy inference system to estimate its desertification degree. Three land cover indices are used which are the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Normalized Multi-Band Drought Index and the top of atmosphere surface temperature to build a fuzzy decision about the desertification degree using eight decision roles. The study covers a temporal period of 38 years, where about every 10 years a sample is elected to verify the desertification status of the region, starting from 1990 to 2018. The results show that the desertification status varied every 10 years, wherein 2000 encountered the highest desertification in the south-west of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study of Hydroisomerization of n-Decane using Pt/SAPO-11 catalysts
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The hydroisomerization of n-decane was studied on SAPO-11 catalyst. Catalyst of 0.25wt.%Pt/SAPO-11 was prepared locally and used in the present work. The hydroconversion performed in a continuous fixed-bed laboratory reaction unit. Experiments of n-decane isomerization were performed in a temperature range of 200 to 275°C,LHSV range of 0.5-2 h-1, and hydrogen to decane mole ratio of 2.1-8.2. The results show that the n-decane conversion increases with increasing temperature and  decreasing LHSV , the maximum conversion 56.77 % was achieved at temperature 275°C and LHSV of 0.5 h-1. The kinetic of n-decane isomerization was also studied and the reaction was first order. The kinetic analysis also showed that the

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculation of Photon Emission from Quark-Antiquark Annihilation Using QCD Theory
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In this work, we calculate and analyze the photon emission from quark and anti-quark interaction during annihilation process using simple model depending on phenomenology of quantum chromodynamic theory (QCD). The parameters, which include the running strength coupling, temperature of the system and the critical temperature, carry information regarding photon emission and have a significant impact on the photons yield. The emission of photon from strange interaction with anti-strange is large sensitive to decreases or increases there running strength coupling. The photons emission increases with decreases running strength coupling and vice versa. We introduce the influence of critical temperature on the  photon emission  rate in o

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network
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With its rapid spread, the coronavirus infection shocked the world and had a huge effect on billions of peoples' lives. The problem is to find a safe method to diagnose the infections with fewer casualties. It has been shown that X-Ray images are an important method for the identification, quantification, and monitoring of diseases. Deep learning algorithms can be utilized to help analyze potentially huge numbers of X-Ray examinations. This research conducted a retrospective multi-test analysis system to detect suspicious COVID-19 performance, and use of chest X-Ray features to assess the progress of the illness in each patient, resulting in a "corona score." where the results were satisfactory compared to the benchmarked techniques.  T

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Gamma Ray Transmission for Determination of Porosity in Doped Alumina Samples
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     In this study, gamma ray transmission method have been used to determine the total porosity in four samples: pure Alumina  ( Al2O3   ),  Al2O3 + (0.2wt%)MgO ,  Al2O3 + (0.6wt% )Y2O3  and Al2O3+ (8wt% ) ZrO2 .

      The experimental setup for the gamma ray transmission consist of 137Cs gamma source ( 662 KeV  ), a  NaI (Tl) scintillation detector measured the attenuation of strongly collimated  gamma beam through alumina samples.

The porosity obtained by the gamma ray transmission method were compare

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Classification of Iraqi Children According to Their Nutritional Status Using Fuzzy Logic
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In this paper, we build a fuzzy classification system for classifying the nutritional status of children under 5 years old in Iraq using the Mamdani method based on input variables such as weight and height to determine the nutritional status of the child. Also, Classifying the nutritional status faces a difficult challenge in the medical field due to uncertainty and ambiguity in the variables and attributes that determine the categories of nutritional status for children, which are relied upon in medical diagnosis to determine the types of malnutrition problems and identify the categories or groups suffering from malnutrition to determine the risks faced by each group or category of children. Malnutrition in children is one of the most

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