A poetic vision appeared in the poem of Al-Abbas bin Mardas Al-Sulami. He lived in the eras of pre-Islamic times and the emergence of Islam. The focus of this research: is the study of poetic text in the pre-Islamic era and the era of early Islam. The research followed a method in treating poetic texts, as it is based on presenting poetic texts from the collection of Al-Abbas bin Mardas, explaining the features of his poetic vision, and examining all the external factors that surrounded the poet and influenced his vision and all his thoughts. The results of this research was that Al-Abbas Ibn Mardas revealed some of the positions that he found contradicted the authentic Arab value before the advent of Islam, and the poet Abbas bin Mardas tried to reject them, including his rejection of some aspects of social injustice, which he found to be a cause of the spread of hatred. He tried to break the artistic molds of the ancient Arabic poem with direct influence from Islam. The idea of supporting the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was the focus of this poet’s vision in the Islamic era. This research also found a clear influence from this poet on other poets of the era, such as Hassan bin Thabit, Kaab bin Malik Al-Ansari, and Kaab bin Zuhair. This research contributes to understanding Arab culture from poetry. This research also contributes to researchers who want to study Arabic language and Arabic poetry as well as the development of Arab thought after the arrival of Islam.
ظل المديح فنا مهماًلم يأفل نجمه طوال الوجود العربي في الأندلس، فالقرون الثمانية صبغت هذا الفن الشعري بصبغة ميزته من غيره ، مثلها وفرة الإنتاج الشعري ، في عدد القصائد وطولها .فقد جاءت معظم قصائد المديح من الطول حدا أجاز فيه الشاعر لنفسه ؛ أن يعيد استثمار نصوص سابقة، إذ ثمّة رابط بين النص الأندلسي ونصوص أخرى سابقة له أو معاصرة . فهناك جهد فكري بنيت على
يسعى كل إنسان ضمن البيئة التي يعيش فيها إلى تحقيق رغبات مُعيّنة يبذل في سبيل تحقيقها مشقةً وعناءاً ، ولكي يبلغ هدفه المنشود يرسم لنفسه طريقاً يصادف خلاله العديد من المعوقات والمشاكل كأن تكون اجتماعية أو مادية أو اقتصادية .. ألخ . تستفزّه وتؤثر فيه ، ولا يتحتم عليه ضمن هذه الظروف الانتظار واقفاً حتى تسنح له إمكانات تحقيق مشواره ، بل يجب عليه أن يُعدّل في خطّته التي رسمها أو يُغيّر في سلوكه بشكل يتلاءم مع مستجدا
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ان حالة الوهن المرافق للفعاليات الاقتصادية تتصل بغيا
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... Show MoreThe main target of this paper is to determine the optimum time for preventive maintenance on machines. Tow methods has been implemented estimating the optimum time duration for preventive maintenance . the first techniques use scheduling depending on data concerning the machine maintenance cost and halted cost from the production reach to the optimum time for maintenance which reflect the minimum cost. Where as the second techniques depends on reability function to estimate the optimum duration time which reflect the minimum cost. The tow techniques above by which we count on in fixing the preventive maintenance both give same result . we also prove that the scheduling method best than the reability function .