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Effect of internal curing on performance of self-compacting concrete by using sustainable materials
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This paper is devoted to investigate the effect of internal curing technique on the properties of self-compacting concrete. In this study, self-compacting concrete is produced by using limestone powder as partial replacement by weight of cement with percentage of (5%), sand is partially replaced by volume with saturated fine lightweight aggregate which is thermostone aggregate as internal curing material in three percentages of (5%, 10%, 15%) for self-compacting concrete, and the use of two external curing conditions which are water and air. The experimental work was divided into three parts: in the first part, the workability tests of fresh self-compacting concrete were conducted. The second part included conducting compressive strength test and modulus of rupture test at ages of (7, 28 and 90) days. The third part included doing the shrinkage test at age of (7, 14, 21, 28) days. The results show that internally cured self-compacting concrete has the best workability and the best properties of hardened concrete which include (compressive strength, modulus of rupture) of externally cured self-compacting concrete with both water and air as compared with reference concretes. Also, the hardened properties of internally cured self-compacting concrete with percentage of (5%) with thermostone aggregate is the best as compared with that of percentages (10% and 15%) in both external curing conditions. In general, the results of shrinkage test have shown reduction in shrinkage of internally cured self-compacting concrete as compared with reference concretes and this reduction increases with increase in the thermostone aggregate content-within-self-compacting-concrete.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 21 2010
Journal Name
Veterinary Medical Journal Giza
Efficacy of some drugs and pathological studies on Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice.
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The study was conducted to determine the effect Toxoplasma gondii and the efficacy of azithromycin and garlic tablets on the treatment of acute murine toxoplasmosis and observe the histopathological changes due to infection. 60 Albino mice were divided into six groups, and their survival rate, pathology, bioassay trial and immunofluorescence were observed. Results revealed that azithromycin (250 mg/kg/day) given to infected mice increased the survival rate (90% on day 7 PI) and decreased the histopathological changes when compared with the control groups. Garlic tablets (500 mg/kg/day) had lesser effect on infected mice, and the survival rate (40% at days 6 and 7 PI) was lower than the groups treated with azithromycin. The group treated wit

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The prediction of the blood flow through an axisymmetric arterial stenosis is one of the most important aspects to be considered during the Atherosclrosis. Since the blood is specified as a non-Newtonian flow, therefore the effect of fluid types and effect of rheological properties of non-Newtonian fluid on the degree of stenosis have been studied. The motion equations are written in vorticity-stream function formulation and solved numerically. A comparison is made between a Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid for blood flow at different velocities, viscosity and Reynolds number were solved also. It is found that the properties of blood must be at a certain range to preventing atheroscirasis

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Double Stage Shrinkage-Bayesian Estimator for the Scale Parameter of Exponential Distribution
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  This paper is concerned with Double Stage Shrinkage Bayesian (DSSB) Estimator for lowering the mean squared error of classical estimator ˆ q for the scale parameter (q) of an exponential distribution in a region (R) around available prior knowledge (q0) about the actual value (q) as initial estimate as well as to reduce the cost of experimentations.         In situation where the experimentations are time consuming or very costly, a Double Stage procedure can be used to reduce the expected sample size needed to obtain the estimator. This estimator is shown to have smaller mean squared error for certain choice of the shrinkage weight factor y( ) and for acceptance region R. Expression for

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Development of Japanese Military Abitity and its Reflection on the New Japanese Role
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خلاصة (استطاعت اليابان بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية ان تنهض من جديد، وان تحقق تجربة تحديث سياسي جعلها تشهد تبدلات جذرية من الفقر الى الغنى ومن سيطرة الحكم العسكري الى الدولة المنزوعة السلاح ومن التخلف الى التكنولوجيا الاكثر تطورا في العالم, ومن الانغلاق والعزلة وذهنية سكان الجزر الى الانفتاح على ثقافات عصر العولمة ووسائل اعلامها. فكيف يمكن الاستفادة من هذه التجربة الحديثة سياسيا بل وحتى اقت

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Measurements of X-Ray Dose Delivered at Different Depths Applied on Water Phantom
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Background: Radiotherapy, is therapy using ionizing radiation in order to deliver an optimal dose of either particulate or electromagnetic radiation to a particular area of the body with minimal damage to normal tissues. The source of radiation may be outside the body of the patient (external beam irradiation) or it may be an isotope that has been implanted or instilled into abnormal tissue or a body cavity. Called also radiotherapy. The aim of work studies the relationship between the depth dose and the high photon xray energies (6MeV and 10MeV). Patients and methods: in our work, we studied the dose distribution in water phantom given at different depths (zero-18) cm deep at1cm intervals treated with different field size (5×5-,10×1

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The impact of postmodern era art movements on graphic design: بشار شامل الخفاجي
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In the postmodern era, the graphic design styles showed a new visualization method when the graphic designers had changed the traditional conditions by using design elements with new technics for photos, collage and comics illustration. The researcher assumes that the graphic design styles were affected by the art's movement at that period throw the same perspective of view for the concept presented in the art pieces and their entire message. Therefore, the researcher chooses field was the period of 1945-1970 in the USA for the (pop-art and conceptual-art) and explored the main visual effects that expressed the visual dialogue and compared them with the most common design styles ant the same period and location, the results of selected e

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isotherms and Thermodynamic Parameters of Metoprolol Drug Adsorption on the Prepared Mesoporous Silica
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In this study, mesoporous silica (MPS) is made using the sol-gel method from a cheap source (Na2SiO3) using the surfactant hydroxycetyl hydroxyethyl dimonium chloride as a template. The task is the adsorption-based removal of the medication metoprolol (MP) at concentrations between 10 and 50 ppm. Variables such as: contact time, dose of adsorbent, starting concentration of adsorbate, and adsorption temperature were studied which show the equilibrium time and adsorbent dose are 40 min and 0.05 g respectively. The Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm models were fitted to the data obtained from the experiments. Comparing the outcomes showed that, of the four investigated isotherm models, the Freundlich equation m

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of cytotoxic Effects Alcoholic Nerium Oleander L. Extract on female Albino mice
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This study involved the evaluation of Alcoholic extract of Nerium Oleander L. plant that have a promising anticancer cell. This extract was compared to the well known anticancer drug Cis – Platinum by utilizing an in vivo system in female Albino mice. The first direction was cytogenetically using the mitotic Index of bone marrow cells as a parameter for the cytotoxic effect of this extract. The second direction was enzymatical using a widely distributed enzyme GOT in the different organs of mice: Liver , kidney , spleen and lung . Animals were treated with three doses of Cis-platin , 50 , 200 and 350 Mg/mouse for three days . The same doses were used for the other extract . This study showed that the extract have a promising anticance

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 08 2023
Journal Name
Hammurabi Journal For Studies
The Impact of the Political Process on Government Stability in Iraq After 2003
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The research in the variables of the political process and government stability tried to show the impact of the political process on political stability first, and then on government stability second, given that the political process that was established in 2005 was aimed at achieving legitimacy, and its most prominent tools are elections, leading to achieving political stability, including government stability. The issue of governmental stability is one of the important issues in Iraq, but it has not been achieved, as a result of several factors, including problems in political action, as the political process has not succeeded in leading Iraq to stability.

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Weathering effects on the thermal conductivity of PS/PMMA blends for packaging application
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This work describes the weathering effects (UV-Irradiation, and Rain) on the thermal conductivity of PS, PMMA, PS/PMMA blend for packaging application. The samples were prepared by cast method at different ratios (10, 30, 50, 70, and 90 %wt). It was seen that the thermal conductivity of PMMA (0.145 W/m.K), and for PS(0.095 W/m.K), which increases by PS ratio increase up to 50% PS/PMMA blend then decreased that was attributed to increase in miscibility of the blend involved. By UV-weathering, it was seen that thermal conductivity for PMMA increased with UV-weathering up to (30hr) then decreased, that was attributed to rigidity and defect formation, respectively. For 30%PS/PMMA, there results showed unsystematic decrease in thermal conduct

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