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Salivary E‐cadherin as a biomarker for diagnosis and predicting grade of periodontitis
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To determine the abilities of salivary E‐cadherin to differentiate between periodontal health and periodontitis and to discriminate grades of periodontitis.


E‐cadherin is the main protein responsible for maintaining the integrity of epithelial‐barrier function. Disintegration of this protein is one of the events associated with the destructive forms of periodontal disease leading to increase concentration of E‐cadherin in the oral biofluids.

Materials and Methods

A total of 63 patients with periodontitis (case) and 35 periodontally healthy subjects (control) were included. For each patient, periodontal parameters including bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depth (PPD), and clinical attachment level (CAL) were recorded. Concentration of salivary E‐cadherin was determined by ELISA. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and area under the curve (AUC) were used to determine the diagnostic potentials of E‐cadherin.


Level of salivary E‐cadherin was significantly higher in periodontitis cases than controls. The ROC analysis showed that salivary E‐cadherin exhibits excellent sensitivity and specificity (AUC 1.000) to differentiate periodontal health from periodontitis with a cutoff concentration equal to 1.325 ng/mL. The AUCs of E‐cadherin to differentiate grade A from grade B and C periodontitis were 0.731 (cutoff point = 1.754 ng/mL) and 0.746 (cutoff point = 1.722 ng/mL), respectively. However, the AUC of salivary E‐cadherin to differentiate grade B from grade C periodontitis was lower (0.541). Additionally, BOP and PPD were significantly and positively correlated with the concentration of salivary E‐cadherin.


Salivary E‐cadherin exhibited excellent sensitivity and specificity to differentiate periodontitis from a healthy periodontium. The level of accuracy of E‐cadherin was also sufficient to recognize grade A periodontitis from grade B and C periodontitis.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient Iterative Methods for Solving the SIR Epidemic Model
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In this article, the numerical and approximate solutions for the nonlinear differential equation systems, represented by the epidemic SIR model, are determined. The effective iterative methods, namely the Daftardar-Jafari method (DJM), Temimi-Ansari method (TAM), and the Banach contraction method (BCM), are used to obtain the approximate solutions. The results showed many advantages over other iterative methods, such as Adomian decomposition method (ADM) and the variation iteration method (VIM) which were applied to the non-linear terms of the Adomian polynomial and the Lagrange multiplier, respectively. Furthermore, numerical solutions were obtained by using the fourth-orde Runge-Kutta (RK4), where the maximum remaining errors showed th

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 International Conference On Advances In Electrical, Electronic And Systems Engineering (icaees)
Efficient routing algorithm for VANETs based on distance factor
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There has been a great deal of research into the considerable challenge of managing of traffic at road junctions; its application to vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) has proved to be of great interest in the developed world. Dynamic topology is one of the vital challenges facing VANET; as a result, routing of packets to their destination successfully and efficiently is a non-simplistic undertaking. This paper presents a MDORA, an efficient and uncomplicated algorithm enabling intelligent wireless vehicular communications. MDORA is a robust routing algorithm that facilitates reliable routing through communication between vehicles. As a position-based routing technique, the MDORA algorithm, vehicles' precise locations are used to establish th

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Cybersecurity And Information Management
Machine Learning-based Information Security Model for Botnet Detection
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Botnet detection develops a challenging problem in numerous fields such as order, cybersecurity, law, finance, healthcare, and so on. The botnet signifies the group of co-operated Internet connected devices controlled by cyber criminals for starting co-ordinated attacks and applying various malicious events. While the botnet is seamlessly dynamic with developing counter-measures projected by both network and host-based detection techniques, the convention techniques are failed to attain sufficient safety to botnet threats. Thus, machine learning approaches are established for detecting and classifying botnets for cybersecurity. This article presents a novel dragonfly algorithm with multi-class support vector machines enabled botnet

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Compression-based Data Reduction Technique for IoT Sensor Networks
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Energy savings are very common in IoT sensor networks because IoT sensor nodes operate with their own limited battery. The data transmission in the IoT sensor nodes is very costly and consume much of the energy while the energy usage for data processing is considerably lower. There are several energy-saving strategies and principles, mainly dedicated to reducing the transmission of data. Therefore, with minimizing data transfers in IoT sensor networks, can conserve a considerable amount of energy. In this research, a Compression-Based Data Reduction (CBDR) technique was suggested which works in the level of IoT sensor nodes. The CBDR includes two stages of compression, a lossy SAX Quantization stage which reduces the dynamic range of the

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications
Automatic Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation Using Genetic Algorithms
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Abstract: Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is a significant field in computational linguistics as it is indispensable for many language understanding applications. Automatic processing of documents is made difficult because of the fact that many of the terms it contain ambiguous. Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) systems try to solve these ambiguities and find the correct meaning. Genetic algorithms can be active to resolve this problem since they have been effectively applied for many optimization problems. In this paper, genetic algorithms proposed to solve the word sense disambiguation problem that can automatically select the intended meaning of a word in context without any additional resource. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on a col

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generative Adversarial Network for Imitation Learning from Single Demonstration
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Imitation learning is an effective method for training an autonomous agent to accomplish a task by imitating expert behaviors in their demonstrations. However, traditional imitation learning methods require a large number of expert demonstrations in order to learn a complex behavior. Such a disadvantage has limited the potential of imitation learning in complex tasks where the expert demonstrations are not sufficient. In order to address the problem, we propose a Generative Adversarial Network-based model which is designed to learn optimal policies using only a single demonstration. The proposed model is evaluated on two simulated tasks in comparison with other methods. The results show that our proposed model is capable of completing co

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Block-Iterative Frequency-Domain Equalizations for SC-IDMA Systems
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In wireless broadband communications using single-carrier interleave division multiple access (SC-IDMA) systems, efficient multiuser detection (MUD) classes that make use of joint hybrid decision feedback equalization (HDFE)/ frequency decision-feedback equalization (FDFE) and interference cancellation (IC) techniques, are proposed in conjunction with channel coding to deal with several users accessing the multipath fading channels. In FDFE-IDMA, the feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) filtering operations of FDFE, which use to remove intersymbol interference (ISI), are implemented by Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), while in HDFE-IDMA the only FF filter is implemented by FFTs. Further, the parameters involved in the FDFE/

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Polymer electrolytes based PAN for dye-sensitized solar cells
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Solar cells has been assembly with electrolytes including I−/I−3 redox duality employ polyacrylonitrile (PAN), ethylene carbonate (EC), propylene carbonate (PC), with double iodide salts of tetrabutylammonium iodide (TBAI) and Lithium iodide (LiI) and iodine (I2) were thoughtful for enhancing the efficiency of the solar cells. The rendering of the solar cells has been examining by alteration the weight ratio of the salts in the electrolyte. The solar cell with electrolyte comprises (60% wt. TBAI/40% wt. LiI (+I2)) display elevated efficiency of 5.189% under 1000 W/m2 light intensity. While the solar cell with electrolyte comprises (60% wt. LiI/40% wt. TBAI (+I2)) display a lower efficiency of 3.189%. The conductivity raises with the

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Planning Schemes for Human Settlements in the Desert Areas
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Despite the vast areas occupied by deserts in the world, it is still far from the civilized development and development of the other regions, so they became semi-neglected areas that extend to the hand of urbanization only in specific places and for special purposes, due to the harsh natural conditions surrounding it and to the accuracy The ecological balance in it became the greatest enemy of human beings in the desert areas is the same person who paved the way for increased intervention in the exploitation of natural resources and increase the demand for them to drain seriously affect the impact and still on the environmental and climatic conditions and thus living for the inhabitants of these Areas. The main potential for deve

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Proposed Audit Program for Automated Clearing House System (ACH)
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إن استخدام النظم الالكترونية في القطاع المصرفي وبالخصوص نظام مقاصة الصكوك الالكترونية (ACH) في عمليات التحويل الالكتروني للاموال بين المصارف تتضمن تحويلات مالية عالية القيمة  بين  المصارف المشاركة بهذا النظام, وان اي خلل قد يحدث بالنظام يؤدي الى حالات تلاعب في مقاصة الصكوك الالكترونية في المصارف المشاركة وبالتالي حدوث عملية اختلاس, ومن هذا المنطلق تبرز مشكلة البحث في اهمية توافر برنامج تدقيق مقترح ياخ

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