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Alternation of consonants in the Iraqi "Baghdad" dialect
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This article discusses the most beloved and creative dialect of the Arabs - the Iraqi dialect, despite its complexity, but it has a lot of beautiful foreign vocabulary. We followed a descriptive and historical approach, also tracked phonetic changes in this dialect, and then gave phonological explanations for these phenomena, trying to connect most of the phenomena with their historical roots in the standard Arabic "al-Fussha" and in ancient Arabic dialects. Most modern linguists have realized the need to study these dialects, since many of the modern dialect characteristics are only extensions of some ancient Arabic dialects, and do not refer them to the classical language. The study of modern Arabic dialects may be faced with a number of obstacles being in this important area of linguistic investigations, including the feeling that the study of modern dialects is a kind of encouragement and the desire to demonstrate and replace them with Classical Arabic.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Petrophysical Analysis Based on Well Logging Data for Tight Carbonate Reservoir: The SADI Formation Case in Halfaya Oil Field
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Carbonate reservoirs are an essential source of hydrocarbons worldwide, and their petrophysical properties play a crucial role in hydrocarbon production. Carbonate reservoirs' most critical petrophysical properties are porosity, permeability, and water saturation. A tight reservoir refers to a reservoir with low porosity and permeability, which means it is difficult for fluids to move from one side to another. This study's primary goal is to evaluate reservoir properties and lithological identification of the SADI Formation in the Halfaya oil field. It is considered one of Iraq's most significant oilfields, 35 km south of Amarah. The Sadi formation consists of four units: A, B1, B2, and B3. Sadi A was excluded as it was not filled with h

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 05 2019
Journal Name
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
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Purpose: This study aims to shed the light on allusions to real lab rats in Dashner’s trilogy: The Maze Runner (2009), The Scorch Trails (2010), and The Death Cure (2011).  It also aims to trace the historical documents and chronicles essential to reveal the justifications behind the vague political and scientific crimes.  Methodology: The researchers have used the literary analytical approach to study and analyze selected prominent aspects from each novel; such as the concept of lab rats and genocide crimes in The Maze Runner; references to weather experiments, the climate change conspiracy, gas chambers, and the Holocaust in The Scorch Trails; and finally, the man-made diseases and biological weapons in The Death Cure. Results

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ISO 9001: International Standards and their impact on achieving competitive advantage /An Applied at the private colleges in Iraq
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The results of the analysis showed that there is a correlation between ISO 9001    and the competitive advantage, which shows that the implementation of ISO 9001 in the private colleges achieves a competitive advantage through its ability to employ the entrance of quality systems management according to ISO 9001, By focusing on improving the quality of its educational services in accordance with a clear and understandable policy for all and its ability to meet the expectations, expectations and wishes of students and beneficiaries, which leads to lower costs of operations compared to other colleges and achieve a higher level of reliability and quality and value of services provided and rapid respon

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Brokerage Firms under Information Asymmetry and its Effect on Common Stock Trade : Applied Research in the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research aims to Applied Study in the nature of the impact of information asymmetry for brokerage firms in the common stock trading, The research included the theoretical concepts associated with each of the brokerage firms ,information asymmetry and common stock trading, It used the financial methods on the practical side of the information asymmetry for brokerage firms based in the sector as well as trading volume and spread for common stock , The community of the research included the Iraq Stock Exchange,the sample of research the companies listed which have been trading on its stock for the period August 2015 until December 2015 as well as brokerage firms

amounting to 47 brokerage firm. The resea

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Вводные слова и их значения в современном русском языке Parenthetical words and their meanings in the contemporary Russian language
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Предметом нашего исследования является вводные слова и их значения в современном русском языке. И прежде чем углубиться в нашу научную работу нам было необходимо определить понятие вводных  слов и их функция и место  в системе русского языка. По словам В. Г. Лебедева и Л. С. Тюревы "Вводные слова вводятся в предложении, чтобы выражать отношение говорящего к высказываемой мысли, оценки   ее содержа

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mathematical-procedural Knowledge ant its relation to logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department
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The study seeks the relationship between the mathematical-procedural Knowledge and the logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department. To this end, three questions were arisen: what is the level of mathematical-procedural Knowledge among the third stage students in mathematics department regarding their gender? Do male or female students have more logical-mathematical intelligence and are there significant differences base on their gender? What kind of correlation is between the level of mathematical-procedural Knowledge and the logical-mathematical intelligence of male and female students in the third stage in the mathematics department? A sample of (75) male and female students at the thir

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Publication Date
Wed May 22 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Angiotherapy
Immune Cytokines IFN-γ, TGF-β, TNF-α, and IL-1β Modulate the Pathophysiological Markers in Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease
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Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative aging disease, with idiopathic PD being most common. Gastrointestinal tract disorders (GITD) and microbiota changes may trigger idiopathic PD. Neurotoxins from microbiota can travel from the gut to the brain via the brain-gut axis (BGA), leading to α-syn protein misfolding and dopaminergic neuron death. Methods: The aim of the current study was to investigate the link between PD and GITD by measuring several biochemical and immunological markers in 142 patients. The biochemical markers measured were vitamins B6, B12, and D, calcium, serotonin, ghrelin, dopamine, and α-syn protein. The immunological markers included transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), tu

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Deep Learning Techniques in the Cancer-Related Medical Domain: A Transfer Deep Learning Ensemble Model for Lung Cancer Prediction
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Problem: Cancer is regarded as one of the world's deadliest diseases. Machine learning and its new branch (deep learning) algorithms can facilitate the way of dealing with cancer, especially in the field of cancer prevention and detection. Traditional ways of analyzing cancer data have their limits, and cancer data is growing quickly. This makes it possible for deep learning to move forward with its powerful abilities to analyze and process cancer data. Aims: In the current study, a deep-learning medical support system for the prediction of lung cancer is presented. Methods: The study uses three different deep learning models (EfficientNetB3, ResNet50 and ResNet101) with the transfer learning concept. The three models are trained using a

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Energy Science And Engineering
CFD analysis on optimizing the annular fin parameters toward an improved storage response in a triple‐tube containment system
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This study aimed to identify the employment of the social networking platform «Twitter» in the 2016 presidential campaign led by the Republican candidate, Donald Trump; and analyse his tweets through his personal account on «Twitter»  for the period from: 10/ 8/2016 to: 11/ 8/2016 which represents the last month of the election campaign.

The study belongs to the type of descriptive studies using the analytical method through an analysis index that includes sub-categories and other secondary categories. The research has adopted the ordinary unit of information material (tweet) as an analysis unit for this purpose.

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