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Impact of a mixture of nanofiller and intrinsic pigment on tear strength and hardness of two types of maxillofacial silicone elastomers
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Background: The ideal maxillofacial prosthesis should have fine and thin boundaries that bindwith the surrounding facial structures and possess high tear strength.This study aims to determinethe best percentages of nanofiller (TiO2) and intrinsic pigment (silicone functional intrinsic) thatcould be mixed in as additives to improve the tear strength of Cosmesil M511 andVST50F siliconeelastomers with the least effect on their hardness.Materials and Methods: In this in vitro experimental study, a total of 80 samples, 40 for eachelastomer, were fabricated. Each elastomer sample was split into two equal groups to test for tearstrength and Shore A hardness. Each group consisted of 20 samples, including 10 control sampleswithout additives and 10 experimental samples with additives (mixtures of 0.2 wt% nano‑TiO2 + 0.25wt% intrinsic pigment and 0.25 wt% nano‑TiO2 + 0.25 wt% intrinsic pigment for the CosmesilM511 and VST50F silicone elastomers, respectively).Two‑way ANOVA and Tukey test were usedfor comparison; P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Significant differences in tear strength were found among all tested groups (P < 0.05).The tear strength of the experimental subgroups significantly increased compared with the controlsubgroups (P < 0.05). Significant differences in Shore A hardness were also observed among alltested groups (P < 0.05) except between the experimental subgroups of both materials, where anonsignificant difference was obtained (P > 0.05).Conclusion: Incorporation of select percentages of TiO2 nanofiller and intrinsic pigment intoCosmesil M511 andVST50F silicone elastomers yields improvements in tear strength with a slightincrease in hardness (PDF) Impact of a mixture of nanofiller and intrinsic pigment on tear strength and hardness of two types of maxillofacial silicone elastomers. Available from: [accessed Apr 05 2023].

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Influence of Nanofluid Flooding on Oil Displacement in Porous Media
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Hydrocarbon displacement at the pore scale is mainly controlled by the wetness properties of the porous media. Consequently, several techniques including nanofluid flooding were implemented to manipulate the wetting behavior of the pore space in oil reservoirs. This study thus focuses on monitoring the displacement of oil from artificial glass porous media, as a representative for sandstone reservoirs, before and after nanofluid flooding. Experiments were conducted at various temperatures (25 – 50° C), nanoparticles concentrations (0.001 – 0.05 wt% SiO2 NPs), salinity (0.1 – 2 wt% NaCl), and flooding time. Images were taken via a high-resolution microscopic camera and analyzed to investigate the displacement of the oil

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of the electric field on drilling Brass by Laser
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The research include a pulsed Nd: YAG Laser with (300µs) pulse duration in the TEM00 mode at (1.06µm) wavelength for energies between (0.5-3) J was employed to drill Brass material which is use in industrial applications. The process of drill was assisted by an electric field. This resulted in an increase in the hole aspect ratio by the value (45%) and decrease in the hole taper by the value (25%) of its value under ordinary drilling conditions using the same input energy.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bibliographic Analysis on the Financing of Education Reform in Morocco
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The National Charter for Education and Training in 1999 defined the principles, pillars and main objectives of the Moroccan education system, building on the various reforms of the early twenty-first century and the attempt to breathe new life into this reference document. Through partial and incremental changes, a total inability to tackle the root causes of the Moroccan education system and training has been revealed. This research has been conducted to answer the questions of education in the foreground national concerns and priorities in the discourse of the main political actors in Morocco that have been raised and remain interesting and can be expressed in the following question: Morocco still fails to meet the challenge of educati

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of School Health
The Role of Virtual Education Networks on Students’ Mental Health
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Background: The Covid-19 pandemic changed the world; its most important achievement for education was changing the approach from traditional to virtual education. The present study aimed to investigate the role of virtual education networks on mental health of students including personality, beliefs, scientific, and cultural dimensions, in selected countries.Methods: This was an exploratory and applied study. According to the phenomenology strategy, theoretical saturation occurred after 24 semi-structured and targeted qualitative interviews with teachers from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, in 2023. Quantitative data was collected through a researcher-made online questionnaire with 423 participants. Teachers with at least a Bachelor’s degr

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of LPS Extracted from Campylobacter coli on Lymphocyte Transformation
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Effect of gamma irradiation on the TlBa2Ca2Cu3O9-δ superconducting properties
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Scopus (9)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The effects of Insects on the Physicochemical Characteristics During Composting
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     Insects have a vital role in solid waste composting process. Insects are detritus feeders that enhance changing the physical and chemical properties of decomposed materials during composting processes. This behavior makes insects excellent organisms in recycling of organic matter. The present study assesses the success of insects’ population in relation with the degradation of solid waste.  The study was carried out in the glass house facility of the College of Science, Salahaddin University in Erbil City, Kurdistan region of Iraq, using household organic waste. During composting process, three stages of lifecycle of insects were observed and recorded. The total number of insects reached to 1268 indiv

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Space-Charge Effect on the Theoretical Design of Enzil Lens
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The presentwork is a theoretical study in the field of charged particle optics. It concentrates on the design of electrostatic enzil lens for focusing charge particles beams, using inverse method in designingthe electrostatic lens. The paraxial ray equation was solved to obtain the trajectory of the particles, the optical properties such as the focal length and spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients were determined. The shape of the electrode of the electrostatic lens were determined by solving poison equation and the results showed low values of spherical and chromatic aberrations, which are considered as good criteria for good design.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Video Games on Intermediate Students’ Academic Achievement
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The study attempts to identify 1) the habits of playing video games among students, 2) the effect of playing video games on students’ academic achievement, 3) the statistically significant differences among students in regard of (gender, time of playing video games, number of hours). To this end, a five-likert scale questionnaire included four questions was applied to (250) male and female students chosen randomly from the second-intermediate stage at Al-Karakh side secondary schools. The findings revealed that students play games only on holidays and less than an hour daily, which means playing games does not affect their academic achievement. Additionally, the findings found there is a significant difference between male and female i

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Investigating the effect of cartographic properties on updating cadastral maps
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Abstract<p>Cadastral maps are the main documents of ownership and plots of land, as it contribute to preserving the property rights of individuals and institutions. It indicates the size and shape of each parcel and reveals geographic relationships that affect property value. The Iraqi cadastral maps are in old coordinate system AL-nahrwan 1934 and lambert conformal conic projection. Therefore these maps are old and unfit for use. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of cartographic properties on updating cadastral maps. This depends on studying the effect of conversion the projection and the datum of the cadastral maps of the study area from (datum: nahrwan34, projection: lambert confo</p> ... Show More
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