على الرغم من أن الجامعات والمراكز والمؤسسات العلمية في الجامعات العراقية تزخر بالعديد من الكوادر والخبرات العلمية والأكاديمية المؤهلة علمياً وفنياً لانتاج البحوث العلمية والاشراف على طلبة الدراسات العليا، غير ان عملية انتاج الابحاث العلمية التطبيقية على وجه الخصوص تعترضها مجموعة من الصعوبات والمعوقات التي استطلعها الباحثين اما من خلال التجربة الشخصية, او من خلال استطلاعات اراء طلبة الدراسات العليا والباحثون في الاقسام التي يحاضر فيها الباحثون ثانيا. تهدف الدراسة إلى استعراض واقع البحث العلمي التطبيقي في الجامعات العراقية ، كما تسعى الدراسة إلى بيان أهمية البحوث العلمية ودورها الفاعل في تحقيق التطور. كما يهدف البحث الى الكشف عن المعوقات التي تعترض طلبة الدراسات العليا والاساتذة الباحثين في الجامعات العراقية, والكشف عن الفروق في استجابات الطلبة حول المشكلات التي تواجههم. يفترض البحث وجود تفاوتات في المعوقات التي تعترض الباحث في الاقسام العلمية التطبيقية تختلف من قسم لاخر، و المعرفة المسبقة بهذه المعوقات التي تعترض الباحث في الابحاث العلمية التطبيقية تجعل بالامكان تلافيها بوضع استراتيجيات مختلفة من قسم علمي لاخر لتذليل تلك المعوقات او الصعوبات. يتبع البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في جانبه النظري من خلال استعراض عموميات وتعاريف حول البحث العلمي.للخروج بمؤشرات ومحاور تلخص الصعوبات التي يواجهها طلبة الدراسات العليا في الجامعات العراقية. يتبع البحث في جانبه العملي المنهج التحليلي والاحصائي من خلال اجراء استبانة على عينة متجانسة منتخبة من مجموعة من طلبة الدراسات العليا في اقسام علمية تشمل بحوث تطبيقية وهي كل من قسم هندسة العمارة – جامعة بغداد , وقسم التقنيات الاحيائية الطبية – كلية التقنيات الاحيائية – جامعة النهرين وقسم البستنة في كلية الزراعة-جامعة السليمانية.حيث تعتمد منهجية البحث على تحليل المعطيات الواردة من استمارة الاستبيان كمؤشرات للتحقق من صحة فرضية البحث. يخلص البحث بعد تحليل النتائج والاستنتاجات الى مجموعة من التوصيات والمقترحات المتعلقة بمشكلة البحث .
The study aims to identify the educational research obstacles as perceived by the faculty members at the universities of south in the west bank. As for study population, it included all (60) faculty-member in the colleges of education (bait lahem, alahliyah, al-khalil, and al-Quds almaftoha). To collect study data, the researcher used a questionnaire that consisted of (43) item; it has categorized into seven-domains: academic working conditions, academic management, resources and information, faculty members, publication, planning, and funding educational research. The findings revealed that Educational research obstacles were high with an average of (4, 39), no significant differences among sample averages and stander deviations on the
... Show MoreThe problem of the study lies in the need for standing on the justifications, reasons and difficulties that face the scientific research matter at Baghdad university. The importance of this study lies in the fact of being scientific research one of the most important methods in developing the teaching members performance efficiency which contributes in teachers contact with the modern developments that emerge in work. That matter which reflexe on the educational process and the scientific production in their universities.
And the research goal is summarized in identifying the difficulties that is facing the scientific research at Baghdad university from the point of view of the lecturers, and also to ide
... Show MoreThe study of the tendencies of scientific research in specialized journalism through the three specialized levels, specifically the third level. It is referred to be a monthly, quarterly or annual magazine that follows the publication of the researches for new studies which have come to in every specialization. it is directed to the highly educated and is almost an alternative book. Thus, the subject is specialized and the audience is specialized.
The study aims in both its survey and field section at knowing the type of researches and their classification and the form, gender and the use of foreign sources and their scientific tank and the geographical position in addition to knowing the opinions of researchers and their satisfa
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The aim of this research is to formulate a proposed strategy for developing graduate studies at King Khalid University to support the achievement of the Kingdom's vision (2030). The research used the descriptive survey approach. The research community consisted of all graduate students at King Khalid University. The research was conducted on a random sample included (623) Male and female students, this research relied on the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting its data. The results revealed that the research sample believes that all the proposals included in this research are very important for the development of postgraduate studies at King Khalid University to support the achievement of the K
... Show MoreResearch aims (Quality and originality in scientific research from the point of view of the participants in the course (qualification of scholars of Bayt al-Hikma) To find out how satisfied the participants about the training course held by the house of wisdom (research community), To develop and maximize the capacity of researchers in the field of writing scientific research, As well as establishing frameworks and concepts and standards related to quality and authenticity scientific research, The role played by this kind of research in the service of the movement of the human journey towards progress and prosperity.
On this basis was the research community, their number was (23) common t
... Show MoreThe present study was designed to determine the predictive capacity of Coronavirus’s impact, as well as, the psychological adjustment among university students in Oman. A total of (566) male and female students were employed to form the swtudy sample. The descriptive method was used. The findings showed that there is a significantly university student affected by Coronavirus; the dimensions of scale were arranged as follows: the Academic requirements of pandemic came first, the social communication came second, and the academic future stress came in third. The results also showed that Psychological Adjustment among University Students was affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, the average was low. Also, the result showed that the Corona
... Show MoreThe aim of the research is to assess the quality of the university accounting education system in Iraq. The researcher relied on the opinions of a sample of academics specialized in this field by preparing a checklist focusing on a set of axes that would affect the quality of accounting education in the Iraqi environment.
The most prominent finding of the research is that the quality of accounting education in Iraqi universities is medium and differs from one university to another in some quality components. In addition, the prescribed curricula and study plans applied in the accounting departments do not live up to the required level, as the largest proportion of those curricula are theoretically d
... Show Moreيهدف البحث الى قياس مستوى الثقافة الاسلامية لدى الطالب الجامعي العراقي والكشف عن الفروق في المستوى الثقافي الاسلامي بين الذكور والاناث وتحدد البحث بعينة ممثلة 200طالب وطالبة من طالب الجامعات العراقية ( بغداد ، المستنصرية ) للعام الدراسي (2018-2017) ، واعتمد على المنهج الوصفي (اسلوب المسح ) لدراسة الموضوع ، وخرج البحث بعدة استنتاجات منها يعاني طالب الجامعات العراقية ( ذكور واناث ) من ضعف في مستوى الثقافة الاسلامية لد
... Show MoreThe aim of the present research is to identify the test wisdom and the engagement with learning and psychological tension among postgraduate students at the University of Samarra according to the variables of the department, gender, age, and whether students are employee or non-employee. The study also attempts to identify the relationship between the test wisdom and the engagement with learning and psychological tension. The research sample consisted of (75) postgraduate students randomly selected from college of Education. The researcher applied the test–wisdom of (Mellman & Ebel) and the scale of engagement with learning preparation by (Al-zaabi 2013). In addition, the researcher used the list of the psychological stress of (Abu
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