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Histological study of lingual papillae on the tongue of the adult Iraqi domestic cat, Felis
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The results of this study showed that the tongue of the adult Iraqi domestic cat is divided into three regions of apex, body and root. The dorsal surface of all regions possesses five types of lingual papillae, two mechanical which are filiform and cylindrical papillae, while the other three types are taste papillae which are foliate, fungiform and circumvallate papillae, while these papillae are absent on its ventral surface. The histological examination of all tongue areas revealed that it consisted of three tunica, the tunica mucosa and the tunica submucosa (the lamina propria) and the tunica muscularis. The tunica mucosa consisted of the epithelial lining, which is a stratified squamous epithelial tissue covering the lingual papillae, and it was keratinized in the filiform papillae, highly keratinized in the cylindrical papillae, small keratinized in the fungiform papillae, while non-keratinized in the circumvallate and foliate papillae. The tunica submucosa (the lumina) consisted of loose connective tissue containing lingual glands in the lingual root region only, which are of two types: mucous and serous glands. The tunica muscularis appears in the form of bundles of muscle fibers in three directions, in which connective tissue spreads, and fatty tissue may spread between the fibers in the body and the lingual root regions.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 03 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment Types of Domestic Violence Among Iraqi Pregnant Women
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Objective : A descriptive analytical study was conducted on pregnant women who face domestic
violence and receive antenatal services from obstetric wards ikou^V Ctemal ^4M^vrAd\vQ^Ms> "&
Baghdad city, to identify the types of domestic violence on pregnant woman.
Methodology : A purposive sample of one hundred pregnant women with domestic violence was
selected. Data were collected through questionnaire, the period extended from the 20th Feb to the 3rd
May 2006. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were used to analyze the data.
Results : The result of the study showed that the highest percentage (26%) of the study sample their
age ranges from (30 - 34) years, most of them were housewife with low s

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2002
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Domestic Animals in English and Iraqi Rural Proverbs: A Pragmastylistic Study
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Proverbs gain their importance not only from the fact that they represent a cultural record of the people of every nation, but they reveal the way they use language and how they exploit their environments as a good source of inspiration to enrich that language.  Domestic animals, as part of every environment, play a major role in composing proverbs in every nation.

       This study is an attempt to pragmastylistically analyse some selected English and Iraqi rural proverbs using domestic animals in their texts. It limits itself to investigate certain stylistic and pragmatic devices such as: the type of sentences, their lengths, their content and grammatical words, the part of speech used, metaph

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Checklists of Parasites Stray Cats Felis Catus of Iraq
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The literature reviews  of  all  reports  of  parasites  fauna cats  Felis  catus  in  Iraq species of including 15 protozoa (Babesia spp., Crptosporidium spp., C. muris, C.  parvum, Cytauxzoon felis, Eimeria cati, Entamoeba spp., Giardia sp., Giardia spp., Isospora ssp., I. felis., I. rivoltaLeishmania tropica and Toxoplasma gondii), five trematoda  (Heterophyes  aequalis,    H.  heterophyes, Opisthorchis  felineus, O. tenuicollis  and  Paragonimus  killicotti

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Histomorphological study of tongue in Indigenous peacock (Pavo cristatus)
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The current study aimed to examine the histomorphological features of the oral salivary ducts and the peacock tongue (Pavo cristatus) of this species. In this study, eight healthy adult peacocks were used after collecting them from a commercial market in Baghdad to investigate and describe the tongue in these bird species. After being euthanized, they were killed by cutting off the major neck blood vessels and bleeding until death; the tongue was identified. The tongue was the sharp end, elongated, somewhat triangular, and measured 8.2 mm. The apex, trunk, and base are its three sections. There are 4 to 5 layers of big conical papillae on the area where the root and body converge. Without gustatory papillae, the dense keratinized ep

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Sciences
Histological and histochemical observations of the prostate gland at resting and stimulating status in adult local Dog (Canis familiaris)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of the Effect of Condenser Tubes Distribution for Domestic Refrigerator
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The performance of a condenser in a domestic refrigerator system without wires and a condenser with a novel design consisted of number of loops as elliptical shape is investigated experimentally in this work. The experiment was conducted with a refrigerator designed to work with HFC134a, under no load and with loads of (1.5,3 and 12 liters of water). In particular, the effects of shape change of the condenser were very important in heat transfer enhancement and reduce of the frictional loss as a result of reducing the pressure drop in the condenser. The results shown that compressor work decreases with elliptical condenser about (8.6% to 11.3%), and then the power consumption decreases also. The performance of household refrigerator with

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 04 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Histological study of the Isotretinoin drug effect on the intrauterine prenatal development in the pregnant mice
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Domestic Violence and Extremism among the Young: A Field Study in the Madain Region
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Young people represent the power and cornerstone of societies and their superiority is linked to their well-being. Their empowerment is as essential as the heart to the body, if it is corrupt, then the whole body is corrupt, and vice versa. The exposure to extremism and pressure from their families leads to violent acts and crimes for obtaining money through unknown organized bodies. This will drive them to fail in their life in an attempt to fulfill their most basic needs, which they have been deprived of by their families, the government, and other institutions. Therefore, governments should provide job opportunities for young people and provide entertainment centers, sports clubs, and family education centers that raise awareness of s

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Morphological description and histological structure of Gallbladder in local adult chicken Gallus gallus domesticus
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The present study aimed to investigate the morphological description and histological structure of Gallbladder in the adult local chicken bird. The morphological description and histological structure of the Gallbladder in the local chicken Gallus gallus domesticus found in the form of a cystic, spindle or pear-shaped, dark green color, located within the visceral abdominal side of the right lobe of the liver, histologically it was found that its wall consisted of three tunicae. The first tunica is mucosa which consists of an epithelial lining layer and lamina propria layer, while the muscularis mucosa was missing. The second tunica is musclaris, which is composed of smooth circularly arranged muscle fibers, and the third tunica is serosa o

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Gross Domestic Product Response to the Money Supply Shock in the Iraqi Economy for the Period (2004-2021)
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The research aims to clarify the response of the GDP to the M1 shock. It includes access to the results using standard methods, where the standard model was built according to quarterly data using the program STATA 17. According to the joint integration model ARDL, the research found a long-term equilibrium positive for the relationship between GDP and the money supply in Iraq, as the change in the money supply by a certain percentage will lead to a change in GDP by about 71% of that percentage. In the event of a shock in the Iraqi economy, the impact of the M1 will differ from what it was before the shock, as the shock will increase its effectiveness towards GDP by about 10% more than before the shock. At the same time, the relationship

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