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Impoliteness Formulas, Triggers, and Purposes to Refusal as Employed by Iraqi English Learners
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The present study aims at scrutinizing the impoliteness types, causes, and purposes utilized by Iraqi English language learners when refusing marriage proposals. Thus, it attempts to answer the questions: (1) what are the impoliteness formulas used by the Iraqi learners of English in refusing marriage proposals?, and (2) What are their impoliteness triggers/causes and the purposes? The study is significant in bridging the gap that few linguistic types of research concentrate on studying intentionality and emotions allied with impoliteness. Data were collected from 35 Iraqi learners of English responding to 6 situations of marriage. The data were analyzed using Culpeper’s (2011) formulas of impoliteness and Bousfield’s (2007) impoliteness triggers and intentions. The findings revealed that the most regular impoliteness formulas were insults and pointed criticisms/complaints. Regarding impoliteness triggers, the Iraqi learners’ responses reflected anger and disapproval as the most common triggers of impoliteness. Lastly, impoliteness was utilized as an instrument of insulting, quipping, and showing grudge when refusing the marriage situations; however, some impoliteness occurred as a counseling technique. The study concludes with some recommendations for future works.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of Water-Soluble Vitamins in Iraqi Honey Bee and Compare with Others Types by High –Performance Liquid Chromatography
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High-performance liquid chromatographic methods are used for the determination of water-soluble vitamins with UV-Vis. Detector. A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic has been developed for determination of water-soluble vitamins. Identification of compounds was achieved by comparing their retention times and UV spectra with those of standards solution. Separation was performed on a C18 column, using an isocratic 30% (v/v) acetonitril in dionozed water as mobile phase at pH 3.5 and flow rate 1.0m/min. The method provides low detection and quantification limits, good linearity in a large concentration interval and good precision. The detection limits ranged from 0.01 to 0.025µg/ml. The accuracy of the method was

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Some Strength Tests' Percentile Degree As Indicators for Selecting Iraqi Youth Weightlifters Aged 14 – 16 Years old
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Semiotics of Musical Sign in Iraqi Pantomime Show (Ahriman) as a Model: علي عدي صاحب-شيماء حسين طاهر
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The musical sign was associated with the first appearances of acting that are based on human gestures and expressive and silent movements, and they contributed in accentuating and clarifying these gestures and explain their meanings and indications, and they remained with them until these gestures turned into artistic theatrical shows so that the musical sign would have many functions and constitute the main pillars for this kind of show.
The musical sign is a language not much different than the human language in the semiotic analysis. There has been an increased interest in it and its use in the mime shows by the graduates who realized its necessity and significance in the pantomime show intellectually, artistically and aesthetical

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 02 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Evaluation of Serum Adropin Levels in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease as A Complication of Hypothyroidism In Iraqi Patients
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Qualitative and Quantitative Estimation or Chemical Constituents from Leaves and Roots of Iraqi Agave Attenuata by GC-MS and RP-HPLC(Conference Paper) #
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This research concentrate on cultivated Iraqi Agave attenuata dried leaves and roots, because of little studies on this plant especially on the root that lead to the eager of study and comparison of phytochemical constituents between leaves and root. Extraction of bioactive constituents was carried out using several solvents with increasing polarity (n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) by soxhlet apparatus. Steroidal saponins in Agave genus is well documented in many species, lightening the minds in this research on extraction method which is specific for steroidal saponins. Phytochemical screening was done by GC/MS for n-hexane fraction, qualitative and quantitative estimation of several bioactive constituents (caffe

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Nov 16 2021
Journal Name
Eurasian Chemical Communications
The role of metalloendopeptidase (MEP) as a vital predictor of early diabetic nephropathy and its relationship to some other biochemical variables
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Metalloendo peptidase is a neutral endopeptidase that cleaves peptides at the amino side of hydrophobic residues and inactivates several peptide hormones, including atrial natriuretic factor, giucagon, enkephalin, substance p, neurotensin, oxytocin, and bradykinin. It is also a major enzyme for the degradation of beta-amyloid. This study aimed to measure enzyme activity and compare it with other biochemical changes in sera patients with diabetic nephropathy. The study included 35 pathological samples of people with diabetic nephropathy, 24 samples from males and 11 samples from females, as well as the same number of healthy people as a comparison group of 15 males, 20 females, with the ages of both groups of patients with diabetic nephropat

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
US-Russian Interventions in the Caspian-Caucasus Basin Countries after 2001: (Strategies to Re-Impose Control and Influence as a Model)
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Today, the five Caspian riparian states on the shores of the Caspian Sea (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran) have become a front for ambitions and international and regional competition, especially in light of the features and characteristics that natural geography has endowed them with and their enjoyment of a group of economic and mineral wealth that are not optimally exploited so far which made it a strategic attraction area for international trends and interventions, especially Western ones. It is a battleground for major international companies aiming to monopolize promising industrial investments in order to impose control and influence on the region’s resources and economic wealth and thus impose their forei

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Dentistry
New functional and aesthetic composite materials used as an alternative to traditional post materials for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth
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Objectives To tailor composites of polyethylene–hydroxyapatite to function as a new intracanal post for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth (ETT). Methods Silanated hydroxyapatite (HA) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) filled low-density polyethylene (LDPE) composites were fabricated by a melt extrusion process and characterised using infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The flexural strength and modulus were determined in dry state and post ageing in simulated body fluid and fractured surfaces analysed by SEM. The water uptake and radiographic appearance of the experimental composites were also measured and compared with a commercially known endodontic fibre

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Studies
Investigating the Difference between the Conditionals (In) and (Itha) as Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an with Reference to Translation: Selected Verses
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According to grammarians In ( نإ) and Itha (اذإ) are conditionals and sometimes they may be used interchangeably. However, when they are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, they have their own specific use. This paper attempts to investigate their meanings in the source language as well as investigate their translations and find out any differences or similarities. The translations that are adopted in this research are as follows: Pickthall, Al-Hilali & Khan, and Shakir.

Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2023
Journal Name
Tajseer Journal For Multidisciplinary Research And Studies
The general principle governing the duty of care (Study in the light of English law)
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The duty of care is the essence of the error of negligence under the English legal system, and without it, responsibility for negligence cannot be judged, regardless of the extent of the damage incurred. contained in English law. In view of the importance of proving the existence of the duty of care on the defendant so that it is possible to judge his responsibility for negligence, the need arises to find a general principle to which the defendant is subject in order to decide whether he owes the plaintiff with the duty of care and therefore responsible for the negligence, and this is what we will explain in the research topic the study.

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