تعدُّ القارة الإفريقية ذات موقع جيوسياسي إذ إنه يربط دول العالم بعضها ببعض، وأنّها تحتوي على ثلث الاحتياط النفطي المؤكد العالمي واليوريانيوم والمعادن الأخرى مما جعلها ذات أهمية للدول العظمى، وأنّها غير مستقرة سياسياً إذ تكثر بها النزعات والهجمات الإرهابية مما جعل الدول العظمى تتسابق لوقف المشاكل، ومن أهم هذه الدول العظمى هي فرنسا التي تحتفظ بنفوذها السبق أي الاستعماري في القارة وأنّها لا تتنازل عنه لأي دولة أخرى بل إنّها تهدف للتوسيع نفوذها وأنّها تهدف للبحث عن أسواق للتصريف منتجاتها والحصول على جميع الموارد الأولية لاستمرار نمو اقتصادها، وفي الجانب السياسي فإنّها تهدف لتحويل تجمع الفرانكفوني من تجمع إقليمي لتجمع عالمي للحد من توسع النفوذ الأمريكي، ومن خلال انتشارها العسكري فإنّها تهدف للسيطرة على المواقع الاستراتيجي للقارة والتدخل في شؤونها الداخلية بحجة مساعدتها في استقرار امنها الداخلي، والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية التي سيطرت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية على العالم بعد انتهاء الحرب الباردة ومن ضمنه القارة الإفريقية ولكي تستمر هذه السيطرة فإنّها مضطرة لأبعاد جميع الدول المنافسين لها عنها ومن هذه الدول هي فرنسا التي تحتفظ بنفوذها في القارة مما جعلهم في مرحلة تنافس فما هي أهمية القارة التي جعلت من فرنسا وأمريكا يدخلان مرحلة التنافس الذي قد يصل إلى مرحلة الحرب. فعليه سيركز الفصل الأول بالجانب النظري الذي يشمل مفهوم التنافس والمفاهيم المقاربة له وكذلك يوضع موقع القارة وأهميته وما تحتويه من ثروات، بينما يوضح الفصل الثاني طبيعة المصالح الأمريكية والفرنسية في القارة الإفريقية ودعاوي اهتمام بها، ويتناول الفصل الثالث طبيعة التنافس الأمريكي والفرنسي في القارة ومستقبله.
Background: Colostomy minimizes the risk of leakage at expense of requiring a second operation. In Iraq, published on colostomy closure in penetrating abdominal wall injuries is scarce.
Objective: to Study the prognosis of colostomy closure in post-conflict patients in Iraq.
J Fac Med Baghdad 2018; Vol.60, No.3 Received: June, 2018 Accepted: Oct., 2018 Published: Dec.2018
Method: This is a retrospective study of 52 patients subjected to colostomy closure, recruited for the period 2008 to 2009
... Show MoreSome have considered the dialectic in form and meaning from different points of view, and dismantled them from each other, and this view is correct if we adopt according to the logic of Aristotle when it comes to dialectic, the dialectic of form and meaning has different aspects and does not share a single line in terms of conceptual meaning, the form is the appearance What the recipient sees with the help of cognitive tools, the content or content is the mental meaning, which in turn depends on his own tools, and to this extent this view is correct, and the intellectual content or meaning of the artwork or the human message that the artist wants to convey to the viewer.
The research included four chapters. The first chapter included
The subject of the tagged research (becoming and integration of the film in postmodern cinema) is summarized by studying the transformations and complementarity of the film in light of the emergence of the concern of postmodernism. Then the need for it, as well as the objectives of the research and clarify its limits, as well as its importance. Then the transition to the theoretical framework, which included two sections, the first topic was entitled: Postmodern Cinema Formation and Completion, while the second topic was entitled: Paradox in Postmodern Film.
After completing the theoretical aspect, the research concluded with a number of theoretical framework indicators that were adopted as a tool for analyzing the sample, then th
... Show MoreBackground: Colostomy minimizes the risk of leakage at expense of requiring a second operation. In Iraq, published on colostomy closure in penetrating abdominal wall injuries is scarce.
Objective: to Study the prognosis of colostomy closure in post-conflict patients in Iraq.
Method: This is a retrospective study of 52 patients subjected to colostomy closure, recruited for the period 2008 to 2009 from Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital and Children Central Teaching Hospital. Demographic data and information about colostomy (type, methods of preparation … etc.) were studied.
Results: Trauma was noticed in 57.7% patients. Transverse colon was the commone
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Iraq has the distinction of being a great potential of non-renewable natural resources,
especially crude oil and natural gas. Since the discovery of crude oil at the beginning of the
twentieth century in Iraq. Although the different of investment types, it contributed to the oil
sector in the provision of financial resources to the state treasury , since that date until the
present time.
Search has been marked by division ((The foreign investment in the oil sector in Iraq after
2003)) into three sections. The first section included a brief history of the development of
Iraq's oil potential in terms of oil reserves, and oil fields, and the quantities of production and
export. The second section reviewed the investm
The electoral poster is the most important means and methods of the electoral campaign because of its advantages and capabilities if it is organized properly. It is an intensive propaganda message with psychological figures and semiotic connotations belonging to sub-culture. Its construction depends on a group of elements (logo, photo symbols, color and picture) and their consistency is varying from one to another. Posters must be committed the determinants of attraction, excitement, simplicity and clarity. They are working according to the following base: (fixed audience X moved recipients) and walking towards (moving X moving) due to the technical development of optical screens. These developments require double the force of the impact
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The fundamental turning point in American policy towards the Iran was the success of the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979 . Since than U S policy has been hostile to Iran . After the events 11 September 2001 , there was an American idea of dialogue with some countries opposed to US policy , including Iran . In 2004 the United States launched the Greater Middle East project , which contain a range of political , economic and cultural proposals for the region , all of which were in the interest of the United States and ( Israel ) , which Iran opposed . The failure of U S projects in region prompted the United States to agree with Iran on the nuclear file . On 8 May 2018 U S President Donald Trump of
... Show MoreIn dieser Kurzgeschichte werden die Züge der Trümmerliteratur präzis dargestellt. Die wurde von Heinrich Böll im Jahr 1958 geschrieben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konzentriere ich mich auf vielfältige Stoffe in Bezug auf die Lage nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. So gab ich dieser Arbeit einen besonderen Titel, der die Dimensionen dieser Kurzgeschichte heißt. Ich meine hier, die profunde Interpretation dieses Werkes, denn ich fand zwar hinter einigen Wörtern eine ganze Geschichte, die uns der Erzähler dadurch zeigen wollte.
So teilte ich diese Wörter (Grab, Schatten, Last, Schrei) als Dimensionen, von denen diese Arbeit umgekreist wird.
Diese Arbeit besteht aus vier Kapiteln, die aufeinander aufgebaut sind. Im ersten K
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