تعدُّ القارة الإفريقية ذات موقع جيوسياسي إذ إنه يربط دول العالم بعضها ببعض، وأنّها تحتوي على ثلث الاحتياط النفطي المؤكد العالمي واليوريانيوم والمعادن الأخرى مما جعلها ذات أهمية للدول العظمى، وأنّها غير مستقرة سياسياً إذ تكثر بها النزعات والهجمات الإرهابية مما جعل الدول العظمى تتسابق لوقف المشاكل، ومن أهم هذه الدول العظمى هي فرنسا التي تحتفظ بنفوذها السبق أي الاستعماري في القارة وأنّها لا تتنازل عنه لأي دولة أخرى بل إنّها تهدف للتوسيع نفوذها وأنّها تهدف للبحث عن أسواق للتصريف منتجاتها والحصول على جميع الموارد الأولية لاستمرار نمو اقتصادها، وفي الجانب السياسي فإنّها تهدف لتحويل تجمع الفرانكفوني من تجمع إقليمي لتجمع عالمي للحد من توسع النفوذ الأمريكي، ومن خلال انتشارها العسكري فإنّها تهدف للسيطرة على المواقع الاستراتيجي للقارة والتدخل في شؤونها الداخلية بحجة مساعدتها في استقرار امنها الداخلي، والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية التي سيطرت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية على العالم بعد انتهاء الحرب الباردة ومن ضمنه القارة الإفريقية ولكي تستمر هذه السيطرة فإنّها مضطرة لأبعاد جميع الدول المنافسين لها عنها ومن هذه الدول هي فرنسا التي تحتفظ بنفوذها في القارة مما جعلهم في مرحلة تنافس فما هي أهمية القارة التي جعلت من فرنسا وأمريكا يدخلان مرحلة التنافس الذي قد يصل إلى مرحلة الحرب. فعليه سيركز الفصل الأول بالجانب النظري الذي يشمل مفهوم التنافس والمفاهيم المقاربة له وكذلك يوضع موقع القارة وأهميته وما تحتويه من ثروات، بينما يوضح الفصل الثاني طبيعة المصالح الأمريكية والفرنسية في القارة الإفريقية ودعاوي اهتمام بها، ويتناول الفصل الثالث طبيعة التنافس الأمريكي والفرنسي في القارة ومستقبله.
Background: Osteoporosis is a bone condition that makes bones thininer and more fragile because of reduced bone density and it puts people at risk of fractures, especially of the hip, spinal vertebrae and wrist.
Objective: This study will highlighted the role of IL-17 in postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Patients and methods: This study applied on 84 includes subjects (42 postmenopausal osteoporosis patient and 42 of healthy control group), conducted from December 2014 to March 2015 to measure the IL-17 serum level by using ELISA kit.
Results: In osteoporotic postmenopausal women the mean of serum IL-17 was (0.49pg/ml) and it is significantly higher than that of healthy group (0.09pg/ml).
Conclusion: Serum IL-17 was significantly
World War II has brought suffering for all people; it has led people to have a nostalgic feeling. The war has many faces all of them are ugly, like death, separation, loneliness, violence, crime, betrayal, and disconnection and many other meanings. Michael Ondaatje in his novel The English Patient (1992) portrays a picture of the effect of World War II on four different characters; Hana a Canadian nurse, The English patient who is Hungarian, Caravaggio a Canadian-Italitan thief, and Kip an Indian sapper. They live together in one house, share their secrets and memories about World War II. Ondaatje brings them together to reveal their secrets and to heal their wounds of the war experience.
The study started from the problems of wars and the damage that result from deterioration and destruction of infrastructure and the absence of planning and urban reconstruction. The study aims to address the condition of the bad destroyed bridges that have paralyzed traffic from the right and left sides of the city of Mosul. The study is based on the assumption that the reconstruction of bridges will improve the transportation network in the city of Mosul. The study relied on several approaches, including: the historical approach by reviewing global and local experiences and the descriptive approach to review the reality of the state of Mosul after the liberation process, through maps and the analytical approach through statistics and da
... Show MoreBackground: - Recurrent breast cancer is cancer that comes back following initial treatment. Risk factors of recurrence are lymph node involvement, larger tumor size, positive or close tumor margins, and lack of radiation treatment following lumpectomy, younger age and inflammatory breast cancer.
Objective: Asses the rate of recurrence for early breast cancer in Iraqi female patients, in relation to certain risk factors.
Patients and methods: A prospective study was conducted on 100 consecutive female patients, with stage I and stage II breast cancer treated by mastectomy and axillary dissection by the same team. Patients were assessed postoperatively every three months and recurrences were detected by physical examination and ultr
Abstract: This research deals with the developing of power and different abilities (military, security, economy, technology and scientific excellence) The research shows that the excellence of the Chinese economy and its development , had a positive reflection on the other powers and abilities , it means it is a base of development in all fields. The development in power and Chinese military abilities had a clear effect on Chinese strategic creed , and that what the research deals with in some details. The research also deals with developing Chinese nuclear abilities. The research doesn't ignore the security eye that indicates to the protection of the state sovereignty, concentrating on the unity and safety Chinese lands. The res
... Show Moreدراسة التسلح النووي مفهوم واهميه وأبعاد ودراسة القدرات النووية لكوريا الشمالية وتأثيراته الدولية والإقليمية
Sufi architecture (gorges, bands, and zawiyas) played an important
role in the development of Islamic civilization, especially since these
buildings are used as centers of religious education and Sufism, where
people are taught the basic principles of Islam, the biography of the
Prophet, and Sufism.
لا يستطيع كل كائن حي أو كيان اجتماعي أداء دوره الذي يفترض أن يقوم به ما لم يمتلك الوسائل الكافية والضرورية لأداء ذلك الدور قال سبحانه وتعالى ((قال ربنا الذي أعطى كل شيء خلقه ثم هدى – طه 50)).
والنشاط الاقتصادي كجزء من الكيان الكلي للمجتمع لا يختلف عن هذه القاعدة، إذ عندما يراد من النظام الاقتصادي أداء دور فاعل فلا غنى له عن الوسائل التي تمكنه من أداء دوره المنشود. للنظام الاقتصادي مجمو
... Show MoreThe artistic process operates whether in general in all arts or specifically in one type of arts or one of the genres of arts types on the preoccupations of the pressing artistic references as the founder of the artistic work in the material formulations on the one hand and on the other hand as a translator to understand the artistic achievement in general and plastic art in particular and for the importance The researcher chose the title of her research tagged (the preoccupations of the pressing reference and its impact on the formations of postmodern arts).
The first chapter of the methodological framework deals with the problem of research, importance, objective, limits, and then terminology and its definition, and then the secon
During recent decades, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis lost their lives as a result of wars, economic blockade, or acts of violence and terrorism. The loss of a family member, especially husband makes women suddenly bears full responsibility for the family. Lost could impose new changes in psychological, social, and economical roles. These changes usually combine with the negative effects aftermath the lost trauma. Some of the reports in Iraq showed there were increased and huge numbers of widows and orphans. This study aimed to identify the aspects of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) in Iraq women who lost their close relatives (especially husbands). 52 of Iraqi women who lost their husband and 49 women who experienced other traumatic events
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