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Identification of Time-Wise Thermal Diffusivity, Advection Velocity on the Free-Boundary Inverse Coefficient Problem
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This paper is concerned with finding solutions to free-boundary inverse coefficient problems. Mathematically, we handle a one-dimensional non-homogeneous heat equation subject to initial and boundary conditions as well as non-localized integral observations of zeroth and first-order heat momentum. The direct problem is solved for the temperature distribution and the non-localized integral measurements using the Crank–Nicolson finite difference method. The inverse problem is solved by simultaneously finding the temperature distribution, the time-dependent free-boundary function indicating the location of the moving interface, and the time-wise thermal diffusivity or advection velocities. We reformulate the inverse problem as a non-linear optimization problem and use the lsqnonlin non-linear least-square solver from the MATLAB optimization toolbox. Through examples and discussions, we determine the optimal values of the regulation parameters to ensure accurate, convergent, and stable reconstructions. The direct problem is well-posed, and the Crank–Nicolson method provides accurate solutions with relative errors below 0.006% when the discretization elements are M=N=80. The accuracy of the forward solutions helps to obtain sensible solutions for the inverse problem. Although the inverse problem is ill-posed, we determine the optimal regularization parameter values to obtain satisfactory solutions. We also investigate the existence of inverse solutions to the considered problems and verify their uniqueness based on established definitions and theorems.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use of lower squares and restricted boxes In the estimation of the first-order self-regression parameter AR (1) (simulation study)
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Use of lower squares and restricted boxes
In the estimation of the first-order self-regression parameter
AR (1) (simulation study)

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of leadership skills in organizational trust Analytical research center in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraq
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Formed leadership skills and organizational trust Based on intellectual that underpinned the current research, as represented leadership skills variable interpretative represented in organizational trust-response variable.

The research aims to test the relationship and the impact of leadership skills dimensions in organizational trust dimensions for the purpose of achieving its objectives were formulated hypotheses main relate to test the effect and the relationship between the variables of research for the purpose of testing those hypotheses applied research on a sample of heads of departments and officials of the people at the center of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, where th

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Measurement the Concentrations of Radon and Thoron and Their Progeny in the Air Samples of Al-Haswaa City in Babylon province
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International Public Relations (An Analytical Study of the Speeches of US President Barack Obama Addressed to the Arab Countries in Crisis)
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In the midst of political, cultural and economic fast developments accelerated, the world witnessed, with the accompanied big communication revolutions, many shapes of powers. Those developments were followed by changes in relations of international level.

The most prominent among those developments was the international public relations which became equal to official international relations. Moreover, the international public relations became a complementary element dur to the growth of public opinion and its affection on political regime. Such growth of public opinion pushed the politicians to address it; and try to gain its support.

The US was the first realized the importance of international public relations. Th

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Detection of Silent Celiac Disease In patients With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus by the use of Anti Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies
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Objective: Detection the presumptive prevalence of
silent celiac disease in patients with type 1 diabetes
mellitus with determination of which gender more
likely to be affected.
Methods: One hundred twenty asymptomatic patients
[75 male , 45 female] with type 1 diabetes mellitus
with mean age ± SD of 11.25 ± 2.85 year where
included in the study . All subjects were serologically
screened for the presence of anti-tissue transglutaminase
IgA antibodies (anti-tTG antibodies) by Enzyme-
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) & total IgA
was also measured for all using radial
immunodiffusion plate . Anti-tissue transglutaminase
IgG was selectively done for patients who were
expressing negative anti-

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Measures of the British Force in Iraq and their managements to limitate the pread of Malaria among its troops (Documentary Study)
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Historical scripts and Academic studies have bestrewed almost all the events of the movement of march 1941 . Yet the need was present to shine more light on important sides . These important sides were neglected due to some reasons among which came the absence of the historical material which can make a new historical detection. Then there were historical topics concerning our research which comes within context of sanitarily conditions , rarely seizes the attention of the researchers for many reasons some of them were not subjective.
The spread of Malaria among the British force was one of the sanitarily conditions that were related to the movement of march since their arrival to Basra city and its continuous spread after the second

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Use of the Iraqi Song in the Orchestral Compositions of Hanz Moomer- (Foug Al-Nakhl) as a Model: فراس ياسين جاسم
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The use of the Iraqi song in the symphony orchestra is one of the pioneering and important works, which carries with it an artistic value of aesthetic specificity in how to use the Iraqi singing heritage. The research aimed to identify the employment of the song (Foug Al-Nakhl) and its works within the Iraqi national symphony orchestra music by the author Hans Count Momer whose works still have a great influence on the authors of the Iraqi orchestra.  The researcher presented a brief introduction to the Iraqi Symphony Orchestra, a brief introduction about the author, and the trends of world music towards heritage. He also talked about musical composition, research procedures and tools, and applying the tool to the selected sample (F

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Social capital and the extent of its contribution to enhancing the management of excellence: An applied study at Azadi Hospital / Duhok
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The study aimed to reveal the role of social capital represented by its dimensions (structural, relational, and cognitive) in strengthening the management of excellence in Azadi Hospital / Duhok. In order to reach the goal of the study, the study variables were highlighted in theory through framing concepts and literary contributions for researchers in this field, In the field, the questionnaire was used as a basic tool to collect data from the individuals in the research sample who were represented by officials and individuals working from administrators and technicians, as (120) forms were distributed to the respondents, and (110) were retrieved from them in a way that is valid for analysis. Several statistical methods have bee

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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When the guard honey bees, Apis mellifera L., form a clump at the hive entrance or on the flight board, the oriental hornet, Vespa orientails L., either creeps toward the clump or hovers over it in order to take a bee. Once the hornet creeps, only few bees facing the hornet become alert, rock their heads and antennae, open their wings, and take a posture of defense. The rest of the clump stays listless without any signal of concern. However, the clump stays dense and the defending bees do not detach themselves neither from the rest of the clump nor from each other. For this reason, it is very difficult for the hornet to grab a bee unless the latter makes a “mistake” by detaching herself from other adjacent bees. If the hornet grabs s

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
A book in the science of rhyme for the father of conquest Othman bin Jinni ‹v 392 e›: Investigation and study
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This book in our hands is a 'book in the science of rhymes' written by the linguistic and grammatical world 'Othman bin Jenni' 'T 392 AH', and included in it: the concept of rhyme, its characters, movements, and disadvantages, with mention of its ramifications, defining them by definition, clarification and martyrdom poetry, It is concise in size, but it is a book containing a full science in its content.
The study was divided into two parts, the first: the study, and included a study of the author and the author, I talked first about his life, such as his name and origin, and scientific status, and the words of scientists in it, and so on, and secondly: the name of the book, and his percentage, and the time of its composition, etc. I

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