In this research, the influence of the orientation and distance factors on the lowest usable frequency (LUF) parameter has been studied theoretically. The calculations of the (LUF) parameter have been made using the (VOACAP) international communication model for the connection links between the capital Baghdad and many other locations that distributed on different distances and directions over the Middle East region. The results shown in this study indicate there is a slight affection of the link direction (orientation) on the LUF parameter, while the influence of the distance factor is more significant on the values of the LUF parameter. The day/night effect appears for the long distance HF links (i.e. more than a 500 Km)
The Voluntary Obedience has great importance for the modern taxes systems and its management and this is meant the taxpayer whom in charge to pay of his taxes obligations voluntarily , he is very known of himself whereas he prepared his finishing accountings and present them as samples prepared by taxes management and settle the tax sum directly according to specified income , which has an impact to find end to tax evasion as result lead to increase the tax income and achieve the justice for the taxpayer and the state treasury
In this work, the relationship between the ionospheric parameters (Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF), Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF) and Optimum working Frequency (OWF)) has been studied for the ionosphere layer over the Iraqi zone. The capital Baghdad (44.42oE, 33.32oN) has been selected to represent the transmitter station and many other cities that spread over Iraqi region have represented as receiver stations. The REC533 communication model considered as one of the modern radio broadcasting version of ITU has been used to calculate the LUF parameter, while the MUF and OWF ionospheric parameters have been generated using ASAPS international communication model which represents one of the most advanced and
... Show Moren each relapse. Objjec tt iiv es :: To sttudy diifffferentt ffacttors whiich miightt be associiatted or lleadiing tto
tthe occurrence off rellapse iin nephrottiic syndrome
Metthods:: A retrospective study of seventy patients with nephrotic syndrome with age range of 1-14 years, who were diagnosed and treated in Child's Central Teaching Hospital over the period of 1st of January and 1st of July 2008.
The patients were divided into three groups; frequent relapses group, infrequent relapses group and undetermined group. We compared between frequent relapses group and infrequent relapses group in regard to age, sex, type of presentation, biochemical findings which include; total serum protein, serum albumin and renal function test,
The purpose of this paper is to give the definition of projective 3-space PG(3,q) over Galois field GF(q), q = pm for some prime number p and some integer m.
Also, the definition of the plane in PG(3,q) is given and state the principle of duality.
Moreover some theorems in PG(3,q) are proved.
The notion of a Tˉ-pure sub-act and so Tˉ-pure sub-act relative to sub-act are introduced. Some properties of these concepts have been studied.
The goal of the research is to find the optimization in the test of the appropriate cross-over design for the experiment that the researcher is carrying out (under assumption that there are carry-over effects of the treatments) to posterior periods after the application period (which is often assumed to be the first period). The comparison between the double cross-over design and the cross-over design with extra period. The similarities and differences between the two designs were studied by measuring the Relative Efficiency (RE) of the experiment.
In this work, we construct and classify the projectively distinct (k,3)-arcs in PG(2,9), where k ≥ 5, and prove that the complete (k,3)-arcs do not exist, where 5 ≤ k ≤ 13. We found that the maximum complete (k,3)-arc in PG(2,q) is the (16,3)-arc and the minimum complete (k,3)-arc in PG(2,q) is the (14,3)-arc. Moreover, we found the complete (k,3)-arcs between them.
The purpose of this work is to study the classification and construction of (k,3)-arcs in the projective plane PG(2,7). We found that there are two (5,3)-arcs, four (6,3)-arcs, six (7,3)arcs, six (8,3)-arcs, seven (9,3)-arcs, six (10,3)-arcs and six (11,3)-arcs. All of these arcs are incomplete. The number of distinct (12,3)-arcs are six, two of them are complete. There are four distinct (13,3)-arcs, two of them are complete and one (14,3)-arc which is incomplete. There exists one complete (15,3)-arc.
The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) measures the reflected solar radiation in the ultraviolet and visible part in the spectral range that is between 270 and 500 nm, using two channels with a spectral resolution of about 0.5 nm. Ground-level tropospheric ozone is one of the air pollutants of most concern. In the troposphere, near the Earth's surface, human activities lead to ozone concentrations several times higher than the natural background level. To evaluate the ozone distribution over Iraq, the ozone data from OMI were analyzed using geostatistical techniques. Theoretical spherical models provided the best fit for all monthly experimental variograms. The parameters of these variograms (sill, range and nugget) wer
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