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A partial image encryption scheme based on DWT and texture segmentation

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of the Number of Gaussian Points and Their Distribution on Image Quality

This  research  involves  studying  the  influence  of  increasing  the

number of Gaussian points and the style of their distribution, on a circular exit pupil, on the numerical calculations accuracy of the point spread function for an ideal optical system and another system having focus error of (0.25 A. and 0.5 A. )

It was shown that the accuracy of the results depends on the type of

distributing points on the exit pupil. Also, the accuracy increases with the increase of the number of points (N) and the increase of aberrations which requires on increas (N).

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Dependence on Media and the Formation of the Level of the Academic Elite's Knowledge concerning United Nations' Affairs (A research based on a doctoral thesis)

The UN organization is considered one of the most important organizations at the international level. It has accomplished multiple tasks and roles of many different issues and events that hit the developing and advanced world countries. It has performed a series of procedures and laws that have had an impact on ending the wars and conflicts that plagued some countries and continued for a period of time in the past. Moreover, it has improved the level of the international relations between a number of countries due to the problems and incidents took place between them. It has relied on finding solutions and treatments for humanitarian problems such as the preservation of the environment, preventing the spread of epidemics and diseases Thi

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Endodontics
Synthesis and Preliminary Evaluation of a Polyolefin-based Core for Carrier-based Root Canal Obturation

Introduction: Carrier-based gutta-percha is an effective method of root canal obturation creating a 3-dimensional filling; however, retrieval of the plastic carrier is relatively difficult, particularly with smaller sizes. The purpose of this study was to develop composite carriers consisting of polyethylene (PE), hydroxyapatite (HA), and strontium oxide (SrO) for carrier-based root canal obturation. Methods: Composite fibers of HA, PE, and SrO were fabricated in the shape of a carrier for delivering gutta-percha (GP) using a melt-extrusion process. The fibers were characterized using infrared spectroscopy and the thermal properties determined using differential scanning calorimetry. The elastic modulus and tensile strength tests were dete

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Scopus (6)
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 14 2020
Journal Name
Progress In Industrial Ecology, An International Journal
3D image reconstruction from its 2D projection - a simulation study

A simulation study of using 2D tomography to reconstruction a 3D object is presented. The 2D Radon transform is used to create a 2D projection for each slice of the 3D object at different heights. The 2D back-projection and the Fourier slice theorem methods are used to reconstruction each 2D projection slice of the 3D object. The results showed the ability of the Fourier slice theorem method to reconstruct the general shape of the body with its internal structure, unlike the 2D Radon method, which was able to reconstruct the general shape of the body only because of the blurring artefact, Beside that the Fourier slice theorem could not remove all blurring artefact, therefore, this research, suggested the threshold technique to eliminate the

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Simple 2D chaotic remapping scheme for securing optical communication networks

In this work, a simple and new method is proposed to simultaneously improve the physical layer security and the transmission performance of the optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system, by combining orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technique with chaotic theory principles. In the system, a 2-D chaotic map is employed. The introduced system replaces complex operations such as matrix multiplication with simple operations such as multiplexing and inverting. The system performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) and peak to average ratio (PAPR) is enhanced. The system is simulated using Optisystem15 with a MATLAB2016 and for different constellations. The simulation results showed that the  BE

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Scheme for Generating True Random Numbers using Electro-mechanical Switches

This paper proposes a novel method for generating True Random Numbers (TRNs) using electromechanical switches. The proposed generator is implemented using an FPGA board. The system utilizes the phenomenon of electromechanical switch bounce to produce a randomly fluctuated signal that is used to trigger a counter to generate a binary random number. Compared to other true random number generation methods, the proposed approach features a high degree of randomness using a simple circuit that can be easily built using off-the-shelf components. The proposed system is implemented using a commercial relay circuit connected to an FPGA board that is used to process and record the generated random sequences. Applying statistical testing on th

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Scheme for Generating True Random Numbers using Electro-mechanical Switches

This paper proposes a novel method for generating True Random Numbers (TRNs) using electromechanical switches. The proposed generator is implemented using an FPGA board. The system utilizes the phenomenon of electromechanical switch bounce to produce a randomly fluctuated signal that is used to trigger a counter to generate a binary random number. Compared to other true random number generation methods, the proposed approach features a high degree of randomness using a simple circuit that can be easily built using off-the-shelf components. The proposed system is implemented using a commercial relay circuit connected to an FPGA board that is used to process and record the generated random sequences. Applying statistical testing on the exp

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics
Image Hiding Using Magnitude Modulation on the DCT Coefficients

In this paper, we introduce a DCT based steganographic method for gray scale images. The embedding approach is designed to reach efficient tradeoff among the three conflicting goals; maximizing the amount of hidden message, minimizing distortion between the cover image and stego-image,and maximizing the robustness of embedding. The main idea of the method is to create a safe embedding area in the middle and high frequency region of the DCT domain using a magnitude modulation technique. The magnitude modulation is applied using uniform quantization with magnitude Adder/Subtractor modules. The conducted test results indicated that the proposed method satisfy high capacity, high preservation of perceptual and statistical properties of the steg

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Merge Operation Effect On Image Compression Using Fractal Technique

Fractal image compression gives some desirable properties like fast decoding image, and very good rate-distortion curves, but suffers from a high encoding time. In fractal image compression a partitioning of the image into ranges is required. In this work, we introduced good partitioning process by means of merge approach, since some ranges are connected to the others. This paper presents a method to reduce the encoding time of this technique by reducing the number of range blocks based on the computing the statistical measures between them . Experimental results on standard images show that the proposed method yields minimize (decrease) the encoding time and remain the quality results passable visually.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Proposed methods of image recognition depend on the PCA

This paper suggest two method of recognition, these methods depend on the extraction of the feature of the principle component analysis when applied on the wavelet domain(multi-wavelet). First method, an idea of increasing the space of recognition, through calculating the eigenstructure of the diagonal sub-image details at five depths of wavelet transform is introduced. The effective eigen range selected here represent the base for image recognition. In second method, an idea of obtaining invariant wavelet space at all projections is presented. A new recursive from that represents invariant space of representing any image resolutions obtained from wavelet transform is adopted. In this way, all the major problems that effect the image and

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