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Factors Affecting Maintenance Practises in Iraq’s Hospital Buildings
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A lack of adequate building maintenance is a significant obstacle faced by governmental hospitals. This paper evaluates factors that negatively impact building-maintenance practices in Iraq. A literature review was conducted to identify factors affecting maintenance. A list of 42 factors affecting hospital-buildings was collected from previous studies and tested using a structured questionnaire distributed to hospital-maintenance experts. During the data analysis, 76 valid questionnaires were used. Based on the respondents’ ratings, the relative-importance index (RII) was used to determine the level of importance of each factor. From the results, it was concluded that twelve factors affect maintenance practices in hospital buildings: faulty design (0.889), lack of funding (0.874), inadequate training (0.871), misuse of building facilities (0.866), construction errors (0.863), lack of work experience (0.858), building age (0.826), individual modifications carried out by the hospital staff (0.826), shortage of maintenance staff (0.824), administrative corruption (0.821), selection of unqualified maintenance contractors (0.816) and unavailability of skilled appointed maintenance personnel (0.808). Understanding these factors’ effects is essential for maintenance-department managers to develop strategies for maintaining hospital buildings in Iraq by controlling them, as well as identifying problems and finding appropriate solutions to avoid them. KEYWORDS: Governmental hospitals, Maintenance, Iraq, Building maintenance, Maintenance practices, Factors affecting maintenance

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Hospital Contamination
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The Present investigation includes the isolation and identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for different cases of hospital contamination from 1/ 6/2003 to 30/9/2004, the identification of bacteria depended on morphological , cultural and biochemical characters, 37 of isolates were diagnosed from 70 smears from wounds and burns beside 25 isolates were identified from 200 smears taken from operation theater and hospital wards including the floors , walls , sources of light and operation equipment the sensitivity of all isolates to antibiotic were done , which exhibited complete sensitivity to Ciprofloxacin , Ceftraixon, Tobromycin and Gentamysin ,while they were complete resist to Amoxcillin , Tetracyclin , Nitrofurantion , Clindamycin C

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Use of the Artificial Damped Outrigger Systems in Tall R.C Buildings Under Seismic Loading
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This paper studies the combination of fluid viscous dampers in the outrigger system to add supplementary damping into the structure, which purpose to remove the dependability of the structure to lower variable intrinsic damping. This optimizes the accuracy of the dynamic response and by providing higher level of damping, basically minimizes the wanted stiffness of the structure while at the same time optimizing the achievement.

     The modal considered is a 36 storey square high rise reinforced concrete building. By constructing a discrete lumped mass model and using frequency-based response function, two systems of dampers, parallel and series systems are studied. The maximu

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Seismic Effects and Static Analysis for the Artificial Damped Outrigger Systems in Tall R.C Buildings
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This paper studies the combination fluid viscous dampers in the outrigger system to add supplementary damping into the structure, which purpose to remove the dependability of the structure to lower variable intrinsic damping. It works by connecting the central core, comprising either shear walls or braced frames, to the outer perimeter columns.

     The modal considered is a 36 storey square high rise reinforced concrete building. By constructing a discrete lumped mass model, and using frequency-based response function, two systems of dampers, parallel and series systems are studied. The maximum lateral load at the top of the building is calculated, and  this load  w

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Eatimation Availability Function Through Determination The Optimal Imperfect Preventive Maintenance Period By using Simulation
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This paper deals with the modeling of a preventive maintenance strategy applied to a single-unit system subject to random failures.

According to this policy, the system is subjected to imperfect periodic preventive maintenance restoring it to ‘as good as new’ with probability

p and leaving it at state ‘as bad as old’ with probability q. Imperfect repairs are performed following failures occurring between consecutive

preventive maintenance actions, i.e the times between failures follow a decreasing quasi-renewal process with parameter a. Considering the

average durations of the preventive and corrective maintenance actions a

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering
Top lean zone and cardinal parameters affecting SAGD
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SAGD is a thermal recovery process in which steam oil ratio, SOR, is a key parameter that can affect the economic outcome of the process. Reservoirs with underlying or overlying lean bitumen present challenges for SAGD as they can act as a heat sink. Water has higher heat capacity than the bitumen and thus requires more steam to heat up the reservoir leading to higher SOR. The potential outcome of operating SAGD in these conditions may be lower bitumen rate and higher steam injection rate, both of which affect plant throughput and thus the economic matrix of SAGD. This paper looks at the performance of SAGD process in the presence of top lean bitumen. It will examine the theoretical CSOR that is needed to produce the bitumen with different

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Aspects of General & Secondary Indicators that form a Local System to assist Sustainability Verification in Buildings
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The research focuses on how to reach a mechanism that assists experts, engineers, and others in the architectural & engineering project to verify the co-existence of values and sustainability constituents in it. Research problem shows a clear lack, locally, in the interest to establish a value system and a list that cares about comprehending building components whether considering sustainable building criteria. Hypothesis shows that in order to head towards the applicable sustainable approach of buildings, then a local assessment system should be established to evaluate buildings during its life cycle, and from which buildings would be categorized as sustainable or not. Research aims at establishing main and general

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Nosocomial Urinary Tract Infections in Baghdad Teaching Hospital
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Objectives: The objectives of the present study are to identify both, the rate of urinary tract infections (UTI) in medical
and surgical wards in Baghdad Teaching Hospital and the common types of microorganisms that cause this type of NIs,
study the resistance of isolated microorganisms to several types of antibiotic and the effect of some disinfection
material like Iodine, chlorhexidine and septicin on the growth of these isolates.
Methodology: This is descripƟve study carried out from 1\6\2009 to 1\11\2009. A total of 200 paƟents were admiƩed
to medical and surgical wards in Baghdad teaching hospital, paƟents were divided into two group 100 paƟents, in
surgical ward and 100 paƟents in medical ward. Some of impor

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Proposed Management System for Construction Practices during Sustainable Buildings Life Cycle
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For many years, the construction industry damages have been overlooked such as unreasonable consumption of resources in addition to producing a lot of construction waste but with global awareness growth towards the sustainable development issues, the sustainable construction practices have been adopted, taking into account the environment and human safety. The research aims to propose a management system for construction practices which could be adopted during constructing different types of sustainable buildings besides formulating flowcharts which clarify the required whole phases of sustainable buildings life cycle. The research includes two parts: theoretical part which generally ,handles the sustainability concepts at construction i

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
Journal Name
Detecting Damaged Buildings on Post-Hurricane Satellite Imagery based on Transfer Learning
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In this article, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is used to detect damage and no damage images form satellite imagery using different classifiers. These classifiers are well-known models that are used with CNN to detect and classify images using a specific dataset. The dataset used belongs to the Huston hurricane that caused several damages in the nearby areas. In addition, a transfer learning property is used to store the knowledge (weights) and reuse it in the next task. Moreover, each applied classifier is used to detect the images from the dataset after it is split into training, testing and validation. Keras library is used to apply the CNN algorithm with each selected classifier to detect the images. Furthermore, the performa

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Aug 13 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Aspects Affecting the Public Service Motivation: Empirical Study in Some Public Service Organizations in Iraq
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Public service motivation in public service organisations is one of the main problems that many developing countries have begun to experience, including Iraq. The public agenda is increasingly complex with reduced financial resources. In addition, these organisations have increased responsibilities with respect to the achievement of public goals and objectives as they are responsible for providing key services to members of the community (education, health and social work). This research is based on the degree of public service motivation among those working in health education and social work in public organisations, and aims to show the extent of the difference in the public service motivation of these employees according to di

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