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Comparison of physical characteristics of mass and luminosity function of disk systems in barred and unbarred spiral galaxies
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إحدى أهم الطرق لتقصي توزيع المجرات عبر الزمن الكوني هي دالة اللمعان LF بدلالة كتلة القرص الباريوني ψS(Mb)، القدر . لقد درسنا تقديرًا لكثافة كتلة الباريون في عينة من المجرات الحلزونية القضيبية وغير القضيبية من الادبيات السابقة، والتي تتضمن فعليًا، لكل صنف من الاجرام السماوية ذات المحتوى الباريون المرئي، جزءًا لا يتجزأ من ناتج دالة الضيائية (LF) ونسبة الكتلة إلى الضوء. استخدمت تقنية الانحدار المتعدد لحزمة البرامج الإحصائية في دراستنا ونتائجنا، مثل برنامج تحليل قواعد البيانات والرسوم البيانية)برامج Statistics Win و(Origin Pro . وفقًا للتحليل الإحصائي، هناك علاقة إيجابية قوية وارتباط وثيق للغاية (α MB~1),  ، وغالبًا ما تظهر المجرات الحلزونية القرصية القضيبية وغير القضيبية قدراً مطلقاً بحدود MB < -18 mag . "الركبة" لدالة الضيائية للمجرات الحلزونية تبين قطعًا كبيرًا عند كتلة باريونية تبلغ Mb > 1010 Mʘ للمجرات الحلزونية القضيبية وغير القضيبية. يوفر هذا دليلاً يدعم الفرضية القائلة بأن اللوالب الحلزونية لنظام القرص بدأت تتشكل داخل عتبة كتلة متزايدة. نظرًا لأن زيادة دالة الكتلة الأولية للنجم مع الانزياح نحو الأحمر تكون أسرع بكثير، فقد أشارت النتائج التي توصلنا إليها إلى أن دالة الكتلة الأولية المنتقلة ψS(Mb) للمجرات القضيبية وغير القضيبيةعند انزياح أحمر مرتفع z > 0.027 للمجرات االقضيبية وz > 0.02للمجرات غير القضيبية والذي يبدو أنه يتناقص مقارنة بالكون الحرج.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Populism in the Middle East: Discourse and Comparative Characteristics
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Abstract: The premise of the study is that populism is a process of building political views and critical intellectual orientations among the general public. It is transformed into mass beliefs by mobilizing the society ideologically and continuously in order to reach or control the circle of authority. We distributed the study topics to four sections: In the second, we will discuss the contents of contemporary populism and how other forms of populism evolved historically. The third is to discuss the political discourse of populism among the military regimes and the comparative Islamic parties in the Middle East, especially in terms of the essence and the intellectual foundations. The fourth section seeks to examine the characteristics o

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Genetic characteristics and β-cell Autoimmunity in T1DM Children
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Background: TIDM is known to be polygenic disease that appears from the interaction of mutation in multiple genes including HLA. The autoimmune mediated destruction of
pancreatic β-cells is reflected by the presence of autoantibodies against prominent antigens in the pancreatic β-cells.
Objective: This study was designed to investigate the role of HLA-class I and class II antigens in the etiology of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and also assessment of
glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) autoantibodies in the patients at the onset of the disease.
Patients & Methods: Sixty T1DM patients who were newly onset of the disease (diagnosed less than five months) were selected. Eighty apparently healthy

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2022
Journal Name
Recent Advances in Bipedal Walking Robots: Review of Gait, Drive, Sensors and Control Systems
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Currently, there is an intensive development of bipedal walking robots. The most known solutions are based on the use of the principles of human gait created in nature during evolution. Modernbipedal robots are also based on the locomotion manners of birds. This review presents the current state of the art of bipedal walking robots based on natural bipedal movements (human and bird) as well as on innovative synthetic solutions. Firstly, an overview of the scientific analysis of human gait is provided as a basis for the design of bipedal robots. The full human gait cycle that consists of two main phases is analysed and the attention is paid to the problem of balance and stability, especially in the single support phase when the biped

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 27 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Characteristics of Traffic Accidents in Baghdad
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Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are events that suddenly, inadvertently and unexpectedly occur under unforeseen circumstances that involve at least one moving vehicle and result in one or more road users being killed or injured. Unfortunately, Iraqi governorates suffer from higher rates of traffic accident casualties compared with the rates of casualties from terrorist attacks; this situation reveals a serious and growing problem. Road traffic accidents are not easy to eradicate. However, their prevalence can be reduced to the barest minimum via periodic assessments of traffic accident characteristics and the most important aspects for road authorities to consider when designing and evaluating the performance of a road to improve traf

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Physical and Morphological Properties of Hard- Soft Ferrite Functionally Graded Materials
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  Functionally graded materials (FGMs), with ceramic –ceramic constituents are fabricated using powder technology techniques. In this work three different sets of FGMs samples were designed in to 3 layers, 5 layers and 7 layers. The ceramic constituents were represented by hard ferrite (Barium ferrite) and soft ferrite (lithium ferrite). All samples sintered at constant temperature at 1100oC for 2 hrs. and characterized by FESEM. Some physical properties were measured for fabricated FGMs include apparent density, bulk density, porosity, shrinkage and hardness. The results indicated that the density increase with the increase the number of layer. Lateral shrinkage is one of the important parameter f

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Physical Environment and Crowded Classes on Academic Achievement
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The research problem can be summarized through focusing on the environment that surrounds students and class congestion, how these factors affect directly or indirectly the academic achievement of students, how these factors affect understanding the scientific material that the student receives in this physical environment, how classroom’s components such as seats, space With which the student can move, the number of students in the same class,  the lighting, whether natural or artificial, and is this lighting sufficient or not enough, the nature of the wall paint old or modern, is it comfortable for sight, the blackboard if it is Good or exhausted,  In addition to air-conditioning sets in summer and winter, this is on the on

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The concept of physical, psychological and social self with the kindergartens
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The concept of self is considered one of the important dimensions in the human personality, because feeling of self is an important characteristic in this phase from the psychological point of view.

The first source which forms the concept of self is the physical image, where the built and appearance of the body is considered among the vital matters which determine the person's image of himself/herself. 

The current research aims to:

1) Identify the level of physical self concept at the kindergarten children.

2) Identify the level of psychological self concept at the kindergarten children.

3) Iden

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
hermo-Physical and Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester /Cobalt Ferrite Composites
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Unsaturated polyester was used as a matrix which was filled with different percentages of cobalt ferrite using hand lay-up method. Cobalt ferrite was synthesized using solid state ceramic method with reagent of CoO and Fe2O3. Mechanical properties such tensile strength, Young's modulus and shore D hardness of the composite have been studied. All these properties have increased by 10% with increasing cobalt ferrite contents. Also the thermal properties such thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity are highly increased as the ferrite content increased, while the thermal diffusivity increased by 22 %. On the other hand dielectric strength of composite has been measured which increased by 50% by increasing the cobalt ferrite content.&

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 10 2024
Journal Name
Iraoi Academic Scientific Journals
The Psychological and Physical Life Difficulties of Patients with nerve fascicle
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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Photometric Viewpoint to the Structure of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3351 with griz-Filters
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The term ‘photometry’ refers to the accurate determination of the apparent brightness of an astronomical object. Until roughly 1980, nearly all astronomical photometry was done by means of analog measurements of photographic plates, or by analog or digital (photon-counting) techniques with photomultipliers. These photometers produced brightness readings which were typically displayed on dials, plotted on strip charts or printed on strips of paper, and it was often quite practical to analyse these raw data with pencil, paper and a slide rule or table of logarithms. However, during the late 1970s electronic area detectors for astronomy became more advanced: first, for a brief period, television-type cameras were employed, but these were s

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