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Land cover change detection using satellite images based on modified spectral angle mapper method
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This research depends on the relationship between the reflected spectrum, the nature of each target, area and the percentage of its presence with other targets in the unity of the target area. The changes occur in Land cover have been detected for different years using satellite images based on the Modified Spectral Angle Mapper (MSAM) processing, where Landsat satellite images are utilized using two software programming (MATLAB 7.11 and ERDAS imagine 2014). The proposed supervised classification method (MSAM) using a MATLAB program with supervised classification method (Maximum likelihood Classifier) by ERDAS imagine have been used to get farthest precise results and detect environmental changes for periods. Despite using two classification methods, the results of the suggested method (MSAM) have been proved its superiority, where the classification accuracies are 88%, 91% and 92% for years 1986, 2000 and 2018, respectively. The results indicated that during the last three decades for study area subjected to many artificial and natural changes, these changes have impacts on land cover, vegetation, and the aquatic environment. In this paper from the results, one can see these marshes suffered was dryness, rareness in vegetation and increasing in alluvial soil during the period 1986 – 2000, while during 2000 - 2018 there were increasing in water and vegetation with a decreasing in the alluvial soil.

Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use digital classification to follow change detection of al Razzazah sebkha For the period(1976-2013)
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The Sebkha is considered the evaporative geomorphological features, where climate plays an active role. It forms part of the surface features in Mesopotamia plain of Iraqi, which is the most fertile lands, and because of complimentary natural and human factors turned most of the arable land to the territory of Sebkha lands. The use satellite image (Raw Data), Landsat 30M Mss for the year 1976 Landsat 7 ETM, and the Landsat 8 for year 2013 (LDCM) for the summer Landsat Data Continuity Mission and perform geometric correction, enhancements, and Subset image And a visual analysis Space visuals based on the analysis of spectral fingerprints earth's This study has shown that the best in the discrimination of Sebkha Remote sensing techniques a

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Ieee Antennas And Wireless Propagation Letters
Stabilized and Fast Method for Compressive-Sensing-Based Method of Moments
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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
A turbidimetric method for the quantitative determination of cyproheptadine hydrochloride in tablets using an optoelectronic detector based on the LEDs array
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using K-mean Clustering to Classify the Kidney Images
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      This study has applied digital image processing on three-dimensional C.T. images to detect and diagnose kidney diseases.  Medical images of different cases of kidney diseases were compared with those of   healthy cases. Four different kidneys disorders, such as stones, tumors (cancer), cysts, and renal fibrosis were considered in additional to healthy tissues. This method helps in differentiating between the healthy and diseased kidney tissues. It can detect tumors in its very early stages, before they grow large enough to be seen by the human eye. The method used for segmentation and texture analysis was the k-means with co-occurrence matrix. The k-means separates the healthy classes and the tumor classes, and the affected

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Suicidal Ideation on Twitter using Machine Learning & Ensemble Approaches
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Suicidal ideation is one of the most severe mental health issues faced by people all over the world. There are various risk factors involved that can lead to suicide. The most common & critical risk factors among them are depression, anxiety, social isolation and hopelessness. Early detection of these risk factors can help in preventing or reducing the number of suicides. Online social networking platforms like Twitter, Redditt and Facebook are becoming a new way for the people to express themselves freely without worrying about social stigma. This paper presents a methodology and experimentation using social media as a tool to analyse the suicidal ideation in a better way, thus helping in preventing the chances of being the victim o

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Validity of Hounsfield Units from computed tomographic images of mandibular bone in detection of osteoporosis
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Background: The figure for the clinical application of computed tomography have been increased significantly in oral and maxillofacial field that supply the dentists with sufficient data enables them to play a main role in screening osteoporosis, therefore Hounsfield units of mandibular computed tomography view used as a main indicator to predict general skeleton osteoporosis and fracture risk factor. Material and Methods: Thirty subjects (7 males &23 females) with a mean age of (60.1) years underwent computed tomographic scanning for different diagnostic assessment in head and neck region. The mandibular bone quality of them were determined through Hounsfield units of CT scan images and were correlated with the bone mineral density v

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Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Increasing the Accuracy of Orbital Elements for a Satellite in a Low Earth Orbit under the Influence of Atmospheric Drag Using Adams-Bashforth Method
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The perturbed equation of motion can be solved by using many numerical methods. Most of these solutions were inaccurate; the fourth order Adams-Bashforth method is a good numerical integration method, which was used in this research to study the variation of orbital elements under atmospheric drag influence.  A satellite in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO), with altitude form perigee = 200 km, was selected during 1300 revolutions (84.23 days) and ASat / MSat value of 5.1 m2/ 900 kg. The equations of converting state vectors into orbital elements were applied. Also, various orbital elements were evaluated and analyzed. The results showed that, for the semi-major axis, eccentricity and inclination have a secula

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Research And Sciences
Images Compression using Combined Scheme of Transform Coding
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Some problems want to be solved in image compression to make the process workable and more efficient. Much work had been done in the field of lossy image compression based on wavelet and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). In this paper, an efficient image compression scheme is proposed, based on a common encoding transform scheme; It consists of the following steps: 1) bi-orthogonal (tab 9/7) wavelet transform to split the image data into sub-bands, 2) DCT to de-correlate the data, 3) the combined transform stage's output is subjected to scalar quantization before being mapped to positive, 4) and LZW encoding to produce the compressed data. The peak signal-to-noise (PSNR), compression ratio (CR), and compression gain (CG) measures were used t

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Images Compression Using Bezier curve with Ridgelet Transform
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The data compression is a very important process in order to reduce the size of a large data to be stored or transported, parametric curves such that Bezier curve is a suitable method to return gradual change and mutability of this data. Ridghelet transform solve the problems in the wavelet transform and it can compress the image well but when it uses with Bezier curve, the equality of compressed image become very well. In this paper, a new compression method is proposed by using Bezier curve with Ridgelet transform on RGB images. The results showed that the proposed method present good performance in both subjective and objective experiments. When the PSNR values equal to (34.2365, 33.4323 and 33.0987), they were increased in the propos

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Localization of the Optic Disc in Retinal Fundus Image using Appearance Based Method andVasculature Convergence
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Optic Disc (OD) localization is a basic step for the screening, identification and appreciation of the risk of diverse ophthalmic pathologies such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.In fact, the fundamental step towards an exact OD segmentation process is the success of OD localization. This paper proposes a fully automatic procedure for OD localization based on two of the OD most relevant features  of high-intensity value and vasculature convergence. Merging ofthese two features renders the proposed method capable of localizing the OD within the variously complicated environments such as the faint disc boundary, unbalanced shading, and the existence of retinal pathologies like cotton wall and exudates,which usually share the same

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