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Rutting and fatigue behavior of neat and nanomodified asphalt mixture with SiO2 and TiO2
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Modern asphalt technology has adopted nanomaterials as an alternative option to assert that asphalt pavement can survive harsh climates and repeated heavy axle loading during service life and prolong pavement life. This work aims to elucidate the behavior of the modified asphalt mixture fracture model and assess the fatigue and Rutting performance of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixes using the outcomes of indirect Tensile Strength (IDT), Semicircular bend (SCB) and rutting resistance; for this, a single PG (64−16) nanomodified asphalt binder with 5 % SiO2 and TiO2 have been investigated through a series of laboratory tests, including: Resilient modulus, Creep compliance, and tensile strength, SCB, and Flow Number (FN) to study their potential role of these nanomaterials to improve the rutting characteristics and fatigue life of wearing asphalt mixture at different temperatures. The outcome of this study revealed the positive role of these materials in enhancing mixture IDT characteristics, fracture energy, and viscoelastic deformation component of crack propagation; on the other hand, at higher temperatures, the modified mixture exhibited a superior performance in reducing the permanent deformation of asphalt mixture with SiO2 followed by TiO2 as compared to neat asphalt mixture.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Variables related to the performance styles of batik art to achieve linear tactile effects in the printmaking: نجلاء المرضوف السعدي
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The art of batik is one of the ancient arts that has a long history in East Asian countries, especially in Indonesia, where it was considered a traditional craft with which many Indonesian tribes lived. This art began to move to other continents and develops and progresses due to the artist’s connection to the surrounding technological and intellectual development, as art became more outgoing and liberated, it helped the artist to create and innovate in his designs. In this research, he focuses on modern performance methods through which print paintings can be produced through design elements, especially calligraphy, to create aesthetic and creative effects in the productive work. The current research aims to identify the various perfo

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mangrove Landscaping As An Adaptation Pattern To Reduce The Impact of Climate Change in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap Regency Indonesia
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Mangrove landscaping in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL) is an adaptation pattern of mangrove ecosystems to live and grow in unstable areas. This research aimed to develop a mangrove landscape to mitigate the impacts of ocean waves, currents, and inundation due to climate change. The study was conducted in SAL and Cilacap Coast (CC) using the environmental properties and climate change data. The data obtained were analyzed using mapping and trendline analyses. The results showed that mangrove landscaping in Segara Anakan had four zones with Nypa frutican, Rhizophora styllosa, Aegiceras corniculatum, Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba identified as the best adaptation of mangrove species. Climate change give a high impa

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Using spatial analysis techniques to Preparing maps for distribution of pollutant concentrations in Shatt al-Arab waters in November 2015
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Water has a great self-generating capacity that can neutralize the polluting interventions carried out by humans. However, if human activities continue this uncontrolled and unsustainable exploitation of this resource, this regenerating capacity shall fail and it will be jeopardized definitively. Shatt Al-Arab River in South of Iraq. It has an active role in providing water for irrigation, industry, domestic use and a commercial gateway to Iraq. in the last five years Shatt Al-Arab suffered from a rise in pollutants due to the severe decline in sewage networks, irregular networks and pesticide products, as well as the outputs of factories and companies that find their way to water sources and lead to a widespread collapse of water quality.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Impact of Osteocalcin Level on Vascular Calcification in Type 2 Diabetics in Relation to Fibroblast Growth Factor-23(FGF-23)
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The present study aimed to assess the potential impact of serum concentration of undercarboxylated osteocalcin (the active form of osteocalcin) and fibroblast growth factor-23 on the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetics with carotid artery calcification and the possible association with metabolic changes in relation to glucose and minerals homeostasis.

This study included 52 men with carotid artery calcification type 2 diabetes mellitus. These patients were categorized; as follows: group A includes 30 patients who had cardiovascular disease and group B includes 22 patients who had no cardiovascular disease. These groups were compared with 25 apparently healthy control (Group C). 

It has been shown

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Development of a nanostructured double-layer coated tablet based on polyethylene glycol/gelatin as a platform for hydrophobic molecules delivery
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The aim of the current study was to develop a nanostructured double-layer for hydrophobic molecules delivery system. The developed double-layer consisted of polyethylene glycol-based polymeric (PEG) followed by gelatin sub coating of the core hydrophobic molecules containing sodium citrate. The polymeric composition ratio of PEG and the amount of the sub coating gelatin were optimized using the two-level fractional method. The nanoparticles were characterized using AFM and FT-IR techniques. The size of these nano capsules was in the range of 39-76 nm depending on drug loading concentration. The drug was effectively loaded into PEG-Gelatin nanoparticles (≈47%). The hydrophobic molecules-release characteristics in terms of controlled-releas

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Carbon Dioxide Availability in Inlands Rivers Is Driven by Dissolved Organic Carbon, Not Warming: A Case Study of Tigris River
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الانهار اصبحت مشبعة بثاني اوكسيد الكربون بشكل عالي وبذلك فهي تلعب دور مهم في كميات الكربون العالمية. لزيادة فهمنا حول مصادر الكربون المتوفرة في النظم البيئية النهرية، تم اجراء هذه الدراسة حول تأثير الكربون العضوي المذاب والحرارة (العوامل الرئيسية لتغير المناخ) كمحركات رئيسية لوفرة ثاني اوكسيد الكربون في الانهار. تم جمع العينات من خمسة واربعون موقع في ثلاثة اجزاء رئيسية لنهر دجلة داخل مدينة بغداد خلال فص

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 11 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering
Strength Evaluation of CFRP-Strengthened RC Slab-Beams System by Load Test to Satisfy the Safety Requirements: A Case Study
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The primary goal of in-situ load testing is to evaluate the safety and performance of a structural system under particular loading conditions. Advancements in building techniques, analytical tools, and monitoring instruments are prompting the evaluation of the appropriate loading value, loading process, and examination criteria. The procedure for testing reinforced concrete (RC) structures on-site, as outlined in the ACI Building Code, involves conducting a 24-h load test and applying specific evaluation criteria. This article detailed a retrofitting project for an RC slab-beams system by utilizing carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets to strengthen the structure following a fire incident. The RC structure showed indicators of deter

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Effect of Partial Substitution of Sr by Ba on the Structural Properties of Tl<sub>0.8</sub>Ni<sub>0.2</sub>Sr<sub>2-x</sub>Br<sub>x</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>9-δ</sub> System
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In this manuscript, the effect of substituting strontium with barium on the structural properties of Tl0.8Ni0.2Sr2-xBrxCa2Cu3O9-δcompound with x= 0, 0.2, 0.4, have been studied. Samples were prepared using solid state reaction technique, suitable oxides alternatives of Pb2O3, CaO, BaO and CuO with 99.99% purity as raw materials and then mixed. They were prepared in the form of discs with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a thickness of (0.2-0.3) cm under pressures 7 tons / cm2, and the samples were sintered at a constant temperature o

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Next Generation Information Technology
The effect of the smoothing filter on an image encrypted by the blowfish algorithm then hiding it in a BMP image
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order to increase the level of security, as this system encrypts the secret image before sending it through the internet to the recipient (by the Blowfish method). As The Blowfish method is known for its efficient security; nevertheless, the encrypting time is long. In this research we try to apply the smoothing filter on the secret image which decreases its size and consequently the encrypting and decrypting time are decreased. The secret image is hidden after encrypting it into another image called the cover image, by the use of one of these two methods" Two-LSB" or" Hiding most bits in blue pixels". Eventually we compare the results of the two methods to determine which one is better to be used according to the PSNR measurs

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 28 2018
Journal Name
Advances In Language And Literary Studies
Simplification Strategies in the Production of English Word-final Obstruent Clusters by Iraqi EFL College Students from A Markedness Theory Perspective
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This study investigates the phonotactics of English obstruent clusters in the word-final position from a markedness theory perspective among Iraqi EFL College Students whose native language, Arabic, prefers only two-member word-final obstruent cluster as a maximum. The markedness of clusters is measured depending on Iraqi EFL College Students’ utilization of the simplification strategies. This study tries to answer whether or not word-final obstruent clusters are marked or unmarked for Iraqi EFL College Students, and whether or not the markedness of the obstruent cluster increases as to its length. In order to answer these questions, a test has been distributed among 60 Iraqi EFL Fourth-Year College students, Department of English, Colleg

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