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Investigation of surface area of lakes and marshes from satellite images by using remote sensing and geographic information system integration in Iraq
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Water level and distribution is very essential in almost all life aspects. Natural and artificial lakes represent a large percentage of these water bodies in Iraq. In this research the changes in water levels are observed by calculating the areas of five different lakes in five different regions and two different marshes in two different regions of the country, in a period of 12 years (2001 - 2012), archived remotely sensed images were used to determine surface areas around lakes and marshes in Iraq for the chosen years . Level of the lakes corresponding to satellite determined surface areas were retrieved from remotely sensed data .These data were collected to give explanations on lake level and surface area fluctuations. It is important to determine these areas at different water levels to know areas which are being flooded in addition to the total area inundated .The behavior of hydrological regime of these lakes during the period was assessed using an integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques which found that the total surface area of the lakes had diminished and their water volumes reduced. The study further revealed that the levels of the lakes surfaces had lowered through these years.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Modis Satellite Data Evaluation for Detecting the Dust Storm Using Remote Sensing Techniques Over Iraq
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Abstract<p>The phenomena of Dust storm take place in barren and dry regions all over the world. It may cause by intense ground winds which excite the dust and sand from soft, arid land surfaces resulting it to rise up in the air. These phenomena may cause harmful influences upon health, climate, infrastructure, and transportation. GIS and remote sensing have played a key role in studying dust detection. This study was conducted in Iraq with the objective of validating dust detection. These techniques have been used to derive dust indices using Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) and Middle East Dust Index (MEDI), which are based on images from MODIS and in-situ observation based on hourly wi</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Adopting Image Integration Techniques to Simulate Satellite Images
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Mathematical integration techniques rely on mathematical relationships such as addition, subtraction, division, and subtraction to merge images with different resolutions to achieve the best effect of the merger. In this study, a simulation is adopted to correct the geometric and radiometric distortion of satellite images based on mathematical integration techniques, including Brovey Transform (BT), Color Normalization Transform (CNT), and Multiplicative Model (MM). Also, interpolation methods, namely the nearest neighborhood, Bi-linear, and Bi-cubic were adapted to the images captured by an optical camera. The evaluation of images resulting from the integration process was performed using several types of measures; the first type depend

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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science,
Monitoring Vegetation Growth of Spectrally Landsat Satellite Imagery ETM+ 7 & TM 5 for Western Region of Iraq by Using Remote Sensing Techniques.
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Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) has been imaging the Earth since March 1984 and Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) was added to the series of Landsat instruments in April 1999. In this paper the two sensors are used to monitoring the agriculture condition and detection the changing in the area of plant covers, the stability and calibration of the ETM+ has been monitored extensively since launch although it is not monitored for many years, TM now has a similar system in place to monitor stability and calibration. By referring to statistical values for the classification process, the results indicated that the state of vegetation in 1990 was in the proportion of 42.8%, while this percentage rose to 52.5% for the same study area in

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Oli and Gas Explorations via Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques for AL_Nasiriya
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     This study investigates data set as satellite images of type multispectral Landsat-7, which are observed for AL_Nasiriya city, it is located in southern of Iraq, and situated along the banks of the Euphrates River. These raw data are thermal bands of satellite images, they are taken as thermal images. These images are processed and examined using ENVI 5.3 program. Consequently, the emitted Hydrocarbon is extracted, and the black body algorithm is employed. As well as, the raster calculations are performed using ArcGIS, where gas and oil features are sorted. The results are estimate and determine the oil and gas fields in the city. This study uncovers, and estimates several unexplored oil and gas fields. Whereas,

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Scopus (11)
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 12 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prepare rules spatial data for soils and the Calculation of an Area in Iraq for Industrial Purposes using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      The process of soil classification in Iraq for industrial purposes is important topics that need to be extensive and specialized studies. In order for the advancement of reality service and industrial in our dear country, that a lot of scientific research touched upon the soil classification in the agricultural, commercial and other fields. No source and research can be found that touched upon the classification of land for industrial purposes directly. In this research specialized programs have been used such as geographic information system software The geographical information system permits the study of local distribution of phenomena, activities and the aims that can be determined in the loca

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Assessment of organic carbon content in different topographic from northern Iraq using remote sensing technique and GIS
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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of desertification using remote sensing imagery in South Iraq
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Recently The problem of desertification and vegetation cover degradation become an environmental global challenge. This problem could be summarized as as the land cover changes. In this paper, the area of Al- Muthana in the south of Iraq will be consider as one of Semi-arid lands. For this purpose, the Ladsat-8 images can be used with 15 m in spatial resolution. In order to over Achieve the work, many important ground truth data must be collected such as, rain precipitation, temperature distribution over the seasons, the DEM of the region, and the soil texture characteristics. The extracted data from this project are tables, 2-D figures, and GIS maps represent the distributions of vegetation areas, evaporation / precipitation, river levels

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of Desertification using Remote Sensing Imagery in South Iraq
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Recently The problem of desertification and vegetation cover degradation become an  environmental  global  challenge. This problem could be summarized as  as the land cover changes. In this paper, the area of Al- Muthana in the south of Iraq will be consider as one of Semi-arid lands. For this purpose, the Ladsat-8 images can be used with 15 m in spatial resolution. In order to over Achieve the work, many important ground truth data must be collected such as, rain precipitation, temperature distribution over the seasons, the DEM of the region, and the soil texture characteristics. The extracted  data  from this project are  tables, 2-D figures, and GIS maps represent the distributions of vegetation area

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Assessment of vegetable cover in south Iraq by remote sensing methods
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The vegetable cover plays an important role in the environment and Earth resource sciences. In south Iraq, the region is classified as arid or semiarid area due to the low precipitations and high temperature among the year. In this paper, the Landat-8 satellite imagery will be used to study and estimate the vegetable area in south Iraq. For this purpose many vegetation indices will be examined to estimate and extract the area of vegetation contain in and image. Also, the weathering parameters must be investigated to find the relationship between these parameters and the arability of vegetation cover crowing in the specific area. The remote sensing packages and Matlab written subroutines may be use to evaluate the results.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Monitoring Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Land Cover of Basra Province using Remote Sensing Technique and GIS
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This study investigates the changes occurring in the province of Basra using geospatial methods and analyzes the variations in land surface temperature among the various types of land cover. For the months of July and December in the years 2013 and 2021, Landsat images were used in Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, and satellite images were processed using ArcGIS 10.8 software. The study's categories for land use and land cover were generated through the application of supervised classification techniques, and the land surface temperature was calculated using data from a satellite sensor's brightness temperature. According to the study's findings, there has been an increase in urban areas (including barren land). From 2013 to 2021, a greater correlati

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