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Investigation of surface area of lakes and marshes from satellite images by using remote sensing and geographic information system integration in Iraq
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Water level and distribution is very essential in almost all life aspects. Natural and artificial lakes represent a large percentage of these water bodies in Iraq. In this research the changes in water levels are observed by calculating the areas of five different lakes in five different regions and two different marshes in two different regions of the country, in a period of 12 years (2001 - 2012), archived remotely sensed images were used to determine surface areas around lakes and marshes in Iraq for the chosen years . Level of the lakes corresponding to satellite determined surface areas were retrieved from remotely sensed data .These data were collected to give explanations on lake level and surface area fluctuations. It is important to determine these areas at different water levels to know areas which are being flooded in addition to the total area inundated .The behavior of hydrological regime of these lakes during the period was assessed using an integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques which found that the total surface area of the lakes had diminished and their water volumes reduced. The study further revealed that the levels of the lakes surfaces had lowered through these years.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Space-Charge Effect on the Theoretical Design of Electron Gun Operated under Zero Magnification Condition
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A computational investigation is carried out in the field of charged –particle optics with the aid of numerical analysis method using the personal computer. The work is concerned with the design of electron gun with space-charge effect. The Finite element method (FEM) used in the solution of Poison's equation for determine the axial potential distribution of the two-electrode immersion lens operated under zero magnification condition , and from the solution of the paraxial ray equation the optical properties such as the focal length , spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients are determined, also a calculation of the brightness and perveance for the lens. The electrodes geometry was determined in two and three dimensi

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 24 2024
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Identification of Time-Wise Thermal Diffusivity, Advection Velocity on the Free-Boundary Inverse Coefficient Problem
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This paper is concerned with finding solutions to free-boundary inverse coefficient problems. Mathematically, we handle a one-dimensional non-homogeneous heat equation subject to initial and boundary conditions as well as non-localized integral observations of zeroth and first-order heat momentum. The direct problem is solved for the temperature distribution and the non-localized integral measurements using the Crank–Nicolson finite difference method. The inverse problem is solved by simultaneously finding the temperature distribution, the time-dependent free-boundary function indicating the location of the moving interface, and the time-wise thermal diffusivity or advection velocities. We reformulate the inverse problem as a non-

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation of Particle Emission Rates for Nucleon-Induced Reactions with non-Equidistance Spacing Model Dependence
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Nuclear emission rates for nucleon-induced reactions are theoretically calculated based on the one-component exciton model that uses state density with non-Equidistance Spacing Model (non-ESM). Fair comparison is made from different state density values that assumed various degrees of approximation formulae, beside the zeroth-order formula corresponding to the ESM. Calculations were made for 96Mo nucleus subjected to (N,N) reaction at Emax=50 MeV. The results showed that the non-ESM treatment for the state density will significantly improve the emission rates calculated for various exciton configurations. Three terms might suffice a proper calculation, but the results kept changing even for ten terms. However, five terms is found to give

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The evaluation a proposed strategy for the Ministry of Planning for the years 2018-2022 .
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the research discussed a stage of strategic management. The strategic of the evaluation of the proposed strategy through feedback is to ensure that it is implemented with the least possible variation. The research aims at evaluation  a proposed strategy for the Ministry of Planning for the years 2018-2022 in line with the orientations of the state, taking into account the surrounding environmental conditions. It relies on scientific bases and steps to formulate the strategy The extent of the strategy suitability was tested through a set of statistical means and its objectivity was verified through a survey of a number of specialized experts who were selected in accordance with the principle

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Postoperative Nurses' Interventions for the Patients with Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
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Objective: The study aimed to assess the postoperative nurses' intervention for the patients with laparoscopic
cholecystectomy and to determine the relationship between Nurses' interventions and their demographic
Methodology: Quantitative design (a descriptive study) was started from 20th November 2012 up to 1st
September 2013. Non-probability (purposive sample) of (50) nurses, who were working in surgical wards, were
selected from Baghdad teaching hospitals (Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Digestives System and Liver Teaching
Hospital, AL-Kindy Teaching Hospital, and AL-Kadhimiyia Teaching Hospita). The data were collected through
the use of a constructed questionnaire, which consisted of two parts; the

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the quality of Islamic banking customer perspective, Empirical Study on some Islamic banks Arabia
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This study aims to identify the level of quality of  Islamic banking services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also investigates the importance of  the various dimensions of the quality of banking services. The sample of the study included 69 clients of Al Rajhi Bank and  Al-Bilad Bank. The study concluded that the overall level quality of services that Islamic banking offer is high. However, their relative importance varies from one dimension to another. The security, confidence and physical aspects are very high which this is a good point. On the other hand, the application aspects do not get the same importance. These aspects include the customer's wishes, helping them to improve the services offered to them,

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect ofweight percentage chopped carbon fibers on the mechanism of cracks propagation for Epoxy composites
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In this research, the mechanism of cracks propagation for epoxy/ chopped carbon fibers composites have been investigated .Carbon fibers (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) by weight were used to reinforce epoxy resin. Bending test was carried out to evaluate the flexural strength in order to explain the mechanism of cracks propagation. It was found that, the flexural strength will increase with increasing the percentage weight for carbon fibers. At low stresses, the cracks will state at the lower surface for the specimen. Increasing the stresses will accelerate the speed of cracks until fracture accorded .The path of cracks is changed according to the distributions of carbon fibers

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Some Variables Affecting the Formulation of Pentoxifylline (PTX) as a Solid Sustained Release Dosage Form
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An inert matrix  that is used to control the release of  (PTX) was prepared using Eudragit RL100 and RSPM types as matrix forming agent . The matrices were prepared by either dry granulation(slugging) , or wet granulation method using chloroform as a solvent evaporation vehichle. The cumulative release was adjusted by using polyvinylpyrollidone (PVP) or ethylcellulose (EC) polymers .The results indicated that   both methods of preparation were valid for incorporation PTX as a sustained release granules .Moreover ,the results revealed that best polymer used  was Eudragit RSPM in 3:20 polymer drug ratio .Besides to that ,   the results indicated that the release profiles were affected by  pH- medium&

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Assessing the performance of commercial Agisoft PhotoScan software to deliver reliable data for accurate3D modelling
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3D models delivered from digital photogrammetric techniques have massively increased and developed to meet the requirements of many applications. The reliability of these models is basically dependent on the data processing cycle and the adopted tool solution in addition to data quality. Agisoft PhotoScan is a professional image-based 3D modelling software, which seeks to create orderly, precise n 3D content from fixed images. It works with arbitrary images those qualified in both controlled and uncontrolled conditions. Following the recommendations of many users all around the globe, Agisoft PhotoScan, has become an important source to generate precise 3D data for different applications. How reliable is this data for accurate 3D mo

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of soaking with bread yeast extract on sorghum seed germination under salt stress conditions
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Salt stress negatively affects germination and seedling growth. Sorghum cultivars (Bohuth70, Inqath and Rabeh), seed soaking in dry yeast extract (3, 6 and 9 g l-1) in addition to dry seeds and electrical conductivity (4, 10 and 16 dS m-1) were studied. Traits of germination ratio at first and final counts, lengths of radicle and plumule, seedling dry weight and seedling vigour index were studied. The cultivar of Bohuth70 and concentration of yeast extract (9 g l-1) were superior at all studied traits, while all traits values were reduced with increased saline stress. The combination (Bohuth70×9×4) was superior to most other treatments at first and final counts, radicle length and seedling dry weight, while superiority of plumule length a

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