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Experimental modeling of a single pile in liquefiable soil under the effect of coupled static-dynamic loads
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In this work, a single pile is physically modeled and embedded in an upper liquefiable loose sand layer overlying a non-liquefiable dense layer. A laminar soil container is adopted to simulate the coupled static-dynamic loading pile response during earthquake motions: Ali Algharbi, Halabjah, El-Centro, and Kobe earthquakes. During seismic events with combined loading, the rotation along the pile, the lateral and vertical displacements at the pile head as well as the pore pressure ratio in loose sandy soil were assessed. According to the experimental findings, combined loading that ranged from 50 to 100% of axial load would alter the pile reaction by reducing the pile head peak ground acceleration, rotation of the pile, and lateral displacement for all input motions, while vertical displacement stabilizes as combined loading rises. In contrast, independent of the magnitude of the earthquake and soil depth, the impact of increasing the combined axial and lateral loading from 50 to 100% is limited. Due to the lateral loading's ability to greatly reduce acceleration, rotation, and lateral displacement at moderate earthquake motion, the pile cap was significantly restricted. When earthquake motion increases to a strong activity, it has a minimal impact. Since pore pressure is produced more quickly during a large earthquake than it is during a weak one, the magnitude and length of the earthquake have a significant impact on how much pore pressure is produced. The combined loading has only a small impact.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical analysis of a concrete foundation under a combination of a dynamic and a seismic load
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Improving in assembling technology has provided machines of higher evaluation with better resistances and managed behavior. This machinery led to remarkably higher dynamic forces and therefore higher stresses. In this paper, a dynamic investigation of rectangular machine diesel and gas engines foundation at the top surface of one-layer dry sand with various states (i.e., loose, medium and dense) was carried out. The dynamic investigation is performed numerically by utilizing limited component programming, PLAXIS 3D. The soil is accepted as flexible totally plastic material submits to Mohr-Coulomb yield basis. A harmonic load is applied at the foundation with amplitude of 10 kPa at a frequency of (10, 15 and 20) HZ and se

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Modern Applications Of Geotechnical Engineering And Construction Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Numerical Modeling of Honeycombed Geocell Reinforced Soil
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Shallow foundations have been commonly used to transfer load to soil layer within the permissible limits of settlement based on the bearing capacity of the soil. For most practical cases, the shape of the shallow foundation is of slight significance. Also, friction resistance forces in the first layers of soils are negligible due to non-sufficient surrounding surface area and compaction conditions. However, the bearing capacity of a shallow foundation can be increased by several techniques. Geocell is one of the geosynthetic tool applied mainly to reinforce soil. This study presents a numerical approach of honeycombed geocell steel panels reinforcing the sandy soil under shallow foundation, and several parameters are investigated such as th

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Crossref (13)
Publication Date
Wed Aug 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Predicting Wetting Patterns in Soil from a Single Subsurface Drip Irrigation System
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Soil wetted pattern from a subsurface drip plays great importance in the design of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) system for delivering the required water directly to the roots of the plant. An equation to estimate the dimensions of the wetted area in soil are taking into account water uptake by roots is simulated numerically using HYDRUS (2D/3D) software. In this paper, three soil textures namely loamy sand, sandy loam, and loam soil were used with three different types of crops tomato, pepper, and cucumber, respectively, and different values of drip discharge, drip depth, and initial soil moisture content were proposed. The soil wetting patterns were obtained at every thirty minutes for a total time of irrigation equ

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Shear strength of steel fibre RC beams under repeated loads
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation the behavior of Ring Footing on Gypseous Soil Subjected to Eccentric and Inclined Loads
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An extensive program of laboratory testing was conducted on ring footing rested on gypseous soil brought from the north of Iraq (Salah El-Deen governorate) with a gypsum content of 59%. There are limited researches available, and even fewer have been done experimentally to understand how to ring footings behave; almost all the previous works only concern the behavior of ring footing under vertical loads, Moreover, relatively few studies have examined the impact of eccentric load and inclined load on such footing. In this study, a series of tests, including dry and wet tests, were carried out using a steel container (600×600×600) mm, metal ring footing (100 mm outer diameter and 40 mm inner diameter) was placed in the m

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this research the relation between skin resistances and standard penetration test of over consolidated
clay soils has been studied. The research includes doing boreholes at Babil governorate in Iraq to get
undisturbed samples and standard penetration test. Determination skin friction from direct shear test between
smooth concrete and soil was explored in laboratory for design purposes and correlated with standard
penetration test values. In many foundation design problems, the shear strength between soil and
foundation materials were estimated or correlated without any direct methods for measurement.
Twelve strain controlled direct shear tests were performed simulate the shear strength interaction
between smooth c

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Static and Dynamic Behavior of Circularized Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened with Hybrid CFRP
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In this study, three strengthening techniques, near-surface mounted NSM-CRFP, NSM-CFRP with externally bonding EB-CFRP, and hybrid CFRP with circularization were studied to increase the seismic performance of existing RC slender columns under lateral loads. Experimentally, 1:3 scale RC models were studied and subjected to both lateral static load and seismic excitation. In the dynamic test, a model was subjected to El Centro 1940 NS earthquake excitation by using a shaking table. According to the test results, the strengthening techniques showed a significant increase in load carrying capacity, of about 86.6%, and 46.6%, for circularization and NSM-CFRP respectively, of the reference unstrengthened columns. On the other hand, column

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 16 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Earthquake Engineering
Dynamic Response of Saturated Soil - Foundation System Acted upon by Vibration
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In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. In order to investigate the response of soil and footing to steady state dynamic loading, a physical model was manufactured to simulate steady state harmonic load at different operating frequencies. Total of 84 physical models were performed. The footing parameters are related to the size of the rectangular footing and depth of embedment. Two sizes of rectangular steel model footing were tested at the surface and at 50 mm depth below model surface. Meanwhile the investigated parameters of the soil condition include dry and saturated sand for two relative densities 30% and 80%. The response of the footing was ela

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Crossref (25)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2022
Journal Name
Geotechnical Engineering And Sustainable Construction
Numerical Modeling of Circular Tunnel Alignment Under Seismic Loading
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The continuous increase in population has led to the development of underground structures like tunnels to be of great importance due to several reasons. One of these reasons is that tunnels do not affect the living activities on the surface, nor they interfere with the existing traffic network. More importantly, they have a less environmental impact than conventional highways and railways. This paper focuses on using numerical analysis of circular tunnels in terms of their behavior during construction and the deformations that may occur due to overburden and seismic loads imposed on them. In this study, the input data are taken from an existing Cairo metro case study; results were found for the lateral and vertical displacements, the Peak

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sat Nov 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Impact Dynamic Plasticity for CK45
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This paper represents a study of the effect of the soil type, the drilling parameters and the drilling tool properties on the dynamic vibrational behavior of the drilling rig and its assessment in the drilling system. So first, an experimental drilling rig was designed and constructed to embrace the numerical work.

The experimental work included implementation of the drill-string in different types of soil with different properties according to the difference in the grains size, at different rotational speeds (RPM), and different weights on bit (WOB) (Thrust force), in a way that allows establishing the charts that correlate the vibration acceleration, the rate of penetration (ROP), and the power

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