Improving in assembling technology has provided machines of higher evaluation with better resistances and managed behavior. This machinery led to remarkably higher dynamic forces and therefore higher stresses. In this paper, a dynamic investigation of rectangular machine diesel and gas engines foundation at the top surface of one-layer dry sand with various states (i.e., loose, medium and dense) was carried out. The dynamic investigation is performed numerically by utilizing limited component programming, PLAXIS 3D. The soil is accepted as flexible totally plastic material submits to Mohr-Coulomb yield basis. A harmonic load is applied at the foundation with amplitude of 10 kPa at a frequency of (10, 15 and 20) HZ and seismic load is applied with acceleration – time input of earthquake hit Halabjah city north of Iraq. A parametric statement is completed to evaluate the effect of changing the relative density, embedded depth and frequency of the machine. It has been noticed that the relative density plays an important role in the resistance of settlement, as it increases the resistance of the soil to the applied loads because the dense soil is stiffer. While total stress and displacement of different relative density decrease at the time when increasing the foundations' embedding, the ratio was (15%) at the depths (Df=0 and Df=2). In addition, it has been noticed that there decrease of displacement when the frequency value changes from (10 to 20) Hz.
Dynamic loads highly influence soil properties and may cause real damage to structures and buildings. This article reports the experimental results from 24 tests to study the settlement of flexible and rigid raft foundation with different embedment depth rested on dense sandy soil. A small scale building model of dimension 200*200 mm and 320 mm in height was performed with reinforced concrete raft foundation of 10 mm thickness for flexible raft and 23 mm for rigid raft, The shaking table technique was used to simulate the seismic effect, the shaker was sat to give three different excitation frequencies 1,2,and3 Hz and displacement amplitude equal to 13 mm, the foundation was placed at
This research shows the experimental results of the bending moment in a flexible and rigid raft foundation rested on dense sandy soil with different embedded depth throughout 24 tests. A physical model of dimensions (200mm*200mm) and (320) mm in height was constructed with raft foundation of (10) mm thickness for flexible raft and (23) mm for rigid raft made of reinforced concrete. To imitate the seismic excitation shaking table skill was applied, the shaker was adjusted to three frequencies equal to (1Hz,2Hz, and 3Hz) and displacement magnitude of (13) mm, the foundation was located at four different embedment depths (0,0.25B = 50mm,0.5B = 100mm, and B = 200mm), where B is the raft width. Generally, the maximum bending
... Show MoreThe major cause of destruction during vertical vibration is the failure of the soil structure. The soil may fail due to loss of strength during continues vibration. The saturated sandy soil losses strength due to an increase in pore pressure, this phenomenon is called "liquefaction". Piled foundations are usually adopted as a foundation solution in potentially liquefiable soil under dynamic loading. In this research, 3D finite element model using PLAXIS Software was employed for pile foundation in saturated sandy soil. The results show the acceleration mobilization and velocity on the footing increases with increasing the intensity of dynamic loads and it becomes zero at maximum value of vertical settlement which indicates the end of the ti
... Show MoreThis study was chosen because of the entry of our regions into the seismic zone recently, where Diyala governorate was hit by the Halabja earthquake in 2017 by 7.3Mw. Therefore, the impact of earthquakes will be studied on the AL-Mafraq bridge foundations piles located in Iraq- east of Baghdad in Diyala Governorate and the extent of its resistance to the Halabjah, EL-Centro, and Kobe earthquakes with acceleration 0.1g, 0.34g, and 0.58g respectively. After modeling and performing the analysis by using Midas Gts-Nx software, the settlement (mm) results at nine nodes (four nodes for the pile cap and five nodes for the piles) were obtained for each of Halabjah, EL-Centro, and Kobe earthquakes to know the resistance of the br
... Show MoreConcrete columns with hollow-core sections find widespread application owing to their excellent structural efficiency and efficient material utilization. However, corrosion poses a challenge in concrete buildings with steel reinforcement. This paper explores the possibility of using glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcement as a non-corrosive and economically viable substitute for steel reinforcement in short square hollow concrete columns. Twelve hollow short columns were meticulously prepared in the laboratory experiments and subjected to pure axial compressive loads until failure. All columns featured a hollow square section with exterior dimensions of (180 × 180) mm and 900 mm height. The columns were categorized into
... Show MoreIn order to understand the effect of (length of pile / diameter of pile) ratio on the load carrying capacity and settlement reduction behavior of piled raft resting on loose sand, laboratory model tests were conducted on small-scale models. The parameters studied were the effect of pile length and the number of piles. The load settlement behavior obtained from the tests has been validated by using 3-D finite element in ABAQUS program, was adopted to understand the load carrying response of piled raft and settlement reduction. The results of experimental work show that the increase in (Lp/dp) ratio led to increase in load carrying capacity by piled raft from (19.75 to 29.35%), (14.18 to 28.87%) and (0 to 16.49%) , the maximum load carr
... Show MoreIn order to understand the effect of (length of pile / diameter of pile) ratio on the load carrying capacity and settlement reduction behavior of piled raft resting on loose sand, laboratory model tests were conducted on small-scale models. The parameters studied were the effect of pile length and the number of piles. The load settlement behavior obtained from the tests has been validated by using 3-D finite element in ABAQUS program, was adopted to understand the load carrying response of piled raft and settlement reduction. The results of experimental work show that the increase in (Lp/dp) ratio led to increase in load carrying capacity by piled raft from (19.75 to 29.35%), (14.18 to 28.87%) and (0 to 16.49%) , the maximum load carried
... Show MoreIn order to study the dynamic response of historical masonry structures, a scaled down brick masonry model constructed in civil engineering department at Baghdad University to simulate a part of a real case study, which is Alkifil historic minaret. Most of the previous researches about masonry structures try to understand the behavior of the masonry under seismic loading by experimental and numerical methods. In this paper, the masonry units (bricks) simulated in scale (S= 1/6) with the exact shape of the prototype bricks. Cementitious tile adhesive was selected to be the mortar for the modeling. The height of the model designed to be 1.5 m with a 0.5 m diameter. Detailed construction steps were presented in this paper. Experts buil
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