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الصورة الفنية للأزهار في شعر ابي وكيع التنيسي
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ارتبط الانسان بالطبيعة بأشكالها المختلفة ارتباطا وثيقا ، فهي تمثل الحاضنة له بمجالات حياته كلها، فما كان من الأدباء الا أن يجعلوها في كثير من الأحيان مادة لأدبهم وأرضية خصبة لنتاجهم، فتمظهرت بصورها المختلفة وحاجة الانسان لها وخيرها وشرها في الأدب على مدى التاريخ، والعرب شأنهم شأن غيرهم من الأمم فمنذ عصر ما قبل الاسلام كانت الطبيعة منفذا مهما وملجأ للشعراء في انتاج الأدب وابداعه وإلى يومنا هذا، ونحن إذ نتحدث عن شاعر من شعراء الدولة الفاطمية نجد أن الطبيعة -ولاسيما الربيع وأزهاره- في تلك المدة أخذت مأخذها من الأدب ومثلت ظاهرة عند كثير من الشعراء، حتى عُني كثير منهم بوصفها والكشف عن جمالياتها ومدى تأثيرها على حياة الإنسان، ومن الشعراء الذين اهتموا بوصف الربيع وأزهاره بصورة طغت على شعره (الحسن بن علي الضبيُّ الشهير بابن وكيع التنيسي) فكان عنوان البحث (الصورة الفنية للأزهار في شعر ابن وكيع التنيسي)، وقد قسمَّ البحث على مبحثين، سبقا بمقدمة وتمهيد تناولت فيه حياة الشاعر وعصره، وكان المبحث الأول تحت عنوان: (الازهار وصورها في شعر ابن وكيع) تناولت فيه مدخل لدراسة الصورة، وصور الأزهار التي وردت في قصائد ومقطوعات. وأمّا المبحث الثاني فكان تحت عنوان: (صورة الربيع وأزهاره في شعر ابن وكيع)، وقد أفردت مبحثا للربيع وأزهاره للتلازم بين الربيع والأزهار وهذا التلازم دعا ابن وكيع إلى إفراد قصائد قائمة بذاتها تحت عنوان الربيع ليصف فيها الأزهار ويصورها. ثمَّ ختم البحث بأهم النتائج التي توصل إليها، فقائمة بالمصادر التي وظُفت فيه. والحمد لله أولا وآخرا.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Humanize nature in the poetry of childhood in Iraq (2003-2015)
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That the nature of an important role in children's lives, Including offer them fun and freedom of thinking and capacity in the imagination. And its effective role of poets in general and especially apoet of childhood Selecting from diverse elements, And the rise to the level of human nature In order to enrich the child's imagination And the delivery of various ideas and information in a surprising. And are far from the decision-making and direct screed.this importance we set off For the study of poetic texts for children in Iraq During the research stage. Those texts in which the humanization began clearly,and our offer to these texts in style of detail and precision Not without expressing an my opinion during the research We finished th

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
شعر الاحتضار حتّى نھایة العصر العباسي الأول ( ٣٣٤ ھ) دراسة في شعر اللحظات الأخیرة في حیاة الشعراء
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Dying poetry ,last felt the man to say apriorior improvisation during entry in to the
context of the death while going through it, or distracted by the death , before the soul went
out the duration of a brief may not exceed the minutes , with out pious or pen or vain , may
have been exercised in his daily life, compelled or for the benefit.
The discussion dealt with the meaning of dying, then presented its article with three
First; What was said in accepting the death.
Second; what was said in the reguest fo death.
Third; what was said to ignore the death.
This lesson as well as poetry style andcream and the imeanings and ideas and nages and
rhetorical rhythm. To achieve this, adopted solid sources a

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The I and the Other (Lenora) in the Poetry of Joseph III
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A literary text is not void of the use of the ego and the other while speaking or in a spoken communication. Such a usage is apparently outstanding in Arabic literature, and it reflects society in all its various cultural, social and political conditions. Therefore, the ego is one of the prominent concepts on which human personality is built, and its role in the formation of society and in communicating among all human societies. Accordingly, the present paper aims to clarify the duality of the ego and the other, where the ego starts from the poet himself to expand the circle of subjectivity by including his family, society, immediate surroundings, race and his religion. The other, on the other hand, that is separated from the poet,

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Interactive Relationship between the Formation Elements and their Implications in the Structure of the Television Image
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The image of television dominates the cognitive and artistic motivations. It is the formulation of ideas and visions along with its documentary ability. It is the main element in television work as it is a story that is narrated in pictures. Therefore, attention to image building is a major point of gravity in the work structure as a whole. On the image is the element carrying all aesthetic and expressive values of news and information directly to the hints that work to stimulate and stir the imagination of the recipient to evoke mental images added to the visual images to deepen the meanings.
All visual arts carry elements and components that follow in a particular pattern to give special meanings and specific connotations. However,

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This research aims to reveal the quality standards available in press images published in the news sites, the Iraqi News Agency and Al-Mada Press for the period from: 1/9/2019, to: 30/9/2019. The research is a descriptive research, in which the researcher relied on the survey methodology to achieve its objectives. The research reached a number of results, most notably the weak role of photojournalists in the websites and the adoption of those the Internet as a source for obtaining press images published with news and reports through its pages, as well as the neglect of the standard Description/Comment below the press images, which plays an important function in explaining and interpreting them for users.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of journalism in the fight against terrorism
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The media plays an important role in a number of functions performed by them. Press is one of those media which had and still have a clear role in addressing the various issues, topics, and events. Journalism is no longer as expressed by owners of the liberal theory – it seeks to raise the instincts – but it began to excite the minds of readers to meet their needs. At the same time, it does not neglect the search for the truth and work to deliver it to readers. Some have identified a set of tasks carried out by the press including the interest in public affairs, the needs of the community, work to provide happiness, what is beneficial and useful and combat the negative phenomenon and to address the deviations facing society. The comi

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
دلالة المكان في شعر السري الرفاء الموصلي
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هو ابو الحسن السري بن احمد السري الكندي الرفاء الموصلي ويعرف بالسري الرفاء وهو الاسم الذي غلب عليه، ولقب بالرفاء لانه كان يعمل في رفو الثياب وتطريزها وقد ذكره الثعالبي في اليتيمة فقال (فمنهم السري بن احمد الكندي المعروف بالرفاء)(1)ولد الرفاء في مدينة الموصل ولا تعرف سنة ولادته ولكنه من شعراء القرن الرابع الهجري الذين ذكرهم الثعالبي في يتيمته، وقد عاش صباه رفاء في سوق الرفائين في الموصل حيث سلمه والداه الى احد

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
اسلوبية التصوير في شعر التصوف قراءة نقدية
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Orbital factors in the hair Alberdony: (Denial is a model
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The theory of Pilgrims in the Magra is based on Dekru's view that the mgha is considered a pilgrim, and that the pilgrims are pilgrims
Tujia purely exposes the abstract temptation structure, and that the discharge of the Mfezouz Mfarouz is through factors
This theory tends to highlight the role of pilgrim function as a language
There is no preservation unless directed towards a particular outcome. Gemma can include morphine blindness
Or formulas that allow for the presentation of a pilgrimage to a writer in addition to the content of the news, and the guidance of the recipient
In one direction or another.
 The orbital masses are one of these morphines and functional components that achieve function
The Togolese

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Dialectical perspective and treatment in poetry of Khalil Hawi
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Were not experience Khalil Hawi capillary module as presented or routine in the format
of the implications , but was saturated transitions quality that targeted built by visionary and
mechanisms expressive , Valgosaidp when the container is a clash between two worlds world
Nahdi to promote world on the ashes , and often strained poet himself to achieve an approach
between worlds , and in the midst of those caesarean section exhausted poet in touch his tools
and visions , and this is why the poetry Hawi toward westernization expressive as a result of
the conflict concepts chronic , be sure to researcher not engaged in the overall qualitative
changes in the structure and content, but the goal Acetknah level that qualit

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