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Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection System Using Hierarchical Classification and Clustering Techniques
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With the rapid development of computers and network technologies, the security of information in the internet becomes compromise and many threats may affect the integrity of such information. Many researches are focused theirs works on providing solution to this threat. Machine learning and data mining are widely used in anomaly-detection schemes to decide whether or not a malicious activity is taking place on a network. In this paper a hierarchical classification for anomaly based intrusion detection system is proposed. Two levels of features selection and classification are used. In the first level, the global feature vector for detection the basic attacks (DoS, U2R, R2L and Probe) is selected. In the second level, four local feature vectors to determine the sub-class of each attack type are selected. Features are evaluated to measure its discrimination ability among classes. K-Means clustering algorithm is then used to cluster each class into two clusters. SFFS and ANN are used in hierarchical basis to select the relevant features and classify the query behavior to proper intrusion type. Experimental evaluation on NSL-KDD, a filtered version of the original KDD99 has shown that the proposed IDS can achieve good performance in terms of intrusions detection and recognition.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 03 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
A New Feature-Based Method for Similarity Measurement under the Linux Operating System
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This paper presents a new algorithm in an important research field which is the semantic word similarity estimation. A new feature-based algorithm is proposed for measuring the word semantic similarity for the Arabic language. It is a highly systematic language where its words exhibit elegant and rigorous logic. The score of sematic similarity between two Arabic words is calculated as a function of their common and total taxonomical features. An Arabic knowledge source is employed for extracting the taxonomical features as a set of all concepts that subsumed the concepts containing the compared words. The previously developed Arabic word benchmark datasets are used for optimizing and evaluating the proposed algorithm. In this paper,

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Building a High Accuracy Transfer Learning-Based Quality Inspection System at Low Costs
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      Products’ quality inspection is an important stage in every production route, in which the quality of the produced goods is estimated and compared with the desired specifications. With traditional inspection, the process rely on manual methods that generates various costs and large time consumption. On the contrary, today’s inspection systems that use modern techniques like computer vision, are more accurate and efficient. However, the amount of work needed to build a computer vision system based on classic techniques is relatively large, due to the issue of manually selecting and extracting features from digital images, which also produces labor costs for the system engineers.       In this research, we pr

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design of New Hybrid Neural Controller for Nonlinear CSTR System based on Identification
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This paper proposes improving the structure of the neural controller based on the identification model for nonlinear systems. The goal of this work is to employ the structure of the Modified Elman Neural Network (MENN) model into the NARMA-L2 structure instead of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model in order to construct a new hybrid neural structure that can be used as an identifier model and a nonlinear controller for the SISO linear or nonlinear systems. Two learning algorithms are used to adjust the parameters weight of the hybrid neural structure with its serial-parallel configuration; the first one is supervised learning algorithm based Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) and the second one is an intelligent algorithm n

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 24 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Smart IoT Network Based Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network With Element-Wise Prediction System
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An Intelligent Internet of Things network based on an Artificial Intelligent System, can substantially control and reduce the congestion effects in the network. In this paper, an artificial intelligent system is proposed for eliminating the congestion effects in traffic load in an Intelligent Internet of Things network based on a deep learning Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network with a modified Element-wise Attention Gate. The invisible layer of the modified Element-wise Attention Gate structure has self-feedback to increase its long short-term memory. The artificial intelligent system is implemented for next step ahead traffic estimation and clustering the network. In the proposed architecture, each sensing node is adaptive and able to

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 25 2021
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Performance evaluation of Photovoltaic Panels by a Proposed Automated System Based on Microcontrollers
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
The European Physical Journal A
Analytic view at alpha clustering in even-even heavy nuclei near magic numbers 82 and 126
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy based sensitive and specific detection of vitamin D3, glycated hemoglobin, and serum lipid profile of breast cancer patients
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Considering the expanding frequency of breast cancer and high incidence of vitamin D3 [25(OH)D3] insufficiently, this investigate pointed to explain a relation between serum [25(OH)D3] (the sunshine vitamin) level and breast cancer hazard. The current study aimed to see how serum levels of each [25(OH)D3], HbA1c%, total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglyceride (TG) were affected a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer. In 40 healthy volunteers and 69 untreated breast cancer patients with clinical and histological evidence which include outpatients and hospitalized admissions patients at the Oncology Center, Medical City / Baghdad - Iraq. Venous blood samp

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of Zn Water Pollution by a Biosensor Based on Alkaloids Derived from Iraqi Catharanthus Roseus
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     In this work, the detection of zinc (Zn) ions that cause water pollution is studied using the CSNPs- Linker-alkaloids compound that was prepared by linking extracted alkaloids from Iraqi Catharanthus roseus plant with Chitosan nanoparticles (CSNPs) using maleic anhydride. This compound is characterized by an X-ray diffractometer (XRD) which shows that it has an orthorhombic structure with crystallite size in the nano dimension. Zeta Potential results show that the CSNPs-Linker-alkaloids carried a positive charge of 54.4 mV, which means it possesses high stability.  The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) shows a new distinct band at 1708.93 cm-1 due to C=O esterification. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Monitoring the land surface temperature for Al-Ahdab oil field in 2022 using R.S and GIS techniques
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Abstract<p>The skin temperature of the earth’s surface is referred to as the Land Surface Temperature (LST). the availability of long-term and high-quality temperature records is important for various uses that affect people’s lives and livelihoods. Much valid information was provided to this research from remote sensing technology by using Landsat 8 (L8) imagery to estimate LST for Al-Ahdab oil field in Wasit city in Iraq. The aim of this research is to analyze LST variations based on Landsat 8 data for 2022 (January, April, July, and October). ArcMap 10.8 was used to estimate LST results. The results values ranged from (about 10 C in January to about 46 C in July). The results show that LS</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Monitoring the Land surface temperature LST with different seasons for Babylon City using GIS and R.S techniques
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Abstract<p>This paper is based on the Sentinel-2 satellite data: the thermal, red, and NIR bands. The Babylon city was chosen in this study for different reasons: its location in the middle of Iraq and it represents the largest capitals of the Mesopotamia civilization in the word. The Land Surface Temperature (LST) was determined using a method that incorporates remote sensing, geographic information systems, and statistics. This process has made it possible to monitor the relationship between land usage and the land surface temperature for four seasons in the year 2021. The mapswere processed and analyzed by using ArcGIS software. Five maps of the LST were constructed. Each map represents diffe</p> ... Show More
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