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Estimation of The Zenith Path Delay using RTK-DGPS measurements
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In this paper, the method of estimating the variation of Zenith Path Delay (ZPD) estimation method will be illustrate and evaluate using Real Time Kinematic Differential Global Positioning System (RTK-DGPS). The GPS provides a relative method to remotely sense atmospheric water vapor in any weather condition. The GPS signal delay in the atmosphere can be expressed as ZPD. In order to evaluate the results, four points had been chosen in the university of Baghdad campus to be rover ones, with a fixed Base point. For each rover position a 155 day of coordinates measurements was collected to overcome the results. Many models and mathematic calculations were used to extract the ZPD using the Matlab environment. The result shows that the ZPD values in mm depend on the water vapor intensity in the atmosphere and the mean temperatures. Also, the mean temperature model can be generated to calculate the Water Vapor Intensity( WVI ( for 20 km highest.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
Pre-Topology Generated by the Short Path Problems
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Let G be a graph, each edge e of which is given a weight w(e). The shortest path problem is a path of minimum weight connecting two specified vertices a and b, and from it we have a pre-topology. Furthermore, we study the restriction and separators in pre-topology generated by the shortest path problems. Finally, we study the rate of liaison in pre-topology between two subgraphs. It is formally shown that the new distance measure is a metric

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Chaos synchronization delay in semiconductor lasers with optoelectronic feedback
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In this work we reported the synchronization delay in
semiconductor laser (SL) networks. The unidirectional
configurations between successive oscillators and the correlation
between them are achieved. The coupling strength is a control
parameter so when we increase coupling strength the dynamic of the
system has been change. In addition the time required to synchronize
network components (delay of synchronization) has been studied as
well. The synchronization delay has been increased by mean of
increasing the number of oscillators. Finally, explanation of the time
required to synchronize oscillators in the network at different
coupling strengths.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Aerodynamic Surface Roughness for Baghdad City Using Signal-Level Measurements
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Roughness length is one of the key variables in micrometeorological studies and environmental studies in regards to describing development of cities and urban environments. By utilizing the three dimensions ultrasonic anemometer installed at Mustansiriyah university, we determined the rate of the height of the rough elements (trees, buildings and bridges) to the surrounding area of the university for a radius of 1 km. After this, we calculated the zero-plane displacement length of eight sections and calculated the length of surface roughness. The results proved that the ranges of the variables above are ZH (9.2-13.8) m, Zd (4.3-8.1) m and Zo (0.24-0.48) m.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The measurements of neutron Fermi Age for selected Nuclear Reactor shielding materials using the Indium foil technique
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The Neutron Fermi Age, t, and the neutron slowing down density,   q (r, t) , have been measured for some materials such as Graphite and Iron by using gamma spectrometry system UCS-30 with NaI (Tl) detector. This technique was applied for Graphite and Iron materials by using Indium foils covered by Cadmium and the measurements done at the Indium resonance of 1.46 eV. These materials are exposed to a plane 241Am/Be neutron source with recent activity 38 mCi. The measurements of the Fermi Age were found to be t = 297 ± 21 cm2 for Graphite, t = 400 ± 28 cm2 for Iron. Neutron slowing down density was also calculated depending on the recent experimental t value and distance.

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Publication Date
Sun May 12 2019
Journal Name
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters
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Solar hydrogen line emission has been observed at the frequency of 1.42 GHz (21 cm wavelength) with 3m radio telescope installed inside the University of Baghdad campus. Several measurements related to the sun have been conducted and computed from the radio telescope spectrometer. These measurements cover the solar brightness temperature, antenna temperature, solar radio flux, and the antenna gain of the radio telescope. The results demonstrate that the maximum antenna temperature, solar brightness temperature, and solar flux density are found to be 970 K, 49600K, and 70 SFU respectively. These results show perfect correlation with recent published studies.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Estimation OF The Partial Regression Model Using Wavelet Thresholding
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            Semi-parametric regression models have been studied in a variety of applications and scientific fields due to their high flexibility in dealing with data that has problems, as they are characterized by the ease of interpretation of the parameter part while retaining the flexibility of the non-parametric part. The response variable or explanatory variables can have outliers, and the OLS approach have the sensitivity to outliers. To address this issue, robust (resistance) methods were used, which are less sensitive in the presence of outlier values in the data. This study aims to estimate the partial regression model using the robust estimation method with the wavel

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
The dynamics of the SEIR epidemic model under the influence of delay
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Analytic Solution for Riccati Matrix Delay Differential Equation using Coupled Homotopy-Adomian Approach
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An efficient modification and a novel technique combining the homotopy concept with  Adomian decomposition method (ADM) to obtain an accurate analytical solution for Riccati matrix delay differential equation (RMDDE) is introduced  in this paper  . Both methods are very efficient and effective. The whole integral part of ADM is used instead of the integral part of homotopy technique. The major feature in current technique gives us a large convergence region of iterative approximate solutions .The results acquired by this technique give better approximations for a larger region as well as previously. Finally, the results conducted via suggesting an efficient and easy technique, and may be addressed to other non-linear problems.

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Publication Date
Mon May 23 2022
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Artificial Organs
Quantitative analysis and control of the torque profile of the upper limb using a kinetic model and motion measurements
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This paper investigates a new approach to the rapid control of an upper limb exoskeleton actuator. We used a mathematical model and motion measurements of a human arm to estimate joint torque as a means to control the exoskeleton’s actuator. The proposed arm model is based on a two-pendulum configuration and is used to obtain instantaneous joint torques which are then passed into control law to regulate the actuator torque. Nine subjects volunteered to take part in the experimental protocol, in which inertial measurement units (IMUs) and a digital goniometer were used to measure and estimate the torque profiles. To validate the control law, a Simscape model was developed to simulate the arm model and control law in which measurem

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Measurements of Maxillary Alveolar Bone Density at 13-15 Years Age by Using Spiral Computerized Tomography
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Background: Bone density is a major factor that affect mini implant primarily stability; no Iraqi studies have evaluated bone density related to mini-implant placement for orthodontic anchorage at age 13 -15 years. The present research aims to evaluate gender, side and site differences in the bone density at various orthodontic implant sites for the maxillary alveolar bone. Materials and methods: Twenty nine individuals (16 males and 13 females) had subjected to clinical examination, then 64-multislice computed tomography scan data were evaluated and bone density was measured in Hounsfield unit at 21 points (9 points for each side and 3 points between the right and left central incisors) . Results: The results obtained showed that there ar

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