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Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Triple Tube Latent Heat Storage System Using Circular Fins with Inline and Staggered Arrangements
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Inherent fluctuations in the availability of energy from renewables, particularly solar, remain a substantial impediment to their widespread deployment worldwide. Employing phase-change materials (PCMs) as media, saving energy for later consumption, offers a promising solution for overcoming the problem. However, the heat conductivities of most PCMs are limited, which severely limits the energy storage potential of these materials. This study suggests employing circular fins with staggered distribution to achieve improved thermal response rates of PCM in a vertical triple-tube heat exchanger involving two opposite flow streams of the heat-transfer fluid (HTF). Since heat diffusion is not the same at various portions of the PCM unit, different fin configurations, fin dimensions and HTF flow boundary conditions were explored using computational studies of melting in the PCM triple-tube system. Staggered configuration of fin distribution resulted in significant increases in the rates of PCM melting. The results indicate that the melting rate and heat charging rate could be increased by 37.2 and 59.1%, respectively, in the case of staggered distribution. Furthermore, the use of lengthy fins with smaller thickness in the vertical direction of the storage unit resulted in a better positive role of natural convection; thus, faster melting rates were achieved. With fin dimensions of 0.666 mm × 15 mm, the melting rate was found to be increased by 23.6%, when compared to the base case of 2 mm × 5 mm. Finally, it was confirmed that the values of the Reynolds number and inlet temperatures of the HTF had a significant impact on melting time savings when circular fins of staggered distribution were included.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Comparison between the estimated of nonparametric methods by using the methodology of quantile regression models
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This paper study two stratified quantile regression models of the marginal and the conditional varieties. We estimate the quantile functions of these models by using two nonparametric methods of smoothing spline (B-spline) and kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson). The estimates can be obtained by solve nonparametric quantile regression problem which means minimizing the quantile regression objective functions and using the approach of varying coefficient models. The main goal is discussing the comparison between the estimators of the two nonparametric methods and adopting the best one between them

Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric determination of micro amount of palladium(II) platinum (II)By using pyrazolone azo resorcinol
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A sensitive and selective method have been developed for the determination of palladium (II)and platinum (II) . A new reagent and two complexes have been prepared in ethanolic solutions .The method is based on the chelation of metal ions with 4-(4?- pyrazolon azo) resorcinol (APAR) to form intense color soluble products, that are stable and have a maximum absorption at 595 nm and at 463 nm and ?max of 1.11×10 4 and.1.35 ×104 Lmole-1cm-1 for Pd(II) Pt(II) respectively. A linear correlation of (1.4 – 0.2) and (3.2 -0.4 ) ppm for pd(II) pt(II) respectively .The stability constants , relative errors , a relative standard deviations for Pd(II) and Pt(II) were 0.40×105 , 0.4×104 L mol-1 ,0.34 - 0.21% and 2.4 – 0.91% respectively.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Impact of using Double Layers Perforated Liners on the Acoustic Treatments of the Combustor Systems
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The response of the combustor’s liner to the air-flow that passes through it is the key reason for the combustion chambers noise, hence the instabilities of those chambers that decreases the mechanical efficiency of such sections, by increased its mechanical vibrations, which increases the failure rate created during originating of the cracks spreading by the shakes producing by the series of high-level frequencies. Accordingly, any work debating the impact of the context of liners in the combustion chamber can provide grasping for the combustion noise generated by the undesirable vibrations, and benefits the industrial firms to design an ideal production procedure which increases the lifespan of the combustor. The goal of this work is

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements by Using Combined Non-Destructive Tests
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This research is devoted to investigate relationship between both Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Rebound Number (Hammer Test) with cube compressive strength and also to study the effect of steel reinforcement on these relationships.
A study was carried out on 32 scale model reinforced concrete elements. Non destructive testing campaign (mainly ultrasonic and rebound hammer tests) made on the same elements. About 72 concrete cubes (15 X 15 X15) were taken from the concrete mixes to check the compressive strength.. Data analyzed.Include the possible correlations between non destructive testing (NDT) and compressive strength (DT) Statistical approach is used for this purpose. A new relationships obtained from correlations results is give

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Experimental study of nonlinear characterization of hybrid SWCNTs/Ag-NPs fluids, using nonlinear diffraction technique
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Based on nonlinear self- diffraction technique, the nonlinear optical properties of thin slice of matter can be obtained. Here, nonlinear characterization of nano-fluids consist of hybrid Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Silver Nanoparticles (SWCNTs/Ag-NPs) dispersed in acetone at volume fraction of 6x10-6, 9x10-6, 18x10-6 have been investigated experimentally. Therefore, CW DPSS laser at 473 nm focused into a quartz cuvette contains the previous nano-fluid was utilized. The number of diffraction ring patterns (N) has been counted using Charge - Coupled- Device (CCD) camera and Pc with a certain software, in order to find the maximum change of refractive index ( of fluids. Our result show that the fraction volume of 18x10-6 is more nonli

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 08 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment, And Sustainability: Tmrees23fr
Analysis of x-ray diffraction lines of cuprous oxide nanoparticles by using variance analysis method
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In this study, the results of x-ray diffraction methods were used to determine the Crystallite size and Lattice strain of Cu2O nanoparticles then to compare the results obtained by using variance analysis method, Scherrer method and Williamson-Hall method. The results of these methods of the same powder which is cuprous oxide, using equations during the determination the crystallite size and lattice strain, It was found that the results obtained the values of the crystallite size (28.302nm) and the lattice strain (0.03541) of the variance analysis method respectively and for the Williamson-Hall method were the results of the crystallite size (21.678nm) and lattice strain (0.00317) respectively, and Scherrer method which gives the value of c

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Impact of using Double Layers Perforated Liners on the Acoustic Treatments of the Combustor Systems
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The response of the combustor’s liner to the air-flow that passes through it is the key reason for the combustion chambers noise, hence the instabilities of those chambers that decreases the mechanical efficiency of such sections, by increased its mechanical vibrations, which increases the failure rate created during originating of the cracks spreading by the shakes producing by the series of high-level frequencies. Accordingly, any work debating the impact of the context of liners in the combustion chamber can provide grasping for the combustion noise generated by the undesirable vibrations, and benefits the industrial firms to design an ideal production procedure which increases the lifespan of the combustor. The goal of this wo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Human Research
Stability of the Finite Difference Methods of Fractional Partial Differential Equations Using Fourier Series Approach
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The fractional order partial differential equations (FPDEs) are generalizations of classical partial differential equations (PDEs). In this paper we examine the stability of the explicit and implicit finite difference methods to solve the initial-boundary value problem of the hyperbolic for one-sided and two sided fractional order partial differential equations (FPDEs). The stability (and convergence) result of this problem is discussed by using the Fourier series method (Von Neumanns Method).

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Optimization of enzymatic conversion of waste office paper using response surface methodology for bioethanol production
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using of Nuclear Track Detector CR-39 To Measure Depleted Uranium Concentration of Mother's Milk.
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Biological samples of mother's milk were collected from Iraqi southern provinces(Basrah,Messan,al-Muthana,Thikar)and Baghdad province to measure uranium concentration of the samples by using track technique of fission fragments as a result from uranium atom fission with thermal neutrons from neutrons source 24 I Am-Be with activity 16Ci and neutron flux of 5000 n/cm2.s on using nuclear track detector CR-39 It was found that the high percentage of depleted uranium concentration on the samples from Muthana province , which accounted as 4.183ppm therefore the samples was taken from the provinces (Thikar,Basrah,Baghdad),which was accounted the depleted uranium concentration as following (1.243,2.172,2.875) ppm respectively, with appear a small

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