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Identification of Pathogenic Fungi in Renal Transplant Patients by Conventional and Molecular Methods
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Opportunistic fungal infections due to the immune- compromised status of renal transplant patients are related to high rates of morbidity and mortality regardless of their minor incidence. Delayed in identification of invasive fungal infections (IFIs), will lead to delayed treatment and results in high mortality in those populations. The study aimed to assess the frequency of invasive fungal infection in kidney transplant recipients by conventional and molecular methods. This study included 100 kidney transplant recipients (KTR) (75 males, and 25 females), collected from the Centre of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation in the Medical City of Baghdad. Blood samples were collected during the period from June 2018 to April 2019. Twenty one out of 100 renal-transplanted patients were infected with pathogenic fungi, four of the patients were females and 17 were males. There is an observation of a high incidence of fungemia in patients with the abnormal value of blood urea according to PCR and culture results. Referring to fungal isolates the most prevalent was Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which account for 19 isolates out of 21 the other two isolates were Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Aspergillus flavus. The results of the current study show significant correlation between PCR and culture methods at (P<0.0009).

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Generation of new clones of multidrug resistant infectious foci of environmental, zoonotic and reverse zoonotic Enterococcus faecalis & faecium strains from cases of mastitis in cows privileged in Baghdad ecosystem reveal unsafe tricks. Medically important plants Blackcurrant, London Plane and Pine Buds are widely used for resolving these public health threats and hazards as powerful antimicrobial preparations. Totally sixty pooled milk samples were collected from apparently healthy (30 units) and infected (30 units) Cows from different regions of Abu-Ghraib during March until July (2019). Integrated units were checked by California mastitis test and a designed scheme was dependent for recovery of pathogenic Enterococci. Gram staining and c

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Wed Sep 22 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Corrosion And Scale Inhibition
Synthesis of a CoO–ZnO nanocomposite and its study as a corrosion protection coating for stainless steel in saline solution
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Reaxys Chemistry database information SciVal Topics Metrics Abstract A novel CoO–ZnO nanocomposite was synthesized by the photo irradiation method using a solution of cobalt and zinc complexes and used as a coating applied by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) for corrosion protection of stainless steel (SS) in saline solution. The samples were characterized using powder XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical polarization. It was also found that the coating was still stable after conducting the corrosion test: it contained no cracks and CoO–ZnO nanocomposites clearly appeared on the surface. SEM showed that the significant surface cracking disappeared. XRD confirmed that CoO–ZnO nanocomposites comprised CoO and Zn

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Al-Hajjaj in pre-Islamic poetry hangs Imru 'al-Qays and the Twrfa of Ibn al-Abd as a model
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The topic of (pilgrims) of the old and modern subjects at the same time, as it extends his foot and is associated with the beginning of speech and argument, a modern because it is based on studies and research (and the theory of pilgrims) from (Austin and Cyril) through (Charles Breman) to (Aristotle) ), It is worth mentioning here to mention the role of (Hazem al - Qartagni) in mentioning the value of the pilgrimage of hair and saying the use of persuasion in the hair, is palatable and acceptable. Hence our research applied these views, and we chose the pendants as a model for that matter.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking Purposes Using Water Quality Index, and Identifying the Affecting Mechanism in Rashdiya, Central Iraq
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Groundwater is an important resource that can be used for various purposes. Various factors can change the chemistry of the GW, such as the chemical composition of an aquifer as well as the leaching of human waste into groundwater. The study area is a barren land covered by some sabkhas, in addition to some agricultural fields. The study aims to assess groundwater quality for drinking purposes using the Water Quality Index. The groundwater is chemically heterogeneous and has a wide quality range from very poor to excellent. Evaporation appears to be the controlling factor among the other shallow waters, while relatively deep water is related to rock-soil dominance. Rocks, land use and land cover have helped control the groundwater q

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the Social Responsibility and its Impact on the Financial Performance of Banks: Applied Research in the Iraqi National Bank
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The objective of the research is to measure the impact of social responsibility on the financial performance of the National Bank of Iraq for the period from 2014 to 2016 (3 years) through discussing and analyzing the level of practice of the Bank of Baghdad for social responsibility and the impact on their financial performance during the period. To measure the independent variable (CSR), the researcher used the CSR Disclosure Index and relied on the ROA as an indicator to measure the dependent variable (financial performance). The results of the research showed the main hypothesis of the research, which states that the social responsibility of the banks has no significant impact on the financial performance. In relation to the disclosu

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Development And Research
Therapeutic potential effects of pyridoxine and /or ascorbic acid on microalbuminuria in diabetes mellitus patient's: A randomized controlled clinical study
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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic potential effects of ascorbic acid or and pyridoxine on diabetic renal microalbumiuria. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on patients with diabetes mellitus at Al-Yarmouk teaching hospital from January to December 2012, Iraq-Baghdad. Twenty one patients with diabetes mellitus (D.M), 8 IDDM and 13 IDDM were selected from, the duration of disease were ranged from 2-12 years for both type (10 females and 11males) and all enrolled patients ages were ranged from 28-65years. The concentration of total protein in urine was calculated by a biuret colorimetric assay and the urine creatinine level was measured by a modified Jaffe test. Statistical analysis: results are expressed as mean

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On The Generalized Type and Generalized Lower Type of Entire Function in Several Complex Variables With Index Pair (p, q)
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In the present paper, we will study the generalized ( p, q) -type and
generalized lower ( p, q) -type of an entire function in several complex
variables with respect to the proximate order with index pair ( p, q) are
defined and their coefficient characterizations are obtained.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Organic Geochemistry and Stable Carbon Isotopes of Oil Seepages in the Abu-Jir Fault Zone at Al-Anbar Governorate, Iraq
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Oil seep samples along Abu-Jir Fault Zone were studied to determine their chemical characterization and origin. They are dominated by the normal alkanes, more complex mixture of branched and cyclic hydrocarbons. Organofacies coupled with the stable carbon isotopes have been integrated to infer the oil seep origin. Oil seeps contain H2S gas, which derives as a catabolic by product of sulfate-reducing bacteria from gypsum of the Fatha Formation during the early diagenetic under anoxic conditions which is demonstrated by values of C29/H that are greater than 1. The oil seeps are characterized by δ13C values vary from -29.0 to -27.96‰ and from -28.34 to -27.88‰ in the saturated and aromatic compounds, respectively; consequently, they ha

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Impact of the Constructive Scientific Stations Strategy on Achievement and Mind Habits for The Fourth Scientific students in biology
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The study aimed at ideutifying the impact of scieutific skills in strategy and liabits of mind amony stueuts in tenth grade . The study demanded to choose a sampie that coutaiun (42) student of the fourth grade of the secondary school who were dirided into tow groups , the first is experimental studied according to scieutific skill strategy , and the other controlling , studied according to the  usualway . An achievement test  has been taken that adopted  staudard for mind skills as research tools that are applid after ascertaining  sincerity proved at the end of the experiment .The study has reached to the conclusion that there are statistically significant differnces in farour of the experiment group in both

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The market value between the two dilemmas of profit distribution and retention: an analytical study in the Iraqi stock market
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             The distribution or retention of profits is the third decision among financial management decisions in terms of priority, whether at the level of theory or practice, as the issue of distribution or retention is multi-party in terms of influence and impact, as determining the optimal percentage for each component is still the subject of intellectual debate because these decisions are linked to the future of the organization and several considerations, The research focus on the nature of the policies followed by the Iraqi banking sector As the sample chosen by the intentional sampling method was represented by the Commercial Bank of

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