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Assessment of Moisture Susceptibility for Asphalt Mixtures Modified by Carbon Fibers
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Moisture induced damage in asphaltic pavement might be considered as a serious defect that contributed to growth other distresses such as permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. This paper work aimed through an experimental effort to assess the behaviour of asphaltic mixtures that fabricated by incorporating several dosages of carbon fiber in regard to the resistance potential of harmful effect of moisture in pavement. Laboratory tests were performed on specimens containing fiber with different lengths and contents. These tests are: Marshall Test, the indirect tensile test and the index of retained strength. The optimum asphalt contents were determined based on the Marshall method. The preparation of asphaltic mixtures involved three contents of carbon fiber namely (0.10%, 0.20%, and 0.30%) by weight of asphalt mixture and three lengths including (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) cm. The results of this work lead to several conclusions that mainly refer to the benefits of the contribution of carbon fibers to improving the performance of asphalt mixtures, such as an increase in its stability and a decrease in the flow value as well as an increase in voids in the mixture. The addition of 2.0 cm length carbon fibers with 0.30 percent increased indirect tensile strength ratio by 11.23 percent and the index of retained strength by 12.52 percent. It is also found that 0.30 % by weight of the mixture is the optimum fiber content for the three lengths.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 11 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Applied multivariate analysis of variance in experiment of randomized design
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The general aim of an experimental design in this paper was to estimate the different treatments effects on the responses by statistical methods. The estimates must be averting biases and the random errors minimized as much as possible. We used multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to analyze design of experiments for several responses. In this paper, we provided three fertilizers (mineral, humic, micro-elements) applied on Yellow Maize experiment. This experiment was conducted by completely randomized design (CRD). We tested four responses (Chlorophyll in paper, total ton / ha, paper area / cm2 and plant height / cm) together to find significant test between them. The partial correlations are between Chlorophyll in paper and total ton

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
The Symmetries of the Interior Design of Fast Food Restaurants
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The present research deals with the study of the symmetries of the design of interior spaces in fast food restaurants in terms of formality as it is an important element and plays a direct role in the spatial configuration, which is designed in both of its performance, aesthetic and expressive aspects. Since the choice of shapes is a complex subject that has many aspects imposed by functional and aesthetic correlations, the problem of the research is represented by the following question: (To what extent can the symmetries of the interior design be used in the spaces of fast food restaurants?)
The research acquires its importance by contributing to the addition of knowledge to researchers, scholars, companies and the specialized publ

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Community Medicine
Anatomical and Histological Features of Placentae of Different Age Groups
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Methods: 112 placentae samples were investigated during the period from August 2007 to August 2008 under light microscopefor mother aged 15 - 45 years old.Results: It was found that normal placental shapes had no correlation to mother age, while abnormal shapes were found more inyoung age groups. The better placental measured parameters were found in mother age 20-24 years. The percentages ofabnormal umbilical cord insertion were very high compared to other studies. Babies’ gender had a correlation with theplacental thickness; male babies have thicker placentae than females. Male babies have longer umbilical cords with widerdiameter than females. Light microscope picture showed the chorionic villi with isolated fetal blood vessel were hig

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Investigation of the Aerial Part of Iraqi Convolvulus arvensis
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Convolvulus arvensis is a species of bindweed that is rhizomatous and is in the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae) native to Europe and Asia. The plant is naturally grown in Iraq. The plant was reported to be used in traditional medicine from as early as 1730s.

The Aerial parts of Convolvulus arvensis were macerated in 80% ethanol for 6 days. The concentrated extract was partitioned with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate- and n-butanol successively. The n-hexane and ethyl acetate, fractions were examined for the presence of phytochemicals by thin l

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Materials Science And Engineering
Effect of nanoparticles on thermal conductivity of epoxy resin system
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Abstract<p>In this paper the effect of mixing TiO2 nanoparticles with epoxy resin is studied. The TiO2 nanoparticles would be synthesis and characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), XRD FTIR, for two particle sizes of 50 and 25 nm. The thermal conductivity is measured with and without composite epoxy resin; the results showed that the thermal conductivity was increased as nanoparticle concentration increased too. The thermal conductivity was increased as particle size decreased.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology
Properties of reactive powder concrete with different types of cement
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Concrete is widely used in construction materials since early 1800's. It has been known that concrete is weak in tension, so it requires some addition materials to have ductile behavior and enhance its tensile strength and strain capacity to improve their uses. In this study reactive powder concrete (RPC) was used with steel fiber by using different types of cement; (Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and/or Portland- Limestone cement (PLC)) with three types of mixtures (OPC at the first mix, 50 % OPC and 50 % PLC at the second mix and PLC at the third mix). The behavior of RPC with steel fibers on compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete with different ages of curing (7, 14, 28 and 60) days and shrinkage have been studied. The clo

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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
design of cdte photoconductor detector and study of some electrical
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Been manufacturing detector Altosalih optical pattern contact metal semiconductor through deposition poles of aluminum metal on the chips of crystal cadmium Tleraad (CdTe) with directional [111] and growing with laboratory and annealed at a temperature 80c for 30 minutes and eat Study of some electrical properties nailed and scoutNmadj ??????? copper with non ??????? models to see effect Alichoab well research deals impact Alichoab and frequency detector resistance

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Historical Value of Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities
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In "historical" fiction, characters that never really existed, give expression to the impact of historical events on the people who really did live through them. The result is not history, as an accurate record of actual events, but fiction in which an earlier age is rendered through the personal joys and sufferings of characters. This paper
aims at investigating the historical realities presented in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Planning of the Arab-Islamic city of privacy and modernity
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Each Arab Islamic city is distinguished by its distinctive characteristics dictated by the nature of its location and its characteristics, as we see it mountainous in the mountains, deserts in the deserts, and coastal in the coasts, and this is reflected in the models of its buildings and designs and even in its structure. However, this uniqueness did not stand in the way of the emergence of characteristics and common characteristics of these cities over time, the factors derived from the core of the life of the community habits and traditions and beliefs and living requirements and environmental conditions that all piled in the process of building and construction of the Arab Islamic city to draw The features and lines of life of the co

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Potentiality Analysis of Physical Development of International Airports Surrounding Zones
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The areas surrounding Iraqi international airports generally suffer from a lack of interest in their planning in a manner compatible with the airport with the absence of integrated planning between the airport and the city. From here, the search problem appears. It is represented by a lack of interest in the integration of urban planning and airport planning and the lack of a clear policy to deal with the areas surrounding international airports. A desire to achieve the research aims to introduce compatible uses in the vicinity of airports and review the planning and global directions for dealing with the areas surrounding the airports within urban areas. In contrast, the second aspect of the research aims to assess the

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