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The Deubiquitylase USP5 Knockdown Reduces Semliki Forest Virus Replication in HeLa Cells
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Semliki Forest Virus (SFV), a member of the Alphavirus genus in the Togaviridae family, is a small-enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded RNA (+ssRNA) virus. The virus is spread by mosquitos and can infect humans, resulting in mild febrile disease with symptoms that include fever, myalgia, arthralgia, persistent headaches and asthenia.  Virulent strains of SFV in mice cause lethal encephalitis by infecting neurons in the central nervous system. In on-going experiments in the research group using a focused siRNA screen we have investigated the role of deubiquitylases (DUBs) during SFV infection (as a model alphavirus) and monitored the effect of DUB depletion on cell viability after infection. We identified a group of DUBs that have a pro-viral effect. The DUB, USP5, from this screen was validated to determine its effect upon viral replication. Here, we show that depleted USP5 in HeLa cells resulted in SFV RNA and viral yield at 8 h post-infection being significantly reduced. In the multi-step viral growth curve assay, in the absence of USP5, similar yields of SFV were determined at 2 and 4 h post-infection. However, a significant reduction in the infectious viral particles release at 6, 8, 10 and 12 h post-infection was observed and this could be reversed by direct constraining viral replication. These results raise the potential for USP5 to play a distinct role in the replication of SFV, suggesting that USP5 may be a possible anti-viral therapy for alphavirus infection.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Evaluation of EDI Software Application
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The primary objective of this research is to determine the best EDI
software application that meets the users' requirements, and to show
the functionality potentially presented in any software of electronic
data interchange (EDI) system. Also, in this paper, will be addressed
issues relating to integration EDI system into business process, and
the issues regarding the performance of EDI application will also be

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences
Pharmaceutical pollution of the world’s rivers
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Environmental exposure to active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can have negative effects on the health of ecosystems and humans. While numerous studies have monitored APIs in rivers, these employ different analytical methods, measure different APIs, and have ignored many of the countries of the world. This makes it difficult to quantify the scale of the problem from a global perspective. Furthermore, comparison of the existing data, generated for different studies/regions/continents, is challenging due to the vast differences between the analytical methodologies employed. Here, we present a global-scale study of API pollution in 258 of the world’s rivers, representing the environmental influence of 471.4 million people across

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
COVID-19 and the Conspiracy Theories
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The first known use of the term conspiracy theory dated back to the nineteenth century. It is defined as a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. It is commonly used, but by no means limited to, extreme political groups. Since the emergence of COVID-19 as a global pandemic in December 2019, the conspiracy theory was present at all stages of the pandemic.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
The Influence of Glass Fiber and Milled Glass Fiber on the Performance of Iraqi Oil Well Cement
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The reinforced fiberglass in cement slurry reflects the effect on its properties compared to usual additives. Fiberglass is typically used in cement slurry design for one or another of the following goals: (Earth earthquake, bearing storage, and with differential stresses, to enhance cement durability and increase its compressive strength). The main goal is to use glass fiber and ground fiberglass to improve the tensile strength and moderate compressive strength significantly. On the other hand, the use of glass fibers led to a slight increase in the value of thickening time, which is a desirable effect. Eleven glass fiber samples and milled glass fiber were used to show these materials' effect on Iraqi cement with (0.125, 0.25, 0.5

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Genetic And Environmental Resources Conservation
Examination the efficiency of NDVI index by comparing with STVI-4 index to recognize the vegetation cover
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
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Assessing the optoelectronic performance of d-orbital doped cubic HfO2: The case of W, Nb, and Mo
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This contribution provides an atomistic understanding into the impact of W, Nb, and Mo co-substitution at Hf-site of cubic HfO2 lattice to produce Hf1−xTMxO2 system at x = 25%. The calculations have been performed under the framework of density functional theory supported by Habbured parameter (DFT+U). Structural analysis demonstrates that the recorded lattice constants is in good coherence with the previously published results. For the lattice parameters, contraction by 1.33% comparing with the host system has been reported. Furthermore, the doping effect of TM on the band gap leads to its reduction in the resulting Hf0.75TM0.25O2 configurations. The partial density of states (PDOS) indicate that hybridization through localized electroni

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Studying the parameters effect of the sputtering yield for polypropylene bombarding by ions of atmospheric background gases
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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The impact of using learning acceleration model on the achievement of mathematics for third intermediate grade students
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The current study aims at identifying the impact of using learning acceleration model on the achievement of mathematics for third intermediategrade students. Forachieving this, the researchers chose the School (Al-Kholood Secondary School for Girls) affiliated to the General Directorate of Babylon Education / Hashemite Education Department for the academic year (2021/2021), The sample reached to (70) female students from the third intermediate grade, with (35) female students for each of the two research groups. The two researchers prepared an achievement test consisting of (25) objective items of multiple choice type, The psychometric properties of the test were confirmed, and after the completion of the experiment, the achievement test wa

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
The Effect of Adding Poloxamer Surfactant on the Penetration Depth of NaOCl and NaOH into Dentinal Tubules
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Objectives: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the effect of adding poloxamer surfactant to irrigant solutions on the penetration de..

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Engineering Journal
the effect of diyala river water qulity on the quality of tigris river water using GIS mapping
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The assessment of a river water’ quality is an essential procedure of monitor programs and isused to collect basic environmental data. The management of integrated water resources in asustainable method is also necessary to allow future generations to meet their water needs. Themain objective of this research is to assess the effect of the Diyala River on Tigris River waterquality using Geographic Information System (GIS) technique. Water samples have beencollected monthly from November 2017 to April 2018 from four selected locations in Tigris andDiyala Rivers using the grab sampling method. Fourteen parameters were studied which areTurbidity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Electrical Conductivity, TotalDissolved Solids,

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