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The Deubiquitylase USP5 Knockdown Reduces Semliki Forest Virus Replication in HeLa Cells
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Semliki Forest Virus (SFV), a member of the Alphavirus genus in the Togaviridae family, is a small-enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded RNA (+ssRNA) virus. The virus is spread by mosquitos and can infect humans, resulting in mild febrile disease with symptoms that include fever, myalgia, arthralgia, persistent headaches and asthenia.  Virulent strains of SFV in mice cause lethal encephalitis by infecting neurons in the central nervous system. In on-going experiments in the research group using a focused siRNA screen we have investigated the role of deubiquitylases (DUBs) during SFV infection (as a model alphavirus) and monitored the effect of DUB depletion on cell viability after infection. We identified a group of DUBs that have a pro-viral effect. The DUB, USP5, from this screen was validated to determine its effect upon viral replication. Here, we show that depleted USP5 in HeLa cells resulted in SFV RNA and viral yield at 8 h post-infection being significantly reduced. In the multi-step viral growth curve assay, in the absence of USP5, similar yields of SFV were determined at 2 and 4 h post-infection. However, a significant reduction in the infectious viral particles release at 6, 8, 10 and 12 h post-infection was observed and this could be reversed by direct constraining viral replication. These results raise the potential for USP5 to play a distinct role in the replication of SFV, suggesting that USP5 may be a possible anti-viral therapy for alphavirus infection.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Analgesic Effect of Melatonin in Mice
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Background: Melatonin is the main hormone secreted by the pineal gland. This indole compound (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is derived from serotonin after two biochemical steps. Melatonin has been implicated in some pharmacological effects including sedative/hypnotic, anticonvulsant activity and others. The aim of this study was to investigate the antinociceptive effect of different doses of melatonin administered i.p. to mice, and then, to find the dose- response line of melatonin in mice as analgesic agent.
Methods: The dose response effect of melatonin (10, 50, and 100mg/kg) were assessed against control using tail flick test in mice as a model of nociceptive pain. In this model, all doses of melatonin were given intraperitoneally

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Melatonin in male and female fertility
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Melatonin, a hormone synthesized mainly by the pineal gland, has been found in extra-pineal organs as well. It’s known as an organizer of circadian rhythms and more recently as an anti-oxidant. In addition to its role in maintaining immunity, pathophysiology of cardiovascular and neurological diseases, and as an anti-cancer agent, evidence has demonstrated that melatonin exerts a positive impact on male and female fertility primarily through oxygen scavenging effects. In In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) programs, supplementation of melatonin may be associated with better outcomes in terms of sperm quality, oocyte quality, embryo quality and pregnancy rates. This review summarizes various actions of melatonin on the body focusing on ma

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Tropical Parasitology
Endothelial dysfunction in acute acquired toxoplasmosis
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Acute toxoplasmosis (AT) which is caused by Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) leads to induction of pro-inflammatory and/or oxidative stress changes through activation of host immune response. Therefore, the endeavor of the present study was to assess endothelial dysfunction(ED) and oxidative stress in patients with acute toxoplasmosis.

Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Heavy Metals Causing Toxicity in Fishes
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Abstract<p>The heavy metals mainly include Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Ag, etc. The heavy metals,Pb,Cu,Zn are considered most toxic to humans, fishes and environment. highly concentrations of heavy metals are harmful They destabilize ecosystems because of their bioaccumulation in organisms, and toxic effects on biota and even death in most living beings. All heavy metals, in spite some of them are essential micronutrients, have their toxic effects on living organisms via metabolic interference and mutagenesis. The bioaccumulation of toxic metals can happen in the body and food chain. So, the toxic metals generally exhibit chronic toxicity. The heavy metals like Pb has significant toxic effec</p> ... Show More
Scopus (46)
Crossref (22)
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Best approximation in b-modular spaces
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In this paper, some basic notions and facts in the b-modular space similar to those in the modular spaces as a type of generalization are given.  For example, concepts of convergence, best approximate, uniformly convexity etc. And then, two results about relation between semi compactness and approximation are proved which are used to prove a theorem on the existence of best approximation for a semi-compact subset of b-modular space.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Oct 06 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Constructional Efficiency in Al_Ahwaar Traditional Architecture
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Constructional Efficiency in architecture in general is one of the most important standard success for any structure and a measure of its continuity and relevance across time and space. Given the importance of Al-Ahwaar environment that owned the spatial, environmental, economic and social elements had a prominent impact in creation of architecture patterns form to create special architectural and structural environment, which had many qualities and ingredients that contributed to its continuity and existence over the years. From the premise that man and his environment is the main goal to any architectural style,

Thus the research problem focusing on the lack of clarity of the previous literatures in its st

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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1- That the Jewish minority, was considered one of Iraq`s 1864-1952 main religious minorities ,and has the therights by the Iraqi constitution approved by the Iraqi peopel in addition to the items all ocated py the minorities includiny the Jewish minority .He also bledged formaly before the Nations council to get its independence and to respect the rights of minorities . 2- The Jews who have completed primary education in Jweish and government schools Increased the number so that it seemed that the percentage of illiterate males was zero and the female was not high and as aresult of the increasing number of primary school graduates, so it was need to open addition secondary schools, also increased the number of high school graduates from

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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During the syrvey on natural enemies of whiteflies in Iraq, the following. predators were recorded.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Detecting Outliers In Multiple Linear Regression
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It is well-known that the existence of outliers in the data will adversely affect the efficiency of estimation and results of the current study. In this paper four methods will be studied to detect outliers for the multiple linear regression model in two cases :  first, in real data; and secondly,  after adding the outliers to data and the attempt to detect it. The study is conducted for samples with different sizes, and uses three measures for  comparing between these methods . These three measures are : the mask, dumping and standard error of the estimate.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Diversity of Freshwater Fishes in Iraq
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Many studies have focused on identifying and classifying freshwater fishes in Iraq, concerned with describing, organizing, and drawing up a list of freshwater fishes in Iraq or the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Within the most recent updates at the beginning of 2023, 53 native freshwater and 20 exotic (alien or introduced) fish species are recorded and described. This study reviewed the database of morphology and molecular studies of freshwater fish in Iraq and reported species while surveying the fish fauna at different water bodies of the country from 2010 to the beginning of 2023. In conclusion, 29 species (about 40.3%) of all 72 fish species in Iraq still need to be available information on their molecular data.

Scopus (2)