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High throughput screening of rooting depth in rice using buried herbicide
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Abstract<p>Root research requires high throughput phenotyping methods that provide meaningful information on root depth if the full potential of the genomic revolution is to be translated into strategies that maximise the capture of water deep in soils by crops. A very simple, low cost method of assessing root depth of seedlings using a layer of herbicide (<styled-content style="fixed-case">TRIK</styled-content> or diuron) buried 25 or 30 cm deep in soil‐filled boxes of varying size is described that is suitable for screening hundreds or thousands of rice accessions in controlled environment conditions. Variation in cultivar sensitivity to the herbicide when injected into pots was detected but considered small in relation to the variation detected when the herbicide was buried. Using 32 rice cultivars previously characterised for root traits in rhizotron and hydroponic systems, 80% of variation in herbicide score at 35 days was explained by cultivar and herbicide score correlated strongly with rooting depth traits. Using 139 genotypes of the Bala × Azucena mapping population, heritability for herbicide symptoms reached 55% and quantitative trait loci were detected which match those previously reported in this population. In repeated experiments using different soils, the method did not always perform to its maximum potential (in terms of speed of symptom development or discrimination between cultivars). This was not due to degradation or reduced bio‐availability of the herbicide in the soil but is believed to be due to the soil water content and water release characteristics as it relates to plant water use. Therefore, when using this technique, thorough preliminary experiments to determine the best water application regime for the particular combination of soil and environmental conditions are required. The method should be applicable to seedling stage screening of rice and other crops.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 26 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Administration of I.V. lidocaine before induction of general anesthesia prolong suxamethonium action in caesarian section surgeries. clinical assessment--------
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Background: Known as suxamethonium or succinylcholine, is a medication used to cause short-term paralysis as part of general anesthesia. The duration of operation is one of the important factors accounting to the success of the operation. Simple safe available drug can change the plan of anesthesia.

Objective:  The purpose of this study was to assess adding Lidocaine three minutes intravenously before induction of general anesthesia on the duration of optimum prolongation the action of  Suxamethonium  . With other group with regular meth

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 13 2024
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مجلة واسط للعلوم الریاضیة
The development of the leading Arab scouting movements and their role in the development of youth and society
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the history of the Scouting movement reflects the global social cultural and technological change over more than a century. scouting aims to develop young people worldwide through educational programs based on specific principles and values. in arab countries, the scouting movement is considered one of the most important platforms contributing to developing young people and enhancing their rule. positive in society, began with the establishment of the first Scout camp in the region and witnessed great growth and prosperity over the decades the research reveals the historical roots and development of the scout movement in the leading arab countries and analyzes the positive impact of scout movement in the leading arab countries on the develo

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the aqueous extract of Banana Fruits Peal Musa paradisiaca on Mitosis in Plant and Mammalian cells
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The aqueous extract of banana fruits peal was tested for its effect on mitosis . The root tips of Allium cepa were used as plant test system and the bone marrow cells of the albino mice Mus musculus were used as mammalians test system in vivo .Root tips of Allium cepa were treated for four hours with five concentrations of the extract (5 , 10 , 20 , 40 ,60 mg / ml.).The Metaphase was arrested in all the treatments , the highest percentage ( 100 % ) was recorded in the first concentration , the last concentration caused stickiness and clumping of the chromosomes. The treatments did not cause significant difference in the mitotic index. The peals extract (5 mg /ml) was compared with the extracts of fruits bulb, leaves and r

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the aqueous extract of Banana Fruits Peal Musa paradisiaca on Mitosis in Plant and Mammalian cells
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The aqueous extract of banana fruits peal was tested for its effect on mitosis . The root tips of Allium cepa were used as plant test system and the bone marrow cells of the albino mice Mus musculus were used as mammalians test system in vivo .Root tips of Allium cepa were treated for four hours with five concentrations of the extract (5 , 10 , 20 , 40 ,60 mg / ml.).The Metaphase was arrested in all the treatments , the highest percentage ( 100 % ) was recorded in the first concentration , the last concentration caused stickiness and clumping of the chromosomes. The treatments did not cause significant difference in the mitotic index. The peals extract (5 mg /ml) was compared with the extracts of fruits bulb, leaves and roots of

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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The Aesthetic Preoccupations of the Implicit Pattern in the Discourse of the Theatre Show (Revelations Play) - A Model
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The implicit pattern is one of the cultural patterns that are present in both the text and theatrical presentation and the reading of the implicit pattern cannot take place without cognitive references, whether audio or visual as well as historical references and the natural, social and psychological dimensions of communities and individuals.

         The researcher, in this study, attempted to focus on the axis of the aesthetic preoccupations of the implicit pattern in the theatrical presentation and the definition of the implicit pattern. Methodologically speaking, the research problem focused on revealing the outlines and the main features in the aesthetic preoccupations that shape the i

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Novel Application of Platelet-Rich Fibrin as a Wound Healing Enhancement in Extraction Sockets of Patients Who Smoke
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
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Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Qualification Of Human Resources To Apply Electronic Management A case study In The Ministry Of Science And Technology
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     This research aims to shed light on the reality of the process of rehabilitation of human resources for the implementation of electronic management practice in the ministry, and availability requirements of the application of electronic management and diagnosis of the most important stages and steps that can be followed in the process of transition towards electronic management to keep abreast of developments in the field of information technology, has been the application of this research in the Ministry of science and technology on a group of heads of departments and directors of the people in the departments of the Ministry through the use of case study method, which includes cohabitation field intervi

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Implication of Yield Lines Theory in Method Three of the ACI Code for Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs
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Abstract<p>Reinforced concrete slabs are one of the most important and complicated elements of a building. For supported edges slabs, if the ratio of long span to short span is equal or less than two then the slab is considered as two-way slab otherwise is consider as one-way slab. Two-way reinforced concrete slabs are common in use in reinforced concrete buildings due to geometrically arrangement of columns suggested by architects who prefer a symmetric distribution of columns in their plans. Elastic theory is usually used for analysis of concrete slabs. However, for several reasons design methods based on elastic principles are limited in their function. Correspondingly, limit state analysis o</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
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Comprehensive Psychiatry
Complexity analysis of spontaneous brain activity in mood disorders: A magnetoencephalography study of bipolar disorder and major depression
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Effect of radial magnetic field on peristaltic transport of Jeffrey fluid in curved channel with heat / mass transfer
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