تتباين القراءة والكتابة من ناقد لآخر تبعا للموضوع الذي يتناوله، وطبيعة المادة، والمكونات المعرفية التي تؤسس فهمه، فمنهم الناقد التقليدي الذي يتبع السائد في نقده للمادة الفنية اما بالموافقة والتبني أو بالمغالطة والقدح، ومنهم الناقد المقلد الذي ينتخب اتجاها غربيا يرغب في تطبيقه على جزء من النصوص التي انتقاها، ومنهم الناقد الذي يتبع أفكاره ويدمجها مع النص ناقد مختلف يبحث في ما يذلل من قواعد، يحلل ويشرح وفقها النصوص يبتدع منهجا ومعيارا خاصا لدراسته اي نص من النصوص التي يتناولها ليخرج بنتائج مختلفة في كل مرة، يشرح ويعلل نصا ما، وخير من مثل الاتجاه الأخير الناقد يوسف سامي اليوسف الذي ركز منذ بواكير كتاباته على تحديد معايير خاصة للنقد والناقد تعتمد إلى حد ما على تفسير الحالة النفسية لمبتكر النصوص الشعرية والنثرية والظروف التي أدت إلى إنتاج النص وتكيفه مع المتلقي وتبرير اختيار نهجا معينا بتأويل مقبول ومنطقي تمهيدا لإقناعه الذي يعد المكون الرئيس من مكونات التحليل النصي لديه.
Praisebe to God, Lord of the worlds, and blessings and peace be upon the most honorable messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and granthim peace. And after
The political parties are considered to be the basic infrastructure in the political process for their great role in achieving the political movement in the country and to work on implementing the goals and interests of its voters in the event of their coming to power. If the parties that totalitarianism led to monopoly and monopolization, We can not talk in these countries about the liberal concept of the party and can not talk about the existence of a law or laws and regulations governing and regulate the work of parties. But on the other hand, which is represented by the liberal state, we find a lot of talk and practice about the form and nature of the legitimate law in regulating the formation of parties and their work in a manner th
... Show Moreالنظام السياسي اليمني : دراسة في المتغيرات الداخلية
Etude de I' espace dans un extrait de Les sequestres d' Altona de Jean
The urban Gentrification is an inclusive global phenomenon to restructure the cities on the overall levels, the research to propose a specific study about the concept of urban Gentrification in the cities and showcasing its, specifications, and results, and how to deal with the variables that occur on cities through improvements as part of urban renewal projects, then the general axis of the research is shrinked, choosing the urban centers as the most important areas that deal with the urban Gentrification process due to its direct connection with indivisuals and social changes, and to process the specific axis of the research theses and studies will be showcased that discuss the topic in different research directions, and emerged
... Show MoreThe research aim is to identify the concept of fair value and its measurement approaches, shed light on the concept of fraud and its forms, motives, as well as how to identify fraud under the fair value method.
I have been using the program package SSPS statistical in the calculation of the research variables, and the research sample was a group of university professors and auditors working in the federal board of Supreme Audit.
The researcher has reached some conclusions, the most important; the lack of conclusive evidence about management's intent in adopting the use of fair value raises several doubts about the credibility of the statements prepared in under the fa
... Show MoreThe tagged research problem (the outputs of the written text in conceptual art) dealt with a comparative analytical study in the concept of conceptual art trends (land art - body art - art - language).
The study consisted of four chapters. The first chapter dealt with the theoretical framework, which was represented in presenting (the research problem), which raised the following question: What is the role of the written text in the transformations of the conceptual arts?
The first chapter included (the importance of research) and (research objectives) seeking to conduct comparative research in the written text within the trends of conceptual art as a moving phenomenon in art, and to reveal the variable written text in the
... Show Moreيعد التكرار من الظواهر الاسلوبية التي اتخذت دورها في بناء النص الشعري الحديث ويقوم على جملة من الاختيارات الاسلوبية لمادة دون أخرى ولصياغة لغوية دون سواها ، مما يكشف في النهاية عن سرّ ميل هذا النص الشعري أو ذاك لهذا النمط الاسلوبي دون غيره ، وعلى الرغم من ان التكرار يعد مسألة عامة وشائعة في العمل الأدبي ، فأن الاهتمام بهذا الجانب من المنهج الاسلوبي يأتي من جهة كونه مهيمناً له ايحاءاته ودلال
... Show MoreThe subject of fear is one of the most important tasks that one should seek to find out the reasons behind it, and push it up with all its sound mental concepts.
The main reason for the lack of security and fear and disturbance in the world is to commit the legitimate violations that God warned us in his Holy Book as well as in the Sunnah of His Prophet (peace be upon him).
The talk about the causes of fear in the Koran is not limited to the word (fear) Fakk but came in different and varied methods such as (horror) and (awe) and (shares) and (narrow).
The Holy Qur’an is considered the miracle of God Almighty on earth, that will remain until the Hour of Resurrection, in which are evidences of His Power, Glory be to Him, and its verses are extremely perfect in miraculousness, including the shadow verses in the Holy Qur’an