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The comparison of several methods for calculating the degree of heritability and calculating the number of genes in maize (Zea mays L.). I. Agronomic traits
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Abstract<p>The objective of present study was to compare of several methods for estimating the degree of heritability and calculating the number of genes using generation mean analysis of maize (<italic>Zea mays</italic>L.). The experiment was conducted at the field of Field Crop Dept. College of Agric / Univ. of Baghdad, for many seasons, spring and fall seasons 2009, 2010, spring 2011 and fall 2013.Six diverse inbred lines were crossed to produce F1,F2,BC1 and BC2 for four superior crosses.Broad-sense and narrow sense heritability estimates based on variance of different generations. The results showed that the four formulas used to estimate the heritability were different in estimating the values of heritability of different traits, as well as the different crosses used in the study. The broad sense heritability was differed according to the components of the formulas used to estimate. The number of genes that controlled the trait differed according to the different method of estimation and according to the studied trait, and to the all crosses. The highest number of genes (for all formulas) for plant yield, ranging from 15.85 (cross 4) to 155.7 (cross 2), because the yield is complex quantitative trait of several components, so the number of genes they control are the sum of genes that control the components. The inbreeding depression differed according to the parents involved in the crosses, and according to the studied trait, the inbreeding depression ranged from -7 for number of branches/tassel of cross 1 and leaf area of cross 3 to 68 for grain yield of cross 2. We can conclude that the best formula to estimate heritability depends on experimental design and methods of breeding.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Effect of Organic, Mineral Fertilizers and Foliar Application of Humic Acid on Growth and Yield of Corn (Zea mays L.)
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Calculating the Vertical Displacement using the Method of Least Squares Adjustment and 3D Objects Fitting
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Abstract<p>In this research, the Iraqi flagpole at Baghdad University, which is the longest in Baghdad, with a height of 75m, was monitored. According to the importance of this structure, the calculation of the displacement (vertical deviation) in the structure was monitored using the Total Station device, where several observations were taken at different times for two years the monitoring started from November 2016 until May 2017, at a rate of four observations for one year. The observation was processed using the least square method, and the fitting of circles, and then the data was processed. The deviation was calculated using the Matlab program to calculate the values of corrections, where </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees22fr
Calculating the modes properties for glass optical fibers at He-Ne laser wavelength
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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Estimation of The Components of Phenotypic Variance and Heritability in Barley ( Hordeum Vulgar L. )
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Four genetic populations ( P1 , P2 , F1 , F2) were used in this study .
The parental cross in barley ( P1 barakq and P2 Pakistan ) was done . Many quantitative
pheno types were estimated such as plants length , tillers number , grains yield , capsules
number , the number of grains per capsule and the weight of 1000 grains . The results showed
significant differences in genetic variance values in the seconed filial generation ( F2) for all
the studied phenotypes : High values for the heritability were observed for all the studied
phenotypes .
These results indicated the effect of additive and non-additive genes on the quantitative
phenotypes . Finally , the selection of first generation can utilized for impro

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The mechanisms of generation of Unemployment in Iraq and its types and calculating the Disguised of it: Analytical Study for the period 2003-2015
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     The objective of this study is to attempt to provide a quantitative analysis to the causes of unemployment  in Iraq and its mechanisms of generation, as well as a review of the most important  types of both visible and invisible unemployment, and an attempt to measure the disguised  unemployment  and analyze the causes. The problem of the research lies in the fact that the Iraqi Economy has been suffered  for  a long time although its characterized by abundant  physical and natural  resources, from the existence of the  phenomenon of unemployment  in the previous two types. Causing a lot of economic problems, represented by the great waste of resources and

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Radiation therapy plays an important role in improving breast cancer cases, in order to obtain an appropriateestimate of radiation doses number given to the patient after tumor removal; some methods of nonparametric regression werecompared. The Kernel method was used by Nadaraya-Watson estimator to find the estimation regression function forsmoothing data based on the smoothing parameter h according to the Normal scale method (NSM), Least Squared CrossValidation method (LSCV) and Golden Rate Method (GRM). These methods were compared by simulation for samples ofthree sizes, the method (NSM) proved to be the best according to average of Mean Squares Error criterion and the method(LSCV) proved to be the best according to Average of Mean Absolu

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Calculating the Transport Density Index from Some of the Productivity Indicators for Railway Lines by Using Neural Networks
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The efficiency evaluation of the railway lines performance is done through a set of indicators and criteria, the most important are transport density, the productivity of enrollee, passenger vehicle production, the productivity of freight wagon, and the productivity of locomotives. This study includes an attempt to calculate the most important of these indicators which transport density index from productivity during the four indicators, using artificial neural network technology. Two neural networks software are used in this study, (Simulnet) and (Neuframe), the results of second program has been adopted. Training results and test to the neural network data used in the study, which are obtained from the international in

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 14 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Calculating some Powers and Traction Force for Two Plows in Primary Tillage
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Traction force and power requirement when performing primary tillage occupy the minds of almost farmers, this field research had aim to determine and calculate the pulling force of the most commonly used moldboard and chisel plows, the research conducted in silt clay loam for chisel and moldboard plows as the main factor, two depths of tillage 18 and 25 cm as a second factor and three speeds of tractor 2.55, 4.30 and 6.15 km.h-1 as a third factor. Moldboard plow recorded least traction force 7.550 kN, drawbar power 11.583 hp, power losses due to slippage 1.088 hp, power on the rear axle of the tractor 15.770 hp and brake horse power 17.495 hp. Chisel plow recorded best traction efficiency 76.217 % and total traction efficiency 68.659 %. Dep

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
2nd International Conference For Engineering Sciences And Information Technology (esit 2022): Esit2022 Conference Proceedings
Calculating land surface temperature of South Baghdad by the using Landsat 8 images
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
Response of growth and yield of zea maize for foliar spraying with humic acid
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