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The comparison of several methods for calculating the degree of heritability and calculating the number of genes in maize (Zea mays L.). I. Agronomic traits
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Abstract<p>The objective of present study was to compare of several methods for estimating the degree of heritability and calculating the number of genes using generation mean analysis of maize (<italic>Zea mays</italic>L.). The experiment was conducted at the field of Field Crop Dept. College of Agric / Univ. of Baghdad, for many seasons, spring and fall seasons 2009, 2010, spring 2011 and fall 2013.Six diverse inbred lines were crossed to produce F1,F2,BC1 and BC2 for four superior crosses.Broad-sense and narrow sense heritability estimates based on variance of different generations. The results showed that the four formulas used to estimate the heritability were different in estimating the values of heritability of different traits, as well as the different crosses used in the study. The broad sense heritability was differed according to the components of the formulas used to estimate. The number of genes that controlled the trait differed according to the different method of estimation and according to the studied trait, and to the all crosses. The highest number of genes (for all formulas) for plant yield, ranging from 15.85 (cross 4) to 155.7 (cross 2), because the yield is complex quantitative trait of several components, so the number of genes they control are the sum of genes that control the components. The inbreeding depression differed according to the parents involved in the crosses, and according to the studied trait, the inbreeding depression ranged from -7 for number of branches/tassel of cross 1 and leaf area of cross 3 to 68 for grain yield of cross 2. We can conclude that the best formula to estimate heritability depends on experimental design and methods of breeding.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences,
The comparison of several methods for calculating the degree of heritability and calculating the number of genes II. Yield components
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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Calibration and evaluation of aquacrop for maize (Zea Mays L.) under different irrigation and cultivation methods
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rop simulation models play a pivotal role in evaluating irrigation management strategies to improve water use in agriculture. The aim of this study is to verify the validity of the Aquacrop model of maize under the surface and sprinkler irrigation systems, and a cultivation system, borders and furrows, and for two varieties of Maze (Fajr and Drakma) At two different sites in Iraq, Babylon and Al-Qadisiyah governorates. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of the Aquacrop model in simulating canopy cover (CC), biomass (B), dry yield, harvest index (HI), and water productivity (WP). The results of RMSE, R2, MAE, d, NSE, CC, Pe indicated good results and high compatibility between measured and simulated values. The highest a

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Scopus (9)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Estimating genetic parameters of maize hybrids and parents under different plant densities (Combining ability for yield and some other traits for maize Zea mays L.)
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A field experiment was carried out in the fields of the Field Crops Department - Faculty of Agricultural Engineering Sciences. The study included five inbred lines (ZM43W (ZE), ZM60, ZM49W3E, ZM19, CDCN5), given numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) to study the hybrid vigor and both general and special combing ability (GCA, SCA) of the half diallel mating method, for the spring and fall seasons (2016). The genetic analysis shows that all crosses gave a positive hybrid vigor for grain yield per unit area at the two population densities. the highest value is 116.20% for cross (3´5 )at low density, and 89.22% for cross( 1´4 )at high density. The hybrid vigor for all crosses is positive at two densities for dry matter yield, crop growth rate an

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sci.
Evaluating the performance of introduced varieties of Maize (Zea mays L.) And estimating some genetic parameters
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Statistical
Evaluating the performance of introduced varieties of maize (Zea Mays L.) and estimating some genetic parameters
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Scopus (11)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives,
Phenotypic, genotypic correlation and path coefficient for severaltraits of maize under watered and water stress (agronomic traits)
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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Dar Amjad For Publishing And Distribution, The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan
Statistical methods for calculating the validity and reliability of tests and measures using IBM SPSS Statistics Version24
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لقد كان حرص المؤلف على إصدار هذا الكتاب نابعا ً من قناعة تامة بأن مجال التقويم والقياس بحاجة إلى كتاب علمي حديث يتناول عرض أدوات الاختبار والقياس والمتمثلة بالصدق والثبات ويتسم بالوضوح في التعبير عن المفاهيم والمصطلحات والأنواع لكل منها ليكون وسيلة مبسطة بأيدي الأساتذة والباحثين وطلبتي الدراسات العليا الماجستير والدكتوراه لإستخراج صدق وثبات الاختبارات والمقاييس بطرق إحصائية متقدمة من خلال إستخدام البرنا

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Water Stress and Hydrogen Peroxide and Potassium on the Growth and Yield of (Zea mays L.)
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An experiment was conducted in the field, Department of field crops , College of Agriculture , University of Baghdad during fall season 2011. To study the effect of interaction of water stress and hydrogen peroxide and potassium on the growth and yield of maize plant cultivar Bohooth 106. It Included the study of three levels of water stresses of 40 , 60 and 80% of the available water , (D1 , D2 and D3) respectively, three levels of hydrogen peroxide of concentrations (0 , 15 and 30 Mm), and foliar application of potassium at the concentration of 3000 mg K. L-1 K2SO4 and without applied potassium.. Split – Split with RCBD design with three replications were used. The levels of water stresses occupied the main plots , potassium lev

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Phenotypic, genotypic correlation and path coefficient for several traits of maize under watered and water stress
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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculating the variations of sunrise, sunset and day length times for Baghdad city.With comparison to different regions of the world in year 2019
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     The sunrise, sunset, and day length times for Baghdad (Latitude =33.34º N, Longitude =44.43º E) were calculated with high accuracy on a daily basis during 2019. The results showed that the earliest time of sunrise in Baghdad was at 4h: 53m from 5 Jun. to 20 Jun while the latest was at 7h: 07m from 5 Jan. to 11 Jan. The earliest time of sunset in Baghdad was at16 h: 55m from 30 Nov. to 10 Dec. whereas the latest was at 19h: 16m from 25 Jun. to 5 Jul. The minimum period of day length in Baghdad was 9h: 57m) in 17 Dec. whereas the maximum period was 14h: 22m) in 20 Jun. Day length was calculated and compared among regions of different latitudes(0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 north).

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