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Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Identify the Challenges and Priorities of Reconstruction Projects in Iraq
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Reconstruction project management in the cities of Mosul, Anbar, and Tikrit, in Iraq still faces major obstacles that impede the comprehensive performance of these projects. It is thus necessary to improve the arising challenge estimation in the implementation of reconstruction projects and evaluate their components: time, cost, quality, and scope. This study used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize major and minor criteria in the influential causes of challenges and formulate a mathematical model to help decision-makers estimate them. Using the Super Decisions software, the final results indicated that changes in scope reached 40.8%, which is the greatest difficulty, followed by changes in cost at 27.6%, changes in time at 13.5%, and changes in quality at 18.11%. The results of the essential subcriteria also indicated that underlying issues still exist in the Iraqi construction industry and that quick solutions are vital. Five mathematical equations were formulated to develop a model to estimate changes that introduce challenges in time, cost, quality, and scope and so to help decision-makers assess the level of these changes and identify challenges. This study recommended addressing these variables through realistic administrative and methodological strategies to consider changes, challenges, and available opportunities.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraq J Embryos Infert Res
The effects of progesterone on mice offspring testis development and anogenital distance postnatally
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Background: Analysis of human reports and comparison with results of experimental animals indicate that the effects of progesterone on human not analogous to experimental animals fetus, many studies showed that exposure to progesterone during developing of genital tract of human fetus was not teratogenic. Other studies which performed on laboratory animals found association between progesterone administration during gestation and genital malformation. Objectives: to explore the effect of progesterone in 10.2 mg/kg intraperitoneal injection in mice on testis development and anogenital distance. Materials and Methods: ten pregnant mice divided into five mouse control group that injected10. 2mg/kg sesame oil and treated group that injected pro

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Simulation for the Effect of Partial Shading on Solar Panel Performance
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Partial shading is one of the problems that affects the power production and the efficiency of photovoltaic module. A series of experimental work have been done of partial shading of   monocrystalline PV module; 50W, Isc: 3.1A, Voc: 22V with 36 cells in series is achieved. Non-linear power output responses of the module are observed by applying various cases of partial shading (vertical and horizontal shading of solar cells in the module). Shading a single cell (corner cell) has the greatest impact on output energy. Horizontal shading or vertical shading reduced the power from 41W to 18W at constant solar radiation 1000W/m2 and steady state condition. Vertical blocking a column

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Association between CRP Levels with Comorbidities, Species, and Complications of Severe Malaria
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Background: Malaria remains a leading cause of mortality in sub-Saharan Africa (including Sudan). C-reactive protein (CRP) is useful as   a marker of severity in malaria. African studies have shown that serum CRP levels correlate with parasite burden and complications in malaria, especially falciparum. However, there are no data on CRP levels in Sudanese malaria patients.

This study aims to evaluate the association between CRP levels with comorbidities, species, and complications of severe malaria

Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study enrolled 65 severe malaria patients at Khartoum state hospitals during the period from April to June2021. Manifestations of severe

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Development of Japanese Military Abitity and its Reflection on the New Japanese Role
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خلاصة (استطاعت اليابان بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية ان تنهض من جديد، وان تحقق تجربة تحديث سياسي جعلها تشهد تبدلات جذرية من الفقر الى الغنى ومن سيطرة الحكم العسكري الى الدولة المنزوعة السلاح ومن التخلف الى التكنولوجيا الاكثر تطورا في العالم, ومن الانغلاق والعزلة وذهنية سكان الجزر الى الانفتاح على ثقافات عصر العولمة ووسائل اعلامها. فكيف يمكن الاستفادة من هذه التجربة الحديثة سياسيا بل وحتى اقت

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isotherms and Thermodynamic Parameters of Metoprolol Drug Adsorption on the Prepared Mesoporous Silica
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In this study, mesoporous silica (MPS) is made using the sol-gel method from a cheap source (Na2SiO3) using the surfactant hydroxycetyl hydroxyethyl dimonium chloride as a template. The task is the adsorption-based removal of the medication metoprolol (MP) at concentrations between 10 and 50 ppm. Variables such as: contact time, dose of adsorbent, starting concentration of adsorbate, and adsorption temperature were studied which show the equilibrium time and adsorbent dose are 40 min and 0.05 g respectively. The Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm models were fitted to the data obtained from the experiments. Comparing the outcomes showed that, of the four investigated isotherm models, the Freundlich equation m

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 25 2015
Journal Name
Comptes Rendus Chimie
A novel method for the synthesis of biodiesel from soybean oil and urea
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The increasing demand for energy has encouraged the development of renewable resources and environmentally benign fuel such as biodiesel. In this study, ethyl fatty esters (EFEs), a major component of biodiesel fuel, were synthesized from soybean oil using sodium ethoxide as a catalyst. By-products were glycerol and difatty acyl urea (DFAU), which has biological characteristics, as antibiotics and antifungal medications. Both EFEs and DFAU have been characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. The optimum conditions were studied as a function of reaction time, reactant molar ratios, catalyst percentage and the effect of organic solvents. The conversion ratio of soybea

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Left Flank Pain and Hydronephrosis as the Initial Presentations of Advanced Gastric Cancer
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Ureteric obstruction is rarely noted in cases of gastric cancer. Its involvement by distant metastasis from gastric adenocarcinoma without direct invasion is an exceptionally unusual occurrence. This is the story of a 58-year-old man who arrived at the emergency department with acute flank pain and fever. He was initially diagnosed with obstructive pyelonephritis after the discovery of a new onset, complete ureteric obstruction on the left side. Subsequent investigations and follow-up revealed the presence of gastric adenocarcinoma with possible ureteric metastasis bilaterally, flank pain and hydronephrosis were the first and only presentations of gastric cancer. The rarity of the condition and the unusual presentation encouraged us to r

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Local and Global Uniqueness Theorems of the N-th Order Partial Differential Equations
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In this paper, we consider inequalities in which the function is an element of n-th partially order space. Local and Global uniqueness theorem of solutions of the n-the order Partial differential equation Obtained which are applications of Gronwall's inequalities.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
a base The origin of permissive things And its impact on Islamic law
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So I present in the hands of the honorable reader what God Almighty has made easy for me in terms of what I dealt with in the rule (the principle of permissive things) and what branches from it and what is related to it.
This research was divided into an introduction, a preface, three demands, and a conclusion.
The preamble is to explain the meaning of the rule in language and terminology and the definition of the legal rule and what is related to it. The first requirement is to explain the rule that we have in our hands and the words related to its text - and is it a fundamentalist or jurisprudential rule? .
As for the second requirement - in the difference of scholars and their opinions in whether the origin of things is permi

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrochemical Science
Synthesis and Characterization of AlyCu0.15Zn0.85-yFe2O4 Ferrite Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method
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