یعد والت وتمن شاعرا استثنائیا سواء أكان ذلك في المكانة التي یحتلھا في الأدب الأمریكي او في نمط
اع t ذا الإیق t لة ھ t ة وص t وافقي خاص t اع الت t تخدامھ الإیق t ي اس t دي ف t ر تقلی t عرا غی t الشعر الذي یكتبھ. لقد كتب وتمن ش
ل t ة للتوص t ف الطبیع t وافقي لوص t اع ا لت t ن الإیق t تخدم وتم t ر ، اس t بوحدة الكون الذي عبر عنھ في شعره.وبمعنى آخ
نص t ل ال t جام داخ t رابط وانس t یج مت t ھ نس t ق انظم t دف لخل t ھ تھ t اھره أدبی t وافقي ظ t اع الت t ي وألإیق t ود الإلھ t ى الوج t ال
اع t ذا الإیق t ة ھ t ي فدراس t ل الأدب t ى العم t ة عل t ذه الأنظم t ل ھ t فیھا مث t الشعري الى جانب المؤثرات الجمالیھ التي تض
صلتھ بمفھوم الوحده یعین على فھم أفضل لشعر والت وتمن
The research aims to clarify the role of electronic marketing and what it can achieve in promoting the products of the national industry in Iraq. Marketing channel depends on modern communication and information technology that industrial and metal companies can use in promoting and selling their products along with traditional marketing outlets. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was used, which consists of three axes, the first includes the personal data of the sample (gender, age, educational attainment, place of residence, marital status, income level), while the second axis includes various questions about the products of the national industry. Third axis includes que
... Show MoreThe Role of Japan in the Reconstruction of Iraq
The study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity using different concentrations of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of dried lemongrass leaves. Chemical phytochemical tests were performed for aqueous and alcoholic extracts of lemongrass. Antimicrobials activity was tested using agar disc diffusion method against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The results of the study showed that the aqueous extract of dried lemon leaves was highly effective (P≤0.05) against S. aureus, as the inhibition diameter was 22 mm for 50 dilution, while the inhibition diameter decreased to 15 mm for concentration 100. As for the alcoholic extract only, the diameter of inhibition decreased significantly (P≤0.0
... Show MoreThis experiment was conducted to study the effect of injecting hatching eggs into a flock of broiler aged mothers with different concentrations of the alcoholic extract of Moringa oleifera powder on productive performance of broilers during the period of rearing of 35 days. The study included two experiments for a period at 2/10/2021 to 28/11/2021, where eggs were injected into the Mustafa Poultry Hatchery/ Wasit Governorate- Aziziyah District. A 400 hatching eggs of 308 Ross mothers of modern broilers used at age of 48 week, eggs of average weight 66 ± 1 g/egg were collected in same day then stored for two days. A quarter of treatments were randomly distributed with 100 eggs for each treatment.
... Show MoreGünter Grass zählt zu den berühmtesten Schriftstellern unserer modernen Zeit. Er ist einer der größten Dichter, die in der Zeitspanne zwischen dem 1. und 2. Weltkrieg geboren sind; wie z.B.: Heinrich Böll, Siegfried Lenz, Peter Weis, Max Frisch und Ingeborg Bachmann, deren Werke meistens Themen der Nazi-, Krieg- und Nachkriegszeit behandeln. Der Sozialdemokrat Günter Grass will durch seine Werke nicht überzeugen und bekehren (wie z.B. Böll1), sondern wachrütteln und schockieren.2 Viele seiner Werke fanden Anerkennung, aber keine weite Verbreitung, jedoch sein erster Roman Die Blechtrommel machte ihn berühmt, obwohl er nach der Veröffentlichung 1959 scharf kritisiert und attakiert wurde. Denn 1960 wurde der ihm versprochener B
... Show MoreThis study analyzes the features of historical and modern mosques in Jordan compared to that of Amman. The architecture of the Jordanian mosques reflects the images of great ancient empires and kingdoms of Europe and the Middle East. This has happened due to the geographical position of the country. From the studies of historians and archaeologists, comparative analysis of planning solutions, the use of plastics and decor of the facades of mosques, and the literature on the construction methods of the mosques allow us to conclude that age-old traditions have been preserved through the establishment of mosques in both the countries. Besides, the emergence of new features in constructing mosques has been observed. We find the influence of
... Show MoreLorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun (1959) appeared at the beginning of renewed political activity on the part of the blacks; it is a pamphlet about the dream of recognition of black people and the confusion of purposes and means to reach such recognition. It embodies ideas that have been uncommon on the Broadway stage in any period. Situations such as a black family moving into an all-white neighborhood were not familiar before this time; they were just beginning to emerge. In depicting this so realistically, Hansberry depends more on her personal experience as an African American embittered by social prejudices and discrimination.
من أجل فهم دور سلطنة عُمان في المفاوضات الإقليمية والوساطة وحل النزاعات يجب تقدير سياستها الخارجية، والتي سيتم تقييمها من أجل فهم كيفية نشأتها وتشكلها وأثر ذلك على مواقفها السياسية طوال سنوات حكم السلطان الراحل قابوس بن سعيد. وتقع عُمان في منطقة مضطربة، وقد طُلب منها في عدة مناسبات أن تعمل كمفاوض أو وسيط في الصراعات الإقليمية. سيبحث هذا البحث في كيفية قيام السلطنة بالوساطة الدولية، خاصة في الصراع الأمريكي
... Show MoreThis research aims at shedding light on the concept of insurance awareness and clarifying its role on marketing insurance services of a sample of (100) employees in the National Company for Insurance. Questionnaire is used as a main instrument for collecting data and information from the sample. Their answers were analyzed by using arithmetic means, standard deviation, centesimal weight, and the correlation coefficient ( , F, t) tests .The research reached several conclusions of which:1.The sample member's response to insurance awareness and marketing insurance services factors was in the medium level.2.There was a positive relationship of a moral sign between insurance awareness and marketing insurance services, that correlation coeffic
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