This paper presents a method to classify colored textural images of skin tissues. Since medical images havehighly heterogeneity, the development of reliable skin-cancer detection process is difficult, and a mono fractaldimension is not sufficient to classify images of this nature. A multifractal-based feature vectors are suggested hereas an alternative and more effective tool. At the same time multiple color channels are used to get more descriptivefeatures.Two multifractal based set of features are suggested here. The first set measures the local roughness property, whilethe second set measure the local contrast property.A combination of all the extracted features from the three colormodels gives a highest classification accuracy with 99.4048% for training and 95.8333% for testing.
Image classification is the process of finding common features in images from various classes and applying them to categorize and label them. The main problem of the image classification process is the abundance of images, the high complexity of the data, and the shortage of labeled data, presenting the key obstacles in image classification. The cornerstone of image classification is evaluating the convolutional features retrieved from deep learning models and training them with machine learning classifiers. This study proposes a new approach of “hybrid learning” by combining deep learning with machine learning for image classification based on convolutional feature extraction using the VGG-16 deep learning model and seven class
... Show MoreIn the present work, pattern recognition is carried out by the contrast and relative variance of clouds. The K-mean clustering process is then applied to classify the cloud type; also, texture analysis being adopted to extract the textural features and using them in cloud classification process. The test image used in the classification process is the Meteosat-7 image for the D3 region.The K-mean method is adopted as an unsupervised classification. This method depends on the initial chosen seeds of cluster. Since, the initial seeds are chosen randomly, the user supply a set of means, or cluster centers in the n-dimensional space.The K-mean cluster has been applied on two bands (IR2 band) and (water vapour band).The textural analysis is used
... Show Morethe study considers the optical classification of cervical nodal lymph cells and is based on research into the development of a Computer Aid Diagnosis (CAD) to detect the malignancy cases of diseases. We consider 2 sets of features one of them is the statistical features; included Mode, Median, Mean, Standard Deviation and Maximum Probability Density and the second set are the features that consist of Euclidian geometrical features like the Object Perimeter, Area and Infill Coefficient. The segmentation method is based on following up the cell and its background regions as ranges in the minimum-maximum of pixel values. The decision making approach is based on applying of Minimum Dista
Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease in diabetic patients due to damage to the small blood vessels in the retina due to high and low blood sugar levels. Accurate detection and classification of Diabetic Retinopathy is an important task in computer-aided diagnosis, especially when planning for diabetic retinopathy surgery. Therefore, this study aims to design an automated model based on deep learning, which helps ophthalmologists detect and classify diabetic retinopathy severity through fundus images. In this work, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) with transfer learning and fine tunes has been proposed by using pre-trained networks known as Residual Network-50 (ResNet-50). The overall framework of the proposed
... Show MoreIn this paper, a simple fast lossless image compression method is introduced for compressing medical images, it is based on integrates multiresolution coding along with polynomial approximation of linear based to decompose image signal followed by efficient coding. The test results indicate that the suggested method can lead to promising performance due to flexibility in overcoming the limitations or restrictions of the model order length and extra overhead information required compared to traditional predictive coding techniques.
Non Uniform Illumination biological image often leads to diminish structures and inhomogeneous intensities of the image. Algorithm has been proposed using Morphological Operations different types of structuring elements including (dick, line, square and ball) with the same parameters of (15).To correct the non-uniform illumination and enhancement biological images, the non-uniform background illumination have been removed from image, using (contrast adjustment, histogram equalization and adaptive histogram equalization). The used basic approach to extract the statistical features values from gray level of co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) can show the typical values for features content of biological images that can be in form of shape or sp
... Show MoreMedical images play a crucial role in the classification of various diseases and conditions. One of the imaging modalities is X-rays which provide valuable visual information that helps in the identification and characterization of various medical conditions. Chest radiograph (CXR) images have long been used to examine and monitor numerous lung disorders, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, atelectasis, and hernia. COVID-19 detection can be accomplished using CXR images as well. COVID-19, a virus that causes infections in the lungs and the airways of the upper respiratory tract, was first discovered in 2019 in Wuhan Province, China, and has since been thought to cause substantial airway damage, badly impacting the lungs of affected persons.
... Show MoreIntrusion detection systems detect attacks inside computers and networks, where the detection of the attacks must be in fast time and high rate. Various methods proposed achieved high detection rate, this was done either by improving the algorithm or hybridizing with another algorithm. However, they are suffering from the time, especially after the improvement of the algorithm and dealing with large traffic data. On the other hand, past researches have been successfully applied to the DNA sequences detection approaches for intrusion detection system; the achieved detection rate results were very low, on other hand, the processing time was fast. Also, feature selection used to reduce the computation and complexity lead to speed up the system
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